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GTA San Andreas is kinda trash


I think the problem here is clearly you all being teh RACISTS for not liking it.

Shame on you all.

*I hate it too. 3 and VC were infinitely more interesting.
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*Refreshes biennially
It's still okay, even today. "Definitive" collection is hardly the best way to replay this classic.

What's shocking to me is that there are only 4 years between the release of San Andreas and GTA IV.

What an amazing technological advancement in such a short time.


What's shocking to me is that there are only 4 years between the release of San Andreas and GTA IV.

What an amazing technological advancement in such a short time.
ps2 vs x360/ps3 as a base platform, man, every gen back then meant huge improvements, i bet if it launched as crossgen like most of new games nowadays it wouldnt look/feel anywhere close as good(gta4)

Edit: For comparision ps2 gpu= 6,2 gflops vs ps3 gpu= 230 gflops so x37 jump in gpu power alone even if u dont count architectural improvements of all kinds.
ps4 gpu 1,84 tflops vs ps5 gpu= 10,2 tflops so only 5,54x jump =/
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People really getting crazy in this forum discrediting the best games of all time.
Last week someone opened a thread saying Resident Evil 4 is trash and this week it's GTA SA turn.
What it's gonna be next week? Super Mario 64?
I thought there weren't that much under 18yo in here...


Gold Member
People really getting crazy in this forum discrediting the best games of all time.
Last week someone opened a thread saying Resident Evil 4 is trash and this week it's GTA SA turn.
What it's gonna be next week? Super Mario 64?
I thought there weren't that much under 18yo in here...
It’s the new edgy thing to do. You should do one as well.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Not gonna read the replies because you're gonna get shat on for it, but you're pretty much on the money, and I've played a LOT of SA since the day it came out.

It was a blueprint for Rockstar to see what they could achieve. At the time, the stuff you could do in this game was absolutely mind-blowing. People at school didn't believe that there were 3 full cities with tons of woodland and desert in between, or that you could eat and get fat, and work out and get buff. It sounded like shit that the weird kid made up, but it was all true... and none of it really serviced much of anything. As you say, they threw shit at the wall to see what stuck. There's a reason they never kept the fat/muscle mechanic in any other game and that's because it just didn't add anything interesting, everybody trying to actually play the game just spammed the gym until they were ripped and then that was that.

VC is a much tighter overall package. 3 was the (legendary) groundwork, but VC took that and refined it to a fine edge. SA is a fantastic game which is a little bit too big for its boots.

But "kinda trash" is clickbait nonsense. You nearly had an okay thread going but I bet it's just 2 pages of "look at this loser!"
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Gold Member
A 20-year-old game probably doesn't really hold up in certain aspects compared to today's standards, but calling an all-time classic like San Andreas "trash" is just dumb as fuck.


The game was quite insane for its time, but I think Vice City has aged better than SA. It's much more focused while SA is a bit all over the place. Is it a bad game? Not by a mile, still very enjoyable today.
Half Life 2 is trash! Metroid Prime! Pure Shite .. how am I doing ?
The Young Pope GIF
I can only go by my experience playing it on PS2 when it first came out, and I loved it.

I thought the story was enjoyable, it was funny, the graphics were good, it played nicely.

For me, it's the best GTA ever made.

My list goes as follows:
(Best to worst)

2) GTA 4
3) GTA 5
5) GTA 3

I haven't mentioned Chinatown Wars or GTA London and the other top down early games but they were all good in their own way.
SA is trash? LOL WUT that is some fucking bait. It may not have aged well but at the time it set the bar for open world games.

Rockstar did a huge disservice to the game with that failure of a remaster edition.


I first played SA in high school when it released and always had fond memories of it being the ‘craziest’ GTA. Crazy story, crazy big map, jetpacks, girlfriends you could bang, jumping out of planes, etc.

But playing it again in 2022 as part of the definitive collection, man. It’s not a terrible game, but I think it’s easily the worst of the 3, VC, SA trilogy. Ultimately I think the game was too ambitious for its own good.

