I had them all in a picture together once before, but it was before Revenant existed, so he's been absent for a while.
Oh could I also get added to the Guild too please?
Invite sent.
I have ascended.
how do I make new stuff when crafting? do I need to level up the discipline or do I need to buy recipes?
Looks like he skipped leg day.
Looks like he skipped leg day.
4 new level 80 maps. 2 guild hall maps.Curious... my friend downloaded this recently and I was thinking of joining him again.
I used to play way back, when this game launched, then just kind of... moved on and had a few questions before I come back.
1. How much has the world expanded with Heart of Thorns?
there has been small current events updates going in which seem to be hinting at things to come. (New events in older zones)2. Have they released any new updates since the expansion or is anything planned upcoming?
Yes. They also added gliding which is really fun and a bunch of adventures (mini games but happen in the new maps).3. Are there new jumping puzzles in the areas for Heart of Thorns?
Pretty active. I think the pvp seasons has helped keep it active.4. How active is PVP?
I like the scrapper (engi specialisation) because I like playing melee classes. I like that it hasn't change the engi drastically and he is still jack of all trades with all his tool kits.5. How are the new specializations / classes? I read into them and don't really understand how they work. Like... Druid, for instance, do I lose my pet as a Ranger when I go the Druid route? How does that all work?
Got invited into a couple raid runs tonight, and went through Slothasor, Bandit Trio, and Keep Construct.
Couldn't beat Sabetha in the last 40 mins or so that we had. She sure can get quite insane in her last third or so.XD Pretty cool fight from what I can tell through, and am probably bit of a sucker for a engi theme boss.
Raid can be such a wonderful experience, and don't think I had much enthusiasm beforehand lol.
Sabetha might be my favoriteIt's chaotic but when everyone knows what they're doing it feels tidy. It's great. It's like dancing with 9 friends
I'd like to give this another go, is the EU side busy? Can I get an invite? Akai.3486
EDIT: Best class/setup for a new player?
I'd like to give this another go, is the EU side busy? Can I get an invite? Akai.3486
EDIT: Best class/setup for a new player?
Seis moved again, just an FYI.
Next stop Southsun !
New raid confirmed.I just recently noticed that this whole event is going in a southwest direction all the way heh. So at the direction this is going, could this meanRing of Fire?!
- Ember Bay, set in the Ring of Fire Islands is the new map coming on Sept 20 with Episode 2.
- Ley Line Gliding Mastery needed to move quickly across the large map.
- New Mastery, Thermal Propulsion (Ancient Magic tier 2) costs 3 Mastery Points and allow you to shoot around point to point much like Nuhoch Wallows.
- New jumping puzzle designed by Josh Foreman at heart of the Mursaat Fortress
- Heart Quests will be returning in the map with repeatable daily and rewards
- New rewards include a skritt contract that allow you to summon a skritt merchant, a new weapon set, and new shoulder/gloves from achievements.
- New bosses including the Molten Dominator. Defeating it will unlock special updrafts that get you to special areas that were previously closed off.
- New conquest PvP map also arriving with this update Eternal Coliseum. It is a 5v5 map with 3 capture points and two new items to capture: Sword of Reaping or the Shield of Life. They either finish downed players or give health/shielding and one revive if you fall.
- New PvP map will be showcased at the Pro League World Championships on Sept 17 on https://www.twitch.tv/guildwars2
Yeah, it makes sense.whoa the fuck, ring of fire? neat!
Is Glide-r-Tron the closest glider I can have for a mechanical/steam punk themed glider?