So I may be able to get a copy today. Now the question is PS3 or 360? I'm going to write down my console situation so that I can get my ideas in order, and to get a bit of feedback.
PS3: Launch 60GB model, 14GB free, almost assured dust build-up
360: Slim 250GB, >200GB free, good condition
From a "I hope the console doesn't crap out on me" point of view I'm inclined for the 360 version, but of course there's the risk it may very well be the GTA IV PS3 of GTA V. Well, at least it's the good kind of problem.
I'd go with the 360. I had a slim for a few years and never had a problem with it, and you have a launch ps3, maybe V won't be kind to it as it's going to push the ps3 to its limit which usually results in YLOD. ( surprised yours lasted this long
Don't be worried about the 360 getting a dumbed down version, there's very little chance of that happening, and as history has proven it might have a slight edge over the ps3 version.