Krappadizzle: So now that you've played it quite a bit, what are your overall impressions?
Sethos: I can't stress this enough; Best fucking game I have ever played in my entire life. No hyperbole, no weekend crush, it's batshit insane. It's like a 10/10 TPS in its own right, then you see it has vehicles, then the massive world, then you see it's one of the most beautiful games on consoles, then the distant light thingy / bokeh effect, the RDR weather and atmosphere
Sethos: It's like every single aspect and detail is the best of the best of the best, wrapped into one big ball.
Sethos: I even started to enjoy the driving, EXCEPT quads and bikes.
Krappadizzle: Wow. That's big coming from you.
Sethos: I haven't really played games that much lately but ... Just the sheer number of hours I streamed should tell you have addictive it was.
Sethos: I didn't eat friday because I was so hooked.
Sethos: Can't wait for people to get their hands on it
Sethos: This game deserves 10/10