Why would they revoke a key from a retailer that sells it by buying boxed copies and selling the codes from inside the box? It's also a worldwide key.
Livia Wiki Page said:In 1256 AE [note, this the prelude to GW2, far after events of Guild Wars], after the Rising of Orr, Livia was still the personal bodyguard to Kryta's monarch, and appeared to still hold a high rank (if not the highest) within the Shining Blade. She was aboard the Balthazar's Trident when it was attacked by Dead Ships, and used her magic to prevent Risen attackers from coming aboard. Livia claimed to have studied much of Orrian magic after acquiring the Scepter of Orr, and had retained her youthful appearance. How she had managed such a feat is not known—some tales said she'd sold her soul to become an immortal lich, and others claimed that Livia sacrificed prisoners in the dungeons of Divinity's Reach and used their blood to give herself eternal youth and beauty. There are hundreds of legends, usually told around Mad King's Day, when children are trying to scare one another with spooky tales.
Livia's current whereabouts are unknown.
8th - Juggernaut
Any special thing I need to do to get the collection to fix Caladbolg? Not getting the letter from the Sylvari.
edit: guess it just needs to be the next day or you have to just go to the Sylvari in question.
Grats on the juggy!
You have to beat the Heart of Thorns story. I know at least that much.
I swear, ArenaNet have been releasing new legendaries in the order of least used first. 1h and 2h swords pls. That just leaves Sword, Greatsword, Warhorn, Dagger, Longbow, Scepter and Focus. I'm going to be bummed if the new expansion comes out and they haven't finished releasing the Gen 2 legendaries.
fuck u anet i just finishes juggs
fuck u anet i just finishes juggs
fuck u anet i just finishes juggs
finish bolt next please :^)
but I already have Bolt, it's like my 5th legendary.finish bolt next please :^)
make a second one
8th - Juggernaut
Congratz, now comes the fun part, certain dyes greatly effect Juggernaut, Juggy was my first Legendary, because of Juggy i got almost every dye in the game before they started selling them in the Cash Shop, also https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Poly-luminescent_Undulating_Refractor_(Orange) best one for Juggy
as in the weapon itself or the armor dye? does this mean I can turn juggs orange?!
Armor Dye, you can play with Armor dye and change the look of the quicksilver depending on the time of the day, Mess around with Citrus Dye on heave armor...
Just post your account name or name of 1 of your characters and you will get an invite.Is there still a gaf guild/people playing? Started playing again after a long time away and looking for people to do stuff with
Meanwhile I just started on my first one and it's gonna be a long road. You're impressive boss doggo.but I already have Bolt, it's like my 5th legendary.
HMS Divinity
Now Juggernaut
Meanwhile I just started on my first one and it's gonna be a long road. You're impressive boss doggo.
Meanwhile I just started on my first one and it's gonna be a long road. You're impressive boss doggo.
oh and underwater legendary weapons, but LOL at those
oh wow you're right
For whatever reason I can't explain, it gets far easier after the first one. They don't get cheaper but I guess you (general you) learn how to put it together more efficiently or whatever.
Oh it's just that I came back after 4 years and am broke with no info on what to do and what the best farm areas for mats, gold and gear are. I assume I should gear up and start doing fractals?as Massicot said, once you have you first, you somehow magically get the others at a faster rate
it helps that at that point, your account has gone through a lengthy gameplay session that you know how to get mats, save up mats, etc. And pact supply really helps out in funding.
also I'm small time to the other people here who have all legendary weapons, duplicates, armor legendaries and backpack legendaries (both I'd probably never get)
oh and underwater legendary weapons, but LOL at those
Speaking of Legendaries. I finally finished Nevermore tonight! Woo!
And I don't even have to change my favorite outfit to match it cause it still works pretty well with what I've got!
Yo that's lit, is that a new one? Well by new I mean second wave.
Oh it's just that I came back after 4 years and am broke with no info on what to do and what the best farm areas for mats, gold and gear are. I assume I should gear up and start doing fractals?
So far I've just been doing AB mostly to get Mastery XP. My poor necro is still a baby.
Speaking of Legendaries. I finally finished Nevermore tonight! Woo!
And I don't even have to change my favorite outfit to match it cause it still works pretty well with what I've got!
but I already have Bolt, it's like my 5th legendary.
HMS Divinity
Now Juggernaut
They've been kicked from the guild. Now hopefully they'll be kicked from the game.About a day late on this, but apparently people have been caught paying someone to smurf on their account for the monthly automated tournaments. It's actually a guild that I used to be a part of for a short time. On one hand I'm unsurprised but on another painting with a broad brush is dangerous too. I'd say that clique filled shithole is probably more accurate than "a few bad apples" though.
Kind of embarrassing for the guild and the ESL team involved.
My interest in PvP was never high but I wonder how the tournaments have affected the competitive player base.
Anyway to make the Guardian move faster other that Staff 3+Shout that grant swiftness?
Other classes have a skill that grant a passive increase to movement speed but the guardian doesnt.
Anyway to make the Guardian move faster other that Staff 3+Shout that grant swiftness?
Other classes have a skill that grant a passive increase to movement speed but the guardian doesnt.