They just throw so much shit at the wall waiting for something new to stick, and nothing really does. Lots more indoor environments, but no point to them. Massive open world, but it’s mostly empty backwoods and other than Los Santos the cities are uninteresting. Tons of missions, but a lot of them are filler. Character customization and rpg elements, but you’re being reminded to stop and eat every 20 minutes. Many properties to purchase, but they only serve as save points. Various new side activities, but none that feel essential. Four different types of hidden package collectibles. 57 gang territories to take over. Car exports now require you to use a crane to carry each car onto a boat. Tedious tedious tedious.

Curious what other people think, especially if you played it again recently. I think if you stick to the main story and ignore the side content, there’s still some fun to be had. And CJ is a top tier main character. But it’s not what I remembered.
1. You're wrong. It's the best GTA by far.



It was a blueprint for Rockstar to see what they could achieve. At the time, the stuff you could do in this game was absolutely mind-blowing. People at school didn't believe that there were 3 full cities with tons of woodland and desert in between, or that you could eat and get fat, and work out and get buff. It sounded like shit that the weird kid made up, but it was all true... and none of it really serviced much of anything. As you say, they threw shit at the wall to see what stuck. There's a reason they never kept the fat/muscle mechanic in any other game and that's because it just didn't add anything interesting, everybody trying to actually play the game just spammed the gym until they were ripped and then that was that.
Buff CJ is supposed to be better at damage, but always made mine fat because of his voice.



It's still okay, even today. "Definitive" collection is hardly the best way to replay this classic.

What's shocking to me is that there are only 4 years between the release of San Andreas and GTA IV.

What an amazing technological advancement in such a short time.
I think people just heard about the issues with the definitive releases at launch and think they’re still that way.

The DEs are absolutely fine now, I’m not understanding people who say “well you’re just not playing it on ps2 so you can’t judge”

Also I get peoples objection to my use of “kinda trash”. I meant it as tongue in cheek but I pretty clearly explained my thoughts on the game in the OP and I’m not seeing many people argue against them.

I said I liked the game when it came out but it aged badly, in my opinion worse than the others. You had to be there


Got to admit, it never resonated with me as much as the others did when I was a kid. Couldn't be bothered to finish it when I got the Definitive Trilogy either.


I play games to enjoy the gameplay first of all. So, filler or not, missions that give me gameplay are more than welcome.

Again, it's about gameplay and they are "essential" if they give me good gameplay.
So what side activities introduced in San Andreas would you say had good gameplay? Pimping, where you drive 2 girls from one side of the map to the other 10 times to meet clients? The quarry side missions where you get to fight with the clunky bulldozer and crane controls? Girlfriend dates? Diving for oysters? There’s a lot of bloat here that, in my opinion, is not great gameplay.

To be fair I think all the races are pretty fun, especially the flying time trials. The trucking side missions are pretty good too. And the gang territory fights are ok I guess, I just wish there weren’t so many of them and that they were easier to trigger.


Nah, guess I'll wait 10 years and then just call TLOU, Bloodborne and The Witcher 3 garbage games.
Oh wait, people are already doing that.
TW3 is definitely overrated af. I've no clue how people can play that and call it "an amazing rpg". TLoU too, particularly in terms of the story, though at least looking at the context of its release you can sort of understand why it got so much attention.
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Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
So what side activities introduced in San Andreas would you say had good gameplay? Pimping, where you drive 2 girls from one side of the map to the other 10 times to meet clients? The quarry side missions where you get to fight with the clunky bulldozer and crane controls? Girlfriend dates? Diving for oysters? There’s a lot of bloat here that, in my opinion, is not great gameplay.

To be fair I think all the races are pretty fun, especially the flying time trials. The trucking side missions are pretty good too. And the gang territory fights are ok I guess, I just wish there weren’t so many of them and that they were easier to trigger.
I remember lowrider, gyms, basketball, dating being bad/boring.


