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GTA San Andreas interview

"You can now recruit a gang and take over territories with them, and then lose territories if you don’t look after them. "

Awesome! This is sounding like a full on sequel and not just an expansion pack like VC.

Oni Jazar

Great interview. Damn this has gotten me pumped for the game. Although the comment about DVDs being a limiting factor is rather curious as the PC version of VC was only two discs (they said it took almost the full dvd on ps2).

evil ways

One addition that I think would be cool is if when you go to a store and get a certain outfit like for example the GASH outfit, there would be a color pallette option to change the color of the shirt, pants and shoes.

This game is gonna be great either way.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
SolidSnakex said:
"You can now recruit a gang and take over territories with them, and then lose territories if you don’t look after them. "

Awesome! This is sounding like a full on sequel and not just an expansion pack like VC.

Yep, I figured as much with the 2 year period in between. I've said it before, but I have to give them credit for waiting 2 years.

1.) It does not drive it into the ground
2.) It gives them time to make a serious effort
This is starting to sound very cool and it seems like they really did use the extra development time to add new, cool stuff. Hopefully it does turn out good!


Mistaken iRobbery!
California has got the best radio of anywhere in America. There’s going to be a big, big range of music in this one.”
Just to reassure us again folks, not that I had any problems with the music of any of the grand theft autos :)
Suikoguy said:
Yep, I figured as much with the 2 year period in between. I've said it before, but I have to give them credit for waiting 2 years.

1.) It does not drive it into the ground
2.) It gives them time to make a serious effort

Yah they definetly deserve alot of credit since alot of people were accusing them of doing nothing more than just making another cash in with this game. It sounds like it's going to be vastly improved over GTA3 and VC. I think they could've made just a cash in and still had it sell extremely well. But I also think Driver 3 (as crazy as it might sound now) scared them a bit and made them put some serious upgrades into the game.


Junior Member
Oni Jazar said:
Great interview. Damn this has gotten me pumped for the game. Although the comment about DVDs being a limiting factor is rather curious as the PC version of VC was only two discs (they said it took almost the full dvd on ps2).

Most of the space was takken up by filler junk data for copy protection.
I'm really skeptical about the whole "Smugglers Run" driving sections. Hopefully it doesn't take too long to get to different areas.

Doth Togo

Plot Summary for
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (2004) (VG):

Five years ago Carl Johnson escaped from the pressures of life in Los Santos, San Andreas... a city tearing itself apart with gang trouble, drugs and corruption. Where filmstars and millionaires do their best to avoid the dealers and gangbangers. Now, it's the early 90s. Carl's got to go home. His mother has been murdered, his family has fallen apart and his childhood friends are all heading towards disaster. On his return to the neighborhood, a couple of corrupt cops frame him for homicide. CJ is forced on a journey that takes him across the entire state of San Andreas, to save his family and to take control of the streets.


- - - - -


Directed by
Sam Houser

Writing credits (in alphabetical order)
Dan Houser

Cast (in alphabetical order)
Frank Vincent .... Don Salvatore Leone (voice)


- - - - -

So that means that SAN ANDREAS will be the entire state of California...or more or less. Cool!
The interview really has hyped my interest. Just hope that they take the time to make a quality xbox port without any screwups, like the peds voices in Vice City.


I like how suddenly Liberty City = NY/east coast. Rockstar acts like this is some planned triliogy, when in fact they only started directly mocking real cities in Vice City. Liberty City is a mish mash of several urban metropolices--shit I think the airport is a rip off of LAX.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Yusaku said:
I like how suddenly Liberty City = NY/east coast. Rockstar acts like this is some planned triliogy, when in fact they only started directly mocking real cities in Vice City. Liberty City is a mish mash of several urban metropolices--shit I think the airport is a rip of of LAX.

..and people say I'm high strung....


Sounds great, but I cringe reading about the targeting system.

I hoped he would address control and camera problems, as well.


I hope they step it up big time in the graphics department. The Getaway is still the best looking game in this genre. I can't play the previous games for more than an hour because i get the sea sickness syndrome. I hope they fixed this also.

I'm buying 3 games this year, well maybe four: GT:SA, GT4, MGS3 and BO3.


Yusaku said:
I like how suddenly Liberty City = NY/east coast. Rockstar acts like this is some planned triliogy, when in fact they only started directly mocking real cities in Vice City. Liberty City is a mish mash of several urban metropolices--shit I think the airport is a rip off of LAX.

