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Gran Turismo 4 has gone gold

Ahh this is good. I was starting to get worried that the delay rumors were going to turn out to be true.

I knew this game was going to be bigger than GT3, but hearing that its over 9gigs is just insane.


I wonder what extras the Euros will get for the delay... I'm hoping for a bonusdisc or something like that (same with MGS3).


good luck on the PSP port Polyphony.

Isn't 9 GIG a bit mad? If there are 6 cars racing, they + 1 track need to be in 32MB PS2 memory.

Say the track is 10MB, each car is 3MB, so 28MB - plus program, physics etc.

Something like 600 cars? How many tracks - 200? thats still only 4GB.


So GT4 is being released this year. This is getting a little insane with all the fucking games releasing all at once. I know we all saw it months away, but being in the middle of it is much more intense.


Fafracer forever
mrklaw said:
Say the track is 10MB, each car is 3MB, so 28MB - plus program, physics etc. Something like 600 cars? How many tracks - 200? thats still only 4GB.
GT cars aren't even remotely close to 3MB, try 800-1MB, and probably less then half of that on the disc (Though on the flipside they have different models for menus etc, that take extra disc space).
And PS2 free memory is at 28MB after you substract the program alone. After you subtract other stuff like physics etc. you'll have a lot less space left ;)

Anyway, the bigger disc space wasters are probably FMV and music data, followed by data duplication to optimize load times.


Faf, I was being deliberately conservative, and the numbers still don't add up.

Do you think they can get it down to 1.8 (or maybe two discs) for PSP?


Fafracer forever
Well I seriously doubt they completely fill a DVD9 - GT3 was on DVD5 and the actual data (not the padding) turned out to fill only around 60-70% of the disc IIRC.

mrklaw said:
Do you think they can get it down to 1.8 (or maybe two discs) for PSP?
I don't think it would be a problem to fit on two discs without cutting content. Consider that both music and movies will take less space on PSP (better compression + lower resolution). And game graphics will be taking up less space too.

One disc will likely be tough though - depends just how much data duplication there is on PS2 disc. You could sacrifice some load speed for more efficient disc usage.


Fafracer forever
96 music tracks ect
Unless I'm calculating something wrong(late evening and all), at average 3-4minutes per song, that's over 3.5GB of CD Audio.

There goes nearly half a DVD9 just like that ;)


SolidSnakex said:
"Something like 600 cars? How many tracks - 200? thats still only 4GB."

700+ cars, 50 tracks, 96 music tracks ect.

damn that much music. Any word on the tracks yet..is it all licensed music.
kpop100 said:
damn that much music. Any word on the tracks yet..is it all licensed music.

Some composed for the game some licensed. They got a group called T-SQUARE and an orchestra to redo Moon Over the Castle. They're going to have classical music in it (to go with the older cars) also. This label created some songs for GT4:


If you've played or heard the songs in Prologue they're the ones that did that.

Also Van Halen is on the soundtrack. :p


Cool, the music in Prologue was good.

Speaking of Prologue, wasn't it confirmed that GT4 would recognize the save file.
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