I was ready to call OP names for this week's contrarian thread, but I do agree with some of what was said. In my most recent playthrough (PC, patched to perfection) I did side content if I felt like it, but mostly stuck to the main missions and the vehicle schools (for the great unlocks). I don't fully agree with the main mission points though, as not all missions can be top tier, and buying houses for a save point is the point. It's the PS2, what can you expect?

I did 100% it on release, but even with printed maps it was tedious. I would never ever do that again. OP is spot on there. There's lot of little things that aren't really worth your time, but that's the beauty of choice.
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Reverse groomer.
yeah its full of lots of things to do, and lots of systems and features. Because its not a modern game where they give u less and less every year.
thats commendable but it comes at the cost of the actual mission design and story falling off a cliff once ryder gets arrested. now all the iconic SA chars are replaced with this weird boring cast of people that aren't even mentioned by most casual GTA players and no one remembers, the missions get progressively less fun and more frusturating, and there comes a certain point where you start to have more fun with the open world than the actual story. I hope you like driving for like fuckin 10+ minutes straight in a story essential mission, only for that same mission to be even MORE pointless driving.....

yes gta is an open world game but it's not a pure sandbox, there's a story and a reason for why everything exists and if you cant progress through it (because it becomes lame and fucking boring) whats the fucking point
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VC kicks the shit out of SA. Always has. SA has always been garbage.

To be fair, 3, VC, and SA are all shit games by modern standards, but VC was always the least shit of the three.
How the fuck are they shit by modern standards? Modern standards if anything make them even better as modern games are low effort trash... mostly.



SA is better than VC and 3.
You watch your whore mouth this instance!

And OP, you also watch your whore mouth this instance! I don't know what they put in the drinks these days to have y'all trippin' like this. Ion like dat!

San Andreas kinda trash. The madness I see on the interwebs these days.

Clint Eastwood Coffee GIF


Reverse groomer.
People really getting crazy in this forum discrediting the best games of all time.
Last week someone opened a thread saying Resident Evil 4 is trash and this week it's GTA SA turn.
What it's gonna be next week? Super Mario 64?
I thought there weren't that much under 18yo in here...
turns out not every video game that came out 15+ years ago is automatically flawless and there's such a thing as


Maybe instead of complaining about the people who make these types of threads, you explain exactly why these games are cult classics to begin with. Encourage meaningful discussion. That's the main reason why we're here and not some cesspit like twitter with a character limit


They just throw so much shit at the wall waiting for something new to stick, and nothing really does. Lots more indoor environments, but no point to them. Massive open world, but it’s mostly empty backwoods and other than Los Santos the cities are uninteresting. Tons of missions, but a lot of them are filler. Character customization and rpg elements, but you’re being reminded to stop and eat every 20 minutes. Many properties to purchase, but they only serve as save points. Various new side activities, but none that feel essential. Four different types of hidden package collectibles. 57 gang territories to take over. Car exports now require you to use a crane to carry each car onto a boat. Tedious tedious tedious.

Can I just say how wild it is that this now considered the things that make Red Dead Redemption 2 great even though it's boring as hell.


Finished it on PS2 and waitied for a better version on original xbox... got it and it was a turd.

Still finished it. I enjoyed it.


Worked incredibly for the time, can't judge it by 2022 standards

That said I always felt the other two cities were garbage compared to.Los Santos.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I'm not going to post in this thread. It would give OP too much validation for his lame opinion.


Like any older game, it will be subject to criticism over time in case any of its mechanics age poorly. Thing is, when I think about older games I try not to compare them to modern games. There are a ton of older games which were classic at the time that have flaws which are more obvious now.

Banjo Kazooie, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark - camera and/or controls aged poorly
Metal Gear Solid 1-2 - ditto
GTA 3/VC - combat aged poorly

Having played San Andreas this year, the gunplay still needs work. But it is what it is. Game is still amazing.
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