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Governor McAuliffe (D - VA) has restored voting rights to 152,694 citizens one by one

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Gov. Terry McAuliffe has restored the voting rights of 152,694 ex-convicts since taking office.

That's more people than the combined populations of Petersburg, Hopewell, Charlottesville and Danville, and enough to create the fifth largest city in the state.

And it outstrips all past governors since Colonial times.

Gov. McAuliffe proudly announced the historic number Wednesday as he launched a celebration of his administration's efforts to help people with criminal records re-enter society.

Along with being able to vote, people whose rights have been restored can run for office, serve on juries and qualify to become a notary.

Most of the felons have had their rights restored since August 2016, although it is unknown how many have gone on to register to vote.


Republican General Assembly leaders who believe restoration should be limited to those convicted of non-violent offenses went to the state Supreme Court, which blocked the governor's blanket order. The court limited the governor to restoring rights on a case-by-case basis.

The secretary of the commonwealth's office came up with a new procedure that abided by the court's stricture, but speeded up the restoration process.

”This has been an uphill battle," Gov. McAuliffe stated as he praised the ”civil servants and community leaders who have worked tirelessly" to press for restoration for felons.

A great accomplishment by the Governor, despite the fact he's had to do it one by one, thanks to Republican intransigence and some bad court rulings but ya' know, Governor McAuliffe also headed the DNC during the 90's and raised lots of money from rich people, so we should probably primary him from the left. Just to be sure.


I wonder how many will immediately jump into a frying pan and vote for family values.

But it is a good move for a lot of those folks.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
badass. Totally badass.

Not even joking, either. The fact that felons who serve their time, pay their debt to society, and are trying to rejoin society and become productive members are shut-out from having their voice heard.


In Nebraska we finally got rid of the wait time to vote after serving a sentence for felons. Although I still feel we need a constitutional amendment that says everyone has the right to vote from 18 to death, because too much manipulation of potential voter bases happens as it is.



Once you've paid your debt to society, there is absolutely no reason you shouldn't be able to vote.



A great accomplishment by the Governor, despite the fact he's had to do it one by one, thanks to Republican intransigence and some bad court rulings but ya' know, Governor McAuliffe also headed the DNC during the 90's and raised lots of money from rich people, so we should probably primary him from the left. Just to be sure.

I heard Elizabeth Warren used to be a Republican. How rude.


That's more than the total number of votes across three states that got Trump elected!

He started this from before the 2016 election. It is the right thing to do, but it likely has very low election ramifications given their lack of propensity to vote.
A great accomplishment by the Governor, despite the fact he's had to do it one by one, thanks to Republican intransigence and some bad court rulings but ya' know, Governor McAuliffe also headed the DNC during the 90's and raised lots of money from rich people, so we should probably primary him from the left. Just to be sure.
Oh, you! I'm picking up what you're putting down.
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