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GQ: "Dwayne Johnson for President!"

Newp. He's a republican as others have mentioned and I really don't know much about how he feels policy-wise on a bunch of issues but considering the political affiliation, I wouldn't trust him in office. Basically stick to the movies and looking fine and we're good.

Idk him personally but I'm willing to bet he's a new england republican not a burn gays at the stake fuck minorities and let's suck Putin's nuts Republican.

Tom Nook

IRS for Secretary of the Treasury.

Lets make the administration carny af.


In terms of qualifications to be president Rock is on the same tier as Trump. The difference is that Rock (to our knowledge) isn't a giant sexist and racist who's a traitor to the country.


Rock's whatever party they book him to be. Republican, Democrat, Green, the People's, whatever you need him to be he can do it.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
In terms of qualifications to be president Rock is on the same tier as Trump. The difference is that Rock (to our knowledge) isn't a giant sexist and racist who's a traitor to the country.
Happy birthday to Steph
You're a Ho with big breasts
So take the night off from hooking
This is exactly the kind of thing I worried about after Trump won. Every Tom, Dick, and Harriet with enough money/popularity running for President. By all means let's just continue to assail the Office of the President with buffoons and carnival-barkers.


This is exactly the kind of thing I worried about after Trump won. Every Tom, Dick, and Harriet with enough money/popularity running for President. By all means let's just continue to assail the Office of the President with buffoons and carnival-barkers.

The same thing happened after Jesse Ventura and Arnold became governors. I also think you're going to see a bunch of people run for office with the campaign slogan of "I'm not Trump"
I'll take that upgrade.

i mean...if he makes it out of the primaries and its Rock v Trump then yea id vote for him.

but would definitely prefer Harris, Kander, Booker, Warren, or Franken, or whatever the Dems are rolling with that year.

would definitely not like for our government to become anymore like WWE
There are a number of factors at play here but I think we are only going to see a rise in outsiders. Ben Carson and Trump were only the beginning.

1) negative public perceptions of the establishment or what is seen to be your traditional politician
2) crowd funding being easier than ever
3) political advising services being the largest it's ever been and open to anyone that can afford these services to help run their campaign
4) general public perceptions of charisma and their consumption of media
5) general disinterest in fact checking

I think outsiders have an advantage in this day and age

I think the dominant factor at play here is the performance of traditional politicians who have accumulated experience. Donald Trump is POTUS predominantly because of the cumulative effect of poor decision-making over time.

People are asking themselves why they should choose someone like Tim Kaine (as a hypothetical) over The Rock when Kaine is doing a shit job. If people were doing a fantastic job, then outsiders wouldn't pour in and succeed. It's an indictment that irreparable damage to institutions has occurred. People who created the problems can't fix them. Maybe the Rock can get it done or maybe he can't, but he's legally allowed to run and if folks want to give him a chance then so be it.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Shit's not funny to joke about anymore. Of course, I'm on a forum that had to have an OT for pretty much every Trump rally during the election season so maybe I'm the weird one.


I'd take him or Zuckerberg over Trump any day, every day.

Edit: we almost reached the lowest of lows, so people like them would be a small, but at least positive increase in leader quality


Rock is definitely a boot straps kind of guy. I don't think he's Republican beyond that.

Probably like Arnold really.


No thanks, dude. I like him in entertainment, but the answers in that interview were so soft and non-committal, I'll pass.

If you want to get me excited about voting for you, bring me your policies and don't be afraid to call out the current administration for being the complete shit-show that it is. Anyone who tiptoes around questions like "How's Trump doing?" is not going to impress anyone.


If he gets elected can he change the name of the house of Representatives to Paul Ryan's house of horrors?

It could be nice to have someone who has some experience governing/law-making be president, but since that requirement is out the window, why not?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
at least he takes a better Stunner than the current POTUS



I mean he's got charisma, and he'd surely do better than the current president, but I think there are a lot better options out there. people running from celebrity status alone shouldn't become commonplace.
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