It's an open world problems
The missions on RDR almost bored me to death
At least GTA V have tennis, so i can spend my time playing it
when dat embargo lift tho
I actually enjoyed RDR, just kinda got distracted by something else when I got to mexico. I got the the second island in GTA IV and just got really sick of some series of missions which all seemed freakin' identical. The extra stuff to do in the game was boring too.
SOOO glad Rampages are back. Are there hidden packages too?
I put together a PDF of the OP. If anyone is interested.!pRgExQaI!Oxs13FjhRPqFoLfMcW9i3SICvhxsaQhQ5dvfqCyUBuU
Updated with better link.
I'm getting depressed that I won't be able to experience this until PS4 ... PLEASE give me a release date!!!!!!!!!
GTA V Xbox360 vs Ps3 comparison video
The first thing I'm gonna do when I get the game is to just ride out in a vehicle. No mission, no nothing, just take a stroll through the scenery until I get bored. Probably won't even play the story a day or two later.
It's just too much.
I'm getting depressed that I won't be able to experience this until PS4 ... PLEASE give me a release date!!!!!!!!!
is nowhere to be found on the map. I don't know if it's a seprate areas like LC in San Andreas, the leaked map is not full and some areas (islands?) have been cropped out, or the thing on GTA V site was just a reference to a non-existent location.North Yankton (the "snow" area we saw on a postcard)
GTA V Xbox360 vs Ps3 comparison video
GTA V Xbox360 vs Ps3 comparison video
Having a strategy guide for this game; I would never do that. I know the first song I want to hear..I would like to driving as Michael, it is at night and Rhythm of the Night by Corona comes on; instant 90's feels coupled with the amazing LA night sky.
I don't get the spoilerific nature of the map. Two minutes into the game you are going to press the Start button and see the map. Where's the problem.
I tried to book the day off work. Sadly my wife is the supervisor, she just gave me that "Fuck you" look.
I tried to book the day off work. Sadly my wife is the supervisor, she just gave me that "Fuck you" look.
I'm getting depressed that I won't be able to experience this until PS4 ... PLEASE give me a release date!!!!!!!!!
The first thing I'm gonna do when I get the game is to just ride out in a vehicle. No mission, no nothing, just take a stroll through the scenery until I get bored. Probably won't even play the story a day or two later.
It's just too much.
The first thing I'm gonna do when I get the game is to just ride out in a vehicle. No mission, no nothing, just take a stroll through the scenery until I get bored. Probably won't even play the story a day or two later.
It's just too much.
GTA V Xbox360 vs Ps3 comparison video
You should be depressed for the stupid nonsense you're committing
GTA V Xbox360 vs Ps3 comparison video
I've heard a lot about people's spouses getting in the way of GTA V.
The special edition should have come with divorce papers.
If they ever release San Fierro or Las Venturas in GTA Online how will they connect to Los Santos?
That sucks
GTA V Xbox360 vs Ps3 comparison video
God, this is annoying...
You should be depressed for the stupid nonsense you're committing
Sadly I planned out a complete route, for my first drive, via the leaked map.
I should do something else with my time :/
There. Much better.
CJ, you all a busta!
I can feel it in my old ass bones. Leaks are starting to bubble, within a matter of days they will be exploding all over the internet. Time to call this thread my safe haven for any and all GTAV news.
Oh and for everyone that signs up for PS3 GAF gang I promote everyone to Rep then I guess after GTAO is out for a while I'll start promoting people based on stats, or demoting. It'd really be great to have a fellow long time gaffer help run things as comish. Bish won't answer me. So I'm taking resumes in PM.
That sucks
Hey I was on your team - until my fucking xbox died for the 4th time!
The game is not coming to next gen consoles, people should get over it. I would love to have next gen versions of Batman Arkham Origins, The Last.of Us, Dark Souls 2, GTA5 and Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2. But it's not happening, let's move on.I don't get it.... what nonsense?
Warning, twitlonger, EMO NERD POST, you've been warned:
About 5 years ago or so, a LOT of you all had to endure listening to me mope about becoming single. I was pretty damn down and talked off anyones ear that I possibly could, I genuinely appreciate you all listening, seriously, was an interesting time. I wouldn't change it for the world though, fucking gruesome but you don't learn without the harsh shit, good times.
But more importantly here, 2008 was a pretty goddamn bad year and the first couple of months I was mentally incapable of comprehending pleasure or anything to look forward to at all, however it dawned on me that a little something something called Grand Theft Auto 4 was coming out April 28'th. Now I was single, mopey and depressed. Mentally I built this game up to be the best god damned thing on earth, it was basically the only positive thing in my entire life that was coming. It couldn't in any way possible come up to the standards I had put it up to, this thing basically had to rescue me from being a miserable asshole.
but it did, good golly did it. Pleasure beyond your wildest dreams. Pleasure only a nerd can experience. Escapism at it's finest. Glorious glorious times.
Well, it's 5 years later now, I feel much much better but guess what's coming? I think you do, I do - and it's coming very damn soon. The second coming of glorious times.
So this post is a little celebration, of all you people who were kind enough to listen to some whiny asshole whos world had apparently ended and the joy being a nerd with the right game can bring.
Am I an adult who "should" be more mature? Maybe. Do I care? Nope! This is a once in a 5 year opportunity y'all.
be prepared for sick days, be prepared for leave, women be prepared to be single for a few days.. it's coming
September 17, YO
Apologies to my "regular" followers, this is going to be a big week - less than 7 days to go.
is the map in the op legit?
I don't get it.... what nonsense?
If you guys had to pick one thing that gets you the most excited for GTA V...what would it be?
For me it would have to be the fact that we can explore and go on treasure hunts underwater!