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Gradius III & IV - what's the verdict?


I have an opportunity to get this game for the PS2 - but should I?

I know it's a fairly hard to find game - as it's so old and a pretty niche game to boot - and I've had my share of fun with shooting games, but I was just wondering if it was worth the $25 (Canadian) to spend on.

So who here thinks it rocks? Who here thinks it sucks?


Changed it for a copy of Shenmue 2 since it was impossible to find it. The game is great but don't expect Gradius V/Gaiden quality. Gradius III is the same it was on the SNES and IV although being a decent shooter it's a pretty poor Gradius. Although having cool music and decent graphics(with 3D elements on backgrounds) the game is too hard for my tastes. IMO Gaiden featured the right balance. Haven't played V yet.
I think Drohne can elaborate better than me on this game.

There is no 2p mode btw. :( :(
Do you own Gradius V yet? Cuz that's the one to get. Gaiden's hott, too. Everything else in the series...eh. They just annoy me nowadays.


Gold Member
Gradius III was fucking brilliant. Nevermind the slowdown, remembering the Super NES launch, getting it along with SMW, Final Fight and Populous brings nostalgic tears into my eyes.
Gradius III on the SNES is much better than the arcade version (which is the version on Gradius 3 & 4).
Gradius IV is quite nice, but Gradius V is leagues ahead. :)


Yes, Gradius III on SNES is practically a different game than the PS2 / arcade version. If you're a casual shooter fan, you'll probably hate the PS2 version for its stupid, unfun difficulty. Hey, I'm kinda hardcore, and I hate it!

Gradius IV is pretty blah as well. None of the innovation or exuberance of Gaiden or V.

I'm not a big Gradius fan. Still, I think most Gradius fans would agree with these statements.


Rummy Bunnz said:
Do you own Gradius V yet? Cuz that's the one to get. Gaiden's hott, too. Everything else in the series...eh. They just annoy me nowadays.
This is the truth.

III is just plain unfun, as stated, and IV is just plain unfair as it keeps throwing you in near-impossible situations and often the respawn point literally spells out "you're so fucked now!" until you just want to break the disc.


hyperbolically metafictive
the arcade version of gradius III is punishingly difficult, but i still much prefer it to the snes version. the level designs are richer, and obviously there's much less slowdown (or no slowdown in the ps2 version, should you want it that way). i think the arcade version's major shortcoming is that inappropriate outrun-style pseudo 3d bit, but that can be memorized easily enough. i found gradius IV considerably less difficult overall, but it hits you with a nasty speed level fairly early. it's kind of a lazy retread of gradius moments past, but it plays well enough, and it still looks gorgeous.

both games are classic gradius. that is to say that you may as well turn the game off if you die in an awkward spot -- you'll never recover your firepower in time. honestly my strategy is just to credit feed and konami code my way through the games until i know them really well, and then try to play them fairly. i actually got pretty decent at gradius III that way. for more casual players, i'd recommend gradius v and gradius gaiden first. but every gradius fan should have III and IV.
The SNES Gradius 3 is a joke, with its castrated difficulty and level designs. Looks/sounds a bit better, but the flicker is the MURDER ICING on a really bungled recipe.

Personally, I love Gradius 3/4. Like drohne, I had to Konami Code past G4's speed level to get the timing on it down, but I actually found G4 pretty damn easy overall. Arcade G3's still a beast, though. The boss parade level is a PAINBOW. Gradius V, while TEH SEXAY, is also incredibly easy (as is Gaiden). Doesn't make 'em bad -- hell, I think G5 is the best shooter this generation -- but you'll spend more time looping for scores than actually dying.


ourumov said:
Gradius III is the same it was on the SNES
What the hell are you talking about?

As has been pointed out before, they're nearly two completely different games, with the SNES version being far superior.

And the only Gradius game to have a 2 player mode is V. Unless you're counting the Salamander/Life Force series as Gradius games.

OK, way I see it, it IS hard to find... so if you REALLY like Gradius and want to own them all or whatever, these are arcade perfect versions of Gradius 3 and 4. G4 is a decent game, but arcade 3 just isn't that much fun. Especially those shitty "fly-into-the-background" stages. WHEEE, the shitty controls, hit detection, and 2 feet-in-front-of-me pop up just killed me again and made me lose all my upgrades! I love this game!

No >=(


Thanks for the advice, guys. Much appreciated.
Figure I'll cough up the 25 bones - it IS a hard to find game - play if for a while, and if it's not to my liking I can sell it or trade it in towards Gradius V.
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