I'm pretty sure he used to post here as well, but most of you probably know him as
on Twitter.
I think he ended his own life.
I wasnt hugely acquinted with him, I knew him from Twitter but still, I always enjoyed most of his posts.
If this isnt the place for the thread please close it, but I just wanted to pay respects to Wim.

Vaarwel, Dawg, vriend en collega
Het is met een zwaar hart dat we jullie het nieuws brengen dat Wim, beter bekend als GuerrillaDawg, overleden is. Hoewel hij al een tijdje niet meer heel actief was binnen 4Gamers, was hij in de be...

I think he ended his own life.
I wasnt hugely acquinted with him, I knew him from Twitter but still, I always enjoyed most of his posts.
If this isnt the place for the thread please close it, but I just wanted to pay respects to Wim.