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Gradius V--which Type do you prefer?


I've settled on Type 3 (the Multiples fire parallel beams, and R1 adjusts the distance between them). You can't move the beams so that they all fire behind you during sections of boss stages (the main draw of Type 2), but you can adjust the beams on the fly without stopping the ship, and the slight crippling you take when fighting bosses is offset by the sheer mayhem you can dish out during the rest of the stage.

Ranger X

Type 1 is my choice.
Freezing your multiple where you need them makes the game ALOT easier. (or at least to me)


Hates quality gaming
Type 3 user here too.

I think it gives you the most flexibility and coverage (like being able to position an option right on a boss core where other options wouldn't be able to even shoot it) and is the easiest to use. Only thing that sucks is dying when you have it fully fanned out.

While I'm here, what do you have to do to open the Edit mode?


i can't live without type 2. i'm irrationally attracted to independent weapon targeting, a la robotron/bangaio. type 2 is as close as it gets.

and you have to beat the game to open the edit mode.


type 2 is the best if you know how to use it correctly, also the hardest to use since you cant move your ship. i find it an absolute necessity on level 2.
Since they don't ******* let you change it unless you ******* die, type 2 all the way.

I think this is the biggest flaw of an otherwise great game. All of them (except 4, probably) are useful at some point but you are stuck with one. Setups are just so utterly fucked up that it makes me want to remove the cd from the tray, cut it into small pieces, microwave them, burn what's left and eat it with some tasty sauce.

Okay, and the fact it's so hard sometimes.
So far I have progressed to the point where I can get to level 4 without dying. I don't have enough practice on 4 though (only been there maybe 5 times) so I've not gotten past it. I saw the video of Level 5 though and that just looks insane.

and yeah, the ability to change options in-game would have been great, but the game might have been too easy with that choice.


I finally got this game yesterday.

Much better than R-Type Final.

I like to use Type 4 or Type 2. Type 2 is fun, but difficult.

Type 4 I like because it affords me a slight respite from evading bullets. Damn, the bullets are tiny mofos in this game. I wish there were a way to change the color of them to make them stick out more. Is this possible in the "edit mode"?
Type 2 is not fun nor difficult... primarily it's the only way to keep lasers WHILE being able to shoot backwards. Or in any other direction, actually. So unless you carefully memorize all the situations in the game and plan accordingly this is the best setup, unless you go with double all the time.

Which sucks.


I went for type 1 after I saw the attract mode showing off what you could do with it. It takes the most finesse, but you get the best results.

I also liked whichever one is the rotating type, because watching the lasers swirl around is so prettttttyyyyyy...

Shouta said:
Type 2 is also the slowest way to kill most bosses since you can't concentrate fire :D

Oh, you can, I've mastered the art of quickly jerking your ship backward and forward until your options stay in line with your vic viper and you can concentrate fire.

Yes, it sucks. It's so fucking cheap.

I can't believe I'm being so negative but I can't help it :(. The power-up system is botched. KONAMI WAKE UP!


It's not cheap, it's standard tactical fare for Gradius games. =b

However, the problem is that you HAVE to stay in that small moving position or stationary to achieve that sort of concentrated fire. That leaves you open to getting hit by stray shots and etc. Each of the other option types give you the ability to concentrate your fire without diminishing your ship's agility (type 3 is a little less focused but you can still move around and have semi-concentrated fire). Being able to concentrate fire when I need to and still maintain my ship's agility is way more important than being able to shoot in all directions with Type 2.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I like type 2, it takes longer to kill bosses (though I've gotten pretty good at lining up the shots), but I really appreciate the flexible control in stages like 2, 3, and 6...

That said, I still haven't beaten the game. Have 8 credits so far, and the farthest I've gotten was to the second half of stage 7 :p So close, yet so far...

I was kind of hoping for a walk in the park stage 7 after the annoying level 6 with all the acid falling down, instead I got a remix of my most challenging Gradius III level :p
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