I absolutely love the scene where Quill flies out into space to save Gamora and puts his mask on her, starts freezing, and then Ravagers show up. Such a beautifully shot scene
It's a shame the bluray doesn't have the (occasional) larger frame from the IMAX version, it really improved some of the action scenes.
Gunn has revealed that the 3D Blu-ray presentation of Guardians of the Galaxy will be presented with a shifting aspect ratio (2.40:1 & 1.78:1), a la The Dark Knight. The 2D presentation will remain 2.40:1 for the duration of the film.
Is it only for the 3D ver. only?
So Spirit in the Sky was in the movie at one point.James Gunn said:When Chris Pratt and I started working together on Guardians of the Galaxy, I gave him a mixe tape (okay, I admit, a mix CD) of Awesome Mix Volume 1, that he could listen to endlessly, so hed know it backwards and forwards, just as Peter Quill knew the tape his mom gave him. As Ive mentioned in the past, it contained a few songs that were not on the eventual soundtrack.
Here is that original list - the newer songs have a * -
- Im Not in Love - 10cc
- Come and Get Your Love Redbone
- Go All the Way Raspberries (band)
- *Never Been to Spain Three Dog Night
- Hooked on a Feeling Blue Swede
- *Magic - Pilot (band)
- Escape (The Piña Colada Song) Rupert Holmes
- *Livin Thing Electric Light Orchestra
- Moonage Daydream - David Bowie (Official)
- Fooled Around and Fell in Love Elvin Bishop
- *Fox on the Run - The Sweet
- Cherry Bomb The Runaways
- Spirit in the Sky - Norman Greenbaum
- O-O-H Child Five Stairsteps
- *Surrender Cheap Trick
Some of these songs were in the first cut of the movie - the mean blue guard danced through the prison listening to Magic on Quills headphones, and Livin Thing featured in a montage in the Milano after the gang left the prison. We shot Quill singing Never Been to Spain at the Nova guards in an aggressive manner when he was having his mug shot taken, but the winding-up-the-finger gag worked better, so it never made the cut. The rest were never really in, but I thought this would give you a good idea of the complete Awesome Mix to which young Peter Quill might have lived his life.
So Spirit in the Sky was in the movie at one point.
I've already watched the movie 6 times per medium (Blu-Ray discs, phone, etc.). A same I can't see the IMAX shots on my phone or laptop.The 3D Blu-ray is back down to $19.99 at Amazon. I'd nab it up before it goes up to $29.99 again. To re-iterate, the 3D Blu-ray is the only way to see the IMAX shots.
Holy shit, I must have lucked out.Hah, even the deleted scenes are great. I don't get why they cut the prison guard dancing, and apparently Gunn doesn't either. I didn't know there was audio commentary, might give it a listen.
I got the regular edition. The steelbook price is pretty high on ebay... Really should've pre-ordered that thing.
Hah, even the deleted scenes are great. I don't get why they cut the prison guard dancing, and apparently Gunn doesn't either. I didn't know there was audio commentary, might give it a listen.
I got the regular edition. The steelbook price is pretty high on ebay... Really should've pre-ordered that thing.
Just a piece of GotG concept art.
If you look closely, you can find Spike's ship repainted blue.
I've already watched the movie 6 times per medium (Blu-Ray discs, phone, etc.). A same I can't see the IMAX shots on my phone or laptop.
Here's some more GotG concept
HOLY SHIT!!!!! I really hope some of these locations are in the sequel. I mean, goddamn.
Here's some more GotG concept art.
HOLY SHIT!!!!! I really hope some of these locations are in the sequel. I mean, goddamn.
I just realised that Gamora has a skull-shaped belt buckle here:
Of all the Chris Foss paintings that inspired Guardians of the Galaxy, this may be the one that inspired us most. Yellow is an underused color in films, especially science-fiction and fantasy films. In Guardians, I used it as a signifier of change, rebirth, and redemption - the yellow prison uniforms, Drax drowning in the yellow spinal fluid, the yellow Groot spores, and the yellow interlocking Nova Corps net... I believe color is a part of what made Guardians successful. When so many huge, spectacle films have the beige color palette of Saw, the brain becomes thirsty for color. We were that technicolor pitcher of water at the edge of the summer desert.
This doesn't mean all movies should be colorful, just that color in general is important, and too much of one thing is boring. If, over the next few years, films become oversaturated with bright colors, brains will be relieved by a film entirely hazel and gray.
Anyway, this painting, along with other Chris Foss works, was a part of my original presentation to Marvel when I pitched myself as director and I explained the visual direction I was going to take with the film. They were immediately on board, and we ended up hiring Chris Foss to help design some of the spaceships in the film. He was, of everyone, my biggest visual inspiration on Guardians.
This is more inspired than many scifi/fantasy video games. Woah.
Gunn is so damn awesome.
Q: Are there any plans in the works to dive a bit deeper into Rocket's back story, like Halfworld and characters associated with that at all? Or is it too early for me to ask about that?
James Gunn: I have it all worked out, but I'm not sure when it would be the best to go into it. I think it's some great stuff. It's different from the comics.
Q: Would you like to see Nova come to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and tie in with the Guardians? How would you do it?
Gunn: Yes I'd eventually like to see that. How I'd do it would be secret [sic] tho.
This is why I can't wait for the sequel.I love that he's embraced the fans and always answering questions and still posting stuff about Guardians on his FB page. You can tell he loves this stuff as much as the fans.
We don't know yet. But it's not Jason/J'Son.Who.
Father (in the movie)?
We don't know yet. But it's not Jason/J'Son.The popular theory is that its Adam Warlock.
No, I know we don't know but I want to know, you know?
Who do YOU think it is?
Also, my wife is in love with Chris Pratt and wants to know who Star-Lord's dad is for valentine's day
He's tied up with the X-Men rights, unfortunately.Praetor Gladiator is not in Marvel's hands? Damn. He's Superman on crack. He should play an important role in Inhhumans movie.
He's tied up with the X-Men rights, unfortunately.