human onion
It's nice that we have all these reveals up front for who we're fighting. Better for making the villains more interesting.
I agree with WoodenPotatoes that this is def among the best story content they have ever done, but at the same time I am bummed out about no Cantha. This essentially confirms it![]()
I agree with WoodenPotatoes that this is def among the best story content they have ever done, but at the same time I am bummed out about no Cantha. This essentially confirms it![]()
Finish the story, the rewards were shit, and that final mission was annoying...
Forgot to mention I was REALLY surprised thatPrimordus is the next dragon. I could have sworn he was the leader among them all and have always thought he was going to be the dead last villain of GW2.
Before info about Zhaitan I thought he would be the first because of the EotN story. The biggest baddest villain has always been Kralk for me.
There's a secret celestial force that will show up after the dragons are dead cuz the game will need more story content but then after that the game will be dead.
Have you considered joining the ranks of the GAFers that use controllers for GW2?A console version of GW2 would be godlike.
Anyway, wondering if this LS story is well paced, well structured. Anyone care to give some spoiler free insight on this?
Well you never know cuz,primordous' champion in GW2 caused fissures in the ground in all 3 areas of tyria (tyria, cantha and elona).
Also, Tengu have been fighting destroyers for so long that if primordous is the next dragon we tackle this would be the best way to introduce them as a new race and also get cantha involved since Tengu are originally from there.
Exciting time for future story speculation.
And a bunch of us finally got enough Legendary Insights this week to be able to craft the Legendary Armor.
If only they would now finish it and put it in the game. :<
Gaile Gray's account got hacked in GW1.
Finally, this makes it three.
Finally, this makes it three.
Did you just blast through the GoB reward track in a day? Congratulations either way!
Congrats..i originally wanted Twilight but when the Forge shat out Dawn i made Sunrise..
I don't think I've ever see a western developer pay homage to a eastern inspired game.
Haha, I can't believe this, I just rage quited out of the last mission in Heart of Thorns, just because my glider didn't want to open up.
I don't want to do this mission from the start again, lol.
Ugh, that mission is horrible. It's been bugged since release. Godspeed.
I am done with this game and this stupid fight. No game in a long time has made me so rage as this single fight...
Anyone wanna carry me through it? I seriously have no desire to play it alone again.
Invite me if you see me online. Character name is Brynn Vaulderie.
Awesome. Thank you. I will probably play again in a couple of hours, because I just hate the game right now.
If someone else wants also to help, you are welcome.
I'll be asleep in a couple of hours. :<
If you have time to do it now, I promise it won't take us long, haha.
I thought they had fixed that shit, one of the updates included a bunch of fixes for the appalling terrible horrendous final instance. I was going to run some alts through the story but thank God I'm so good at putting things off. Now I can focus on ignoring it again.
I don't think I ever really understood how The Juggernaut's effect worked until now.
It uses the color of the environmental lighting, so depending on where you stand, it can look completely different even with the same dyes. (All of those were taken while using Celestial Dye.)
How long have you had it? since Juggy was my first Legendary, i notice this right away...
I just made it tonight.
So I know the NPC for converting karma to linen (that crab charr renown heart in Bloodtide Coast, you buy his crab light gloves), but what about wool and cotton?
Holy crap I wish I knew about that when I was making my ascended armor! Wasted a bunch of gold buying Linen ;p
basically you convert karma to mats by buying them in bulk then tossing them into the toilet to make then salvageable, you'd occasionally get duds like spawning another karma gear but you will mostly still make salvageable stuff
since I am making bough of melandru I am needing 10 (I think) of the ascended cloth and after amassing so many of the gated component it's just spending karma for cloth mats