Pedigree Chum said:Is it just me or would a storyline revolving around a Megaton/Thursdayton/etc be really cool in the WWE?
Matlock said:マットロックの夏
Matlock said:マットロックの夏
Just have that crossed out with FRIDAYTON! underneath.Richiban said:How about I give a shoutout to GAF?
miyuru said:Richiban, you live in Edmonton too? There's a load of Edmonton GAF'ers, we should all do something hey?
Hmm for your sign, I really like Tazznum's second contribution :lol
If you have two tickets, you can always have one really really big sign. I would put something like "THE PERSON BEHIND ME CAN'T SEE LOL AM I RITE"
Richiban said:Yeah man, Edmontonion here... In fact, I was at the Standard the night when you did your flair bottle whirly thing.
ToxicAdam said:I wish it was 1998, when wrestling was good.
"I kicked the leg out of your leg" (1$ to anyone who gets the reference)
fuck YOUCerrius said:THQ sucks
Richiban said:Didn't do the sign thing...too lazy.