Nope. Turns out no looping tags. Which means they are looping it somehow through a separate file somewhere else.
This spells doom for replacing these low bit rate 22khz .oggs with the HQ versions from the OST
Y GungHo Y
Also: The positional audio in Battle is ridiculously bad. What is up with that??? You either get Hard left. Hard Right. Or Center. Nothing in between.
Half the time, the character will be moving from say left of screen to center and then stay and attack in center. But the sound is coming hard left only.
Victory, Sword slash comes out hard left only. Voice Center.
This seems to carry over to Carbo Village. Where walking on Gravel, the sound pans only hard left, center and hard right.
While the fading out of audio is now perfectly on par with the Dreamcast
Audio event timing too is still completely wrong.
(And the error prior where the Harp playing after Ryudo and Elena first meet in the church stops too early, now slowly fades out as it is supposed to)
The resolution issues remain as well.