PSA: Baal's droprate is FUCKED
They can't ban you for joining/starting raids, get in on it!

They can't ban you for joining/starting raids, get in on it!
I got lucky with Colo drops lol. 3 katana in one day. Why can't I be this lucky with Yugu swords, Tia bolts, Chev guns, or even Levi daggers? ;_;Have you done the Balmy Breeze side story yet? There are 3 SSR Katanas to reduce in the shop, so enough for one FLB I believe.
I got lucky with Colo drops lol. 3 katana in one day. Why can't I be this lucky with Yugu swords, Tia bolts, Chev guns, or even Levi daggers? ;_;
Is it worth element changing GW dagger? Gonna try and get one but I don't know if I want it to be wind or earth. Right now my earth and wind grids are pretty similar (not great but 6x sl10 magna weapons). My light grid is further along but I've been using Superstar for light.
For wind I've been using Andira, Arriet, and either Korwa or Yuisis.
For earth I've been using Ayer, Mahira, and Yugu but I also have a lot more characters in earth than in wind (or any other element) like Eugen, Eustace, Sieg, Sara, and Halle.
PSA: Baal's droprate is FUCKED
They can't ban you for joining/starting raids, get in on it!
I must have missed it. Raids are popping off like crazy, but no broken drops from where I am. Bwomp. I picked up on it pretty late though thanks for the heads-up.
I do main light so maybe I'll just leave it light. Otherwise I'll try earth if I find I'm not using light daggers much. Thanks!GW dagger is better off ele changed: gw weapons are useful for their ougi, and their true ougi unlocks after they are ele changed. Unless you are maining light? In which case you want to awaken your weapon but keep it light.
As for wind vs earth, go earth. With the current gw favouring wind and xeno vohu long gone, wind hasn't got much to look forward to in the short term. Xeno cocy should come eventually, so earth has that going for it.
Unless they rerun vohu again, in which case xeno sagi would cry (it is a possibility, but it's a bit unlikely).
Of course, if you won't use earth DF o dagger classes, just ele change it to wind.
*Cross fingers for no rollback*
Good luck to Trick Room. I won't be on as often since I'll be away but I can probably do one of the strike times so I'll try to help out as much as I can.
As an aside I have a question, My wind grid is pretty decent (7 bolts, 1 xenospear, 1 gw dagger, all sklvl 10, not all guns are MLB) but I only have 3 SSR characters, Neza, Scathcha and Korwa. Should I run Summer Zooey? (esp during strike time). What's a good fill in SR? Helnar?
Since this bug benefits more USA and Europe is 100% going to be a rollback Kappa.
Are Athena and Grani broken, too?
Athena seemed to be, but basically no one hosted Grani, so...
Athena definitely, Grani I think so.
In GW news, no one is playing GW
So uhh we could have been seeded but my crew just baalfested XD
I didn't realize people used Titan. I guess it makes sense since I've heard about people using Varuna. I used to think I was really unlucky for getting both lol. Should I be setting Titan or Tez as my earth support summon for people?
Why did Cygames wait this long if they can do this so easily? I don't get it. lol
Wait what happened
Wait what, when was it fixed. Don't tell me I wasted time farming this junk at normal ratesWhat really happened: Rates on SSR drops for tier 2 fights were fucked, so you ended up with getting a ton of SSRs from a bugged chest at first. They fixed the chest but it still had a fairly high drop rate, getting an SSR every 7-8 fights. They did something to the raids again earlier so I guess they lowered the drop rates even more but I haven't read or played all day.
Wait what, when was it fixed. Don't tell me I wasted time farming this junk at normal rates
Scrub.I don't even have a titan.
Should I spend my Valor Badges on Sunlight Stone, or save 100 more for a Gold Brick?
You need a Gold Brick if you ever decide to fully upgrade your revenant weapon and make one of the characters. (the alternative, is grind out enough gold nuggets from Rise of the Beasts and trade for one of the gold bars in the shop)
Otherwise, if you have no plans to ever do that then get the sunlight stones, though please use them on actually good SSRs.