Idot. and a quick question: did you ever play GTA1 past the first city?


taken from eurogamer.net
On targeting: “If you’re in a situation where there are innocent people and enemies, it will naturally focus on the enemies. You will have more control this time, but it will also do a very good auto-target. ”

:( I don't like the sound of that though.


gtmax said:
I hope they step it up big time in the graphics department. The Getaway is still the best looking game in this genre. I can't play the previous games for more than an hour because i get the sea sickness syndrome. I hope they fixed this also.

I'm buying 3 games this year, well maybe four: GT:SA, GT4, MGS3 and BO3.

driver 3>>>>>>the getaway.


have you tried driver 3? its actually not bad. its worth renting just to play survival and laugh ur ass off. the graphics are nice though. color palette reminds me of GT. very realistic.


Is it technically possible (if they haven't done so already) to make a video game dual layered and if so, how is the PS2 on loading dual layered DVD's?
Richiban said:
Is it technically possible (if they haven't done so already) to make a video game dual layered and if so, how is the PS2 on loading dual layered DVD's?

A couple of games have used it so far like Xenosaga and MGS2. The loading isn't so great though so far. There tends to be problems with the loading slower than normal DVD's. I hope they can fix it with SA though since not having loading (most of the time) is a big part of the fun with the series.
Yusaku said:
I like how suddenly Liberty City = NY/east coast. Rockstar acts like this is some planned triliogy, when in fact they only started directly mocking real cities in Vice City. Liberty City is a mish mash of several urban metropolices--shit I think the airport is a rip off of LAX.

Well Liberty City, Vice City, and San Andreas were all the cities from GTA1. And in that game, Liberty City was deifnitely meant to be loosely based on New York, with areas like "Kings" and the "Brix".


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
FitzOfRage said:
Well Liberty City, Vice City, and San Andreas were all the cities from GTA1. And in that game, Liberty City was deifnitely meant to be loosely based on New York, with areas like "Kings" and the "Brix".



I'm not going to make this off topic, I'm tying this in with GTA so bear with me.

The Getaway (fantastic looking game, and I thought it was a decent playing game) takes place in London, which is usually cloudy and so lighting for the game is extremely basic (there are no lightmaps, and everything seems to be lit the same, ie. the ambience lighting is the only lighting that exists), PLUS it takes place at one time of the day (there are slight variations but it's nowhere near as drastic as GTA's night/day cycle). I haven't played Driv3r, but all the shots I've seen where at one time of day and it doesn't go from night to day and vice versa like GTA.

I've also noted that there is a cartoony style to the GTA universe...not so much the bgs, but the characters resemble the art that is shown in the manual/loading screens. Compare that to the Getaway where all the textures looked like they were photographed, the heads of actors were 3D scanned and popped into the game. It's a choice on Rockstar's part to make this game not look as realistic as other games.

We'll have to wait until Sony releases their own answer to San Andreas..."The Ghetto Way". :p


Junior Member
Knock, Knock?

Who's there?

Halo 2 will outsell GTA:SA!


HAhaha, I recently heard that joke around here somewhere.

That article is great. Getting me all amped. But it took a turn for the worse with this:
. We were pioneers in the day-to-night clock system. But now it’s a lot better. There’s a totally separate model for anything in the day-time and anything in the night-time. So you get a much better feeling of night and day, a much better contrast. There are shadows, which give us a gameplay thing we never had previously, because you can hide in them. Now you can sneak in a GTA game for the first time. You can have a mission where you can play it balls out with a machine gun, running and trying to blast everyone, or you could sneak around and pick them off one by one. It gives a lot of choice.”

Get me that Puff Daddy pic. And they are going all Splinter Cell on us? j/k...but not really. I bet it just boils down running around bushes in somebodys back yard before the home invasion. There will still be missions where the 4 star alarm goes off as soon as you cross a certain street.

Either way, I might need a 2 week break to digest this game.

Oh, and because it needs to be requoted:
On California radio: “California has got the best radio of anywhere in America. There’s going to be a big, big range of music in this one.”

On California radio: “California has got the best radio of anywhere in America. There’s going to be a big, big range of music in this one.”

On California radio: “California has got the best radio of anywhere in America. There’s going to be a big, big range of music in this one.”

On California radio: “California has got the best radio of anywhere in America. There’s going to be a big, big range of music in this one.”

On California radio: “California has got the best radio of anywhere in America. There’s going to be a big, big range of music in this one.”

Bob White

I don't think that was enough.

On California radio: “California has got the best radio of anywhere in America. There’s going to be a big, big range of music in this one."

The gang stuff doesn't interest me at all. It sounds like a chore or a hassle. I just hope they really improve the controls on foot. I don't want that clunky shit from VC.
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