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Great interview with R. Scott Bakker

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The views he gave in his interview make me want to check out his books now. That is... if he's able to communicate the ideas that seem to be bubbling inside that head. It's different than what I got from the back cover which made his books sound like yet another run of the mill epic fantasy, and scared me off.


I'm almost done rereading "Darkness.." and my copy of "Warrior Prophet" should get here this week. Got a great deal from amazon.ca for WP and Erikson's newest "Midnight Tides".

I'm not sure if I would rate 'Prince of Nothing' above my other favourite new fantasy series like Keyes' 'The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone' but it's definitely one of my 3 or so most anticipated series. "Warrior Prophet" certainly looks to be a step up from "Darkness..".
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