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GQ: "Dwayne Johnson for President!"

If The Rock ran, he'd probably make it to the general. Which is a scary thought. I'd prefer someone with actual governing experience to lead the nation, thanks.

Also those non-answers are so uninspiring. Let's not taint my memory of the best wrestler ever.
Sorry, but shit like this is my problem with the current political landscape.

If The Rock has views and policies you agree with, his party shouldn't matter.
I remember thinking like this when I was younger. Voting Republican inherently comes with asterisks that I refuse to accept. You're supporting stripping of women's rights, voter suppression, fight against affordable healthcare, etc. Either directly or indirectly.


Why not let just go full comedy anyway


So you guys are wanting a second season of Celebrity President? Fair enough I guess, can't we any worse than the winner of last season. Undertaker for VP?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
The Rock seems like a likable guy, but hell no.

I want someone who knows a thing or two about governing/policy to be the president, not another celebrity with zero experience.


Isn't he a Republican? I hope he doesn't run because surely he'd win. He'd probably be the only Republican that would have a chance after Trump leaves us in third world condition.


So you guys are wanting a second season of Celebrity President? Fair enough I guess, can't we any worse than the winner of last season. Undertaker for VP?

Third... Reagan

What surprised me the most in this article was that the rock is the highest paid movie star. I mean, I can sort of see why with all the blockbusters he is in, but come on!


What is this obsession with wanting to elect celebrities?
Because people are fucking stupid, and the infotainment that passes for news in the US has cultivated the public's vapid uncritical emotionally driven urge for celebrity idols in place of qualified leaders.

A lot of people, or at least enough to matter, are superficial babies who don't value the unsexy qualities of competence, integrity, level-headedness, and rationality that a truly effective public servant either needs to posses, or at the least needs to demand from their advisors and staff.


You joke, but remember that one of them has a spouse who is a cabinet member of the current administration.

Fuck this timeline we live in.

I was watching old Giantbomb stuff, and Ryan and Jeff were going through one of the old Smackdown games and talking about the Mcmahon family members. Ryan made a joke about one of them and Jeff said something along the lines of "well, his wife is running for senate, so..." The whole tone and exchange is really bizarre to listen to at this point in time.

It's the same with most political/media coverage I've seen from say, pre-2010 actually. It's surreal to watch now. I just end up sitting back and wondering how the fuck we got here from there.
Love the guy but fuck no. Just look at that shit he's saying in the OP. Trump 2.0 in terms of just verbal gymnastics of saying nothing at all in so many words. Just because wasteman Donald got in doesn't mean every person without a clue should be next in line.

Dude's state of the union addresses would basically be:

"I started with 5 cents in my pocket and became the biggest movie star on the planet and the president of the United States. Wake up and Shake Up. If I can do it so can you. 5 AM game time baby. Clanging and banging in the gym and hitting these bills and executive orders in the office right after. No sleep, all motivation." etc. ad nauseum.

he would cut some epic promos against North Korea and Russia though no doubt.


Saint Nic
If The Rock ran, he'd probably make it to the general. Which is a scary thought. I'd prefer someone with actual governing experience to lead the nation, thanks.

Also those non-answers are so uninspiring. Let's not taint my memory of the best wrestler ever.

I remember thinking like this when I was younger. Voting Republican inherently comes with asterisks that I refuse to accept. You're supporting stripping of women's rights, voter suppression, fight against affordable healthcare, etc. Either directly or indirectly.

When you were younger? How old do you think I am? I'm old enough to make a pretty informed decision about who I support and why, irrespective of party lines.


Counterpoint: shut up, he looks so cool behind a podium! He would make politics fun and awesome and cool and simple!

His debates would be soooooo lit omg lmao.

That is literally why we ended up with Bush over Gore. Well, that and Bush bribed people with a tax refund. Mostly the Gore is boring but Bush is cool and has a Texas accent thing.

Lord Fagan

Junior Member

I'm just not interested in an entertainer/businessman picking my judges and holding the nuclear football.

Great dude, great heart. But the problems challenging the nation demand more than telegenic presence and a desire for consensus.

When he runs for and wins any other contest for public office, and has demonstrable policy accomplishments he can actually explain and discuss outside a thirty second talking point (which is more than some members in Congress can demonstrate as a level of competence), then I'll take another look.

Until then, he's pretending to audition to be the next Reagan and GQ is just cashing in on the clicks.


Third... Reagan

What surprised me the most in this article was that the rock is the highest paid movie star. I mean, I can sort of see why with all the blockbusters he is in, but come on!

My mistake, long hiatus between seasons though. I'm still nervously waiting until the UK follows suit and we end up with Piers Morgan in charge....


Because people are fucking stupid, and the infotainment that passes for news in the US has cultivated the public's vapid uncritical emotionally driven urge for celebrity idols in place of qualified leaders.

A lot of people, or at least enough to matter, are superficial babies who don't value the unsexy qualities of competence, integrity, level-headedness, and rationality that a truly effective public servant either needs to posses, or at the least needs to demand from their advisors and staff.

I'd ask where these effective public servants were to be honest.

Then I'd also point out that The Rock is saying nothing, but at least he's not pulling shit like "we might possibly consider abolishing uni fees" like that moron Corbyn. And this talk of policy... it's always been whatever bullshit they can spout to get elected. Even Obama did it - and he was smart enough to know how much he'd actually be able to achieve.


Would he be better than Trump, probably, that's a low bar, does he seem like a nice person that isn't purposely going to screw people over? Probably, but should he or anyone else with no experience in politics be president? Heeeeeeeeelllllll no.
So you guys are wanting a second season of Celebrity President? Fair enough I guess, can't we any worse than the winner of last season. Undertaker for VP?

You act like actors can't run for office, when it has been demonstrated three times now that they can.

Hate the player, not the game.


So....is he serious? I'm watching the interview with Jimmy Fallon that he did recently, and I'm not hearing a "NO, I'M NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT." He cited a poll that had him beating Trump in the 2020 election (same poll had Trump losing to Biden, Sanders, Warren, Franken and Booker). And it sounds like he's trying to warm the country up to the idea of him running.

Fake edit: "Three and a half years is a long way away, so we'll see."

Hey, maybe Zac Efron or Kevin Hart can be his running mate!

*sticks loaded gun into mouth*

Edit: here's the interview (relevant part starts at 3:25): https://youtu.be/9c8-H4RHIZQ
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