You should see the full resolution one.
So if we beat both of those, we won the game,right? Time to quit!Holy shit, I just realized how awesome that is
Queen's Gauntlet = Individual challenge added to game
Tequatl Rising = Over a hundred players coordination challenge added.
I didn't even see that until just now.
Woo, I actually found a screen I took back when I first started the game last November
You've come so far Lekalt... but you still need that Incinerator.
Bone pick is essentially the molten pick animation. Instead of lava you get deathly ichor... or mud, whichever you prefer to call it.
Got it for my warrior this morning. Will probably the other two as they come out. He will have totally different ones from my Engi.Just bought the Bone Pick
Hold me GAF
The event is just awful.
One person screwing up on a turret and it's all over.
Lag is bad in NA as well where skills won't even activate. The only thing that helps is to put the graphics settings to "Best Performance" where everything looks like shit but at least the skills work.Mehh. Its just boring.
The lag I get makes me useless so why bother at all? 100+ people in a small area from Australia?
Not to mention the inherent stupidity of raid like content.
God that's gorgeous.
I mean people tend to reference GW1 as "doing it better," without the need to venture into SWTOR-land. In towns, there was no "main" or "overflow," just "districts" that were numbered and cross-server (GW1 didn't even have selectable servers). There were even international districts where people could meet up cross-region, which GW2 tragically lacks of course. The problem with this concept is that it was never desirable to have a certain number of people in GW1 cities, because nothing actually happened in them in terms of gameplay.You also don't have the issue which we have in Europe with GW2 (which you are less likely to have in the US) where people in overflows are all speaking different languages, made worse by the idiots who haven't realised that they are in an overflow (despite the pop up message - I don't understand how these people are so stupid) and start chewing people out for not speaking English on an "English" server.
Obviously where this is slightly worse is that there might not be enough players on one server in that zone to fill two instances, but unlike SWTOR, GW2 doesn't really have population issues (this was actually helpful with SWTOR world events because you could avoid the combination of bad design and idiots by choosing a lower population instance of the zone).
At the very least, they could group the servers that contribute to overflows by language.
It also ought to be possible to name the overflows and allow players to port to the "right" one at will (assuming it's not full).
Across the Maguuma Jungle, players can find Aether Key Pieces. Collect and combine five of these to form a key that will open Aether Chests in the new path of Twilight Arbor.
How peculiar. Not a whole lot of interaction between the open world and dungeon paths so far. Wonder what's in those chests.Aether Chests
Across the Maguuma Jungle, players can find Aether Key Pieces. Collect and combine five of these to form a key that will open Aether Chests in the new path of Twilight Arbor.
Very interesting way of doing this update. I guess it wasn't a revamp just a new path.
Back pieces are getting ridiculous, I really hope they aren't the next legendary items that have been rumored.
Another update that will piss off WvWers and PvPers I guess...mostly PvE content this update.
I don't expect anything else in terms of new playable content, but typically the releases will throw a bone to something else as well, be it a structural or QoL change, a WvW rank change or mastery, something in PvP, etc. It's just unusually sparse at first glance. Granted I can understand them needing a break once in a while. Like the last 6 updates have all had something in that veinI wouldn't expect a lot in this update, other than the dungeon that is. I think a new dungeon is plenty of content for 2 weeks, particularly when the second update of the month will most likely be the big ol' Mad King update.
Also, there is an "extended" free trial from Sept. 27th to Oct. 3rd.
The delay in getting the page up makes me think they pulled the feature list at the last second... plus there's a WvW screen, like Jira mentioned.
I don't think the whole picture is there yet. ArenaNet sure does like surprises.
At the very least it'll have the skill balance changes, the new condition damage display floaters and trait tooltip systems.I don't think there is anything else new because a new dungeon path must take a whole lot of work and testing and this update is just before the Halloween update which is probably packed full of new features.
At the very least it'll have the skill balance changes, the new condition damage display floaters and trait tooltip systems.
in GW2 when an overflow for a zone pops up, it's almost always because something is occurring that requires a substantial population present. So while arbitrarily naming the overflows and making it either to jump between them would be great as convenience features, and some kind of language flag sounds crucial for funneling players into different overflows, the idea of overflows being created merely with the overflowing players from one particular server would very likely have the net effect of making them even more frustrating to play on. While GW2 as a whole itself doesn't have population issues, the quirks of individual servers mean that you could wind up with a player from a server that was just barely able to fill their main instance, and a player from a server that filled up its main and an entire overflow already, both separately on a map with 3 other people instead of being merged together to at least increase the population on that one.
Of course, the cross-server population is difficult to organize even without a language barrier. So while it would make sense to make it more convenient to make sure that your friends or guild all get onto the same non-main instance, the real primary issue of not being able to "get into your home server," where the real community coordination is taking place, really remains unchanged in any of these solutions. The overflow issue is frustrating primarily because during the times that server communities come into play, the "home server rush" is a big deal whereas most of the time in GW2 it doesn't interfere with you. It's not an easy solve, and I just feel like so often people deride the way overflows work as some kind of mistake in design rather than being a solution to another problem themselves. Things would actually be much more limiting without them![]()
Best thing about Oct 1st update is that SAB will be shut down!
No... no.. I don't think anybody is going to disagree with you on this one, Beardo. It's almost universally panned.
I know everyone complained about the one zone but did it actually make people hate all of SAB because of it?
I still have no hate for Sab. Then again, i haven't hit 2-2 or 2-3...
I hate the term "mainflow" tooRight now the need to camp out and wait for Tequatl (something I thought was gone years ago in MMOs) is annoying. If you aren't logged in early enough to get into the SBI version of Sparkfly (A picky sidenote: I refuse to call it 'mainflow' - for some reason I find the term annoying. If you're not in an overflow, you're just on Stormbluff Isle!), you're probably not going to be able to play with your whole guild. The ability to ferry individual players only works to a point, since the server gets full. Getting locked out comes with a slightly decreased chance of winning the fight, since whatever effort your home server is making to organize is now useless to you. Although if you've got some good commanders or vocal people in the overflow to organize people, that helps. If players were able to say "OK guys, GAF is gonna go to Sparkfly #3" we could maybe all get in AND the overflow would benefit from an organized force helping to push things along. That said, there are obvious flaws here too. Getting everyone in still wouldn't be a guarantee, and I think it would all depend on how early the overflows started opening - if a guild suddenly jumps into an overflow where Tequatl's already been up for 2 minutes, you've lost some valuable time.
Complaints aside, I think this is all a temporary problem. Tequatl is New and Shiny. We have new content coming NEXT WEEK, and in all likelihood that's going to thin out the crowds a bit. Tequatl will still be very popular, but eventually they'll revamp other bosses or add new ones that will thin out the crowds even more. The overflow problem will gradually decrease over time. It's my hope that Tequatl becomes an "event" you can plan and organize for with multiple guilds, instead of just hoping to get in with the crowds.
I think the ideal compromise for me would be to make Tequatl (and other world bosses) spawnable like the Karka Queen. That way, the guild doing the work would already be there when the crowds start coming in.
Yes! Old TA is staying!
I hate the term "mainflow" too![]()
It definitely is annoying. I was able to get in at about 7:27PM yesterday without even needing a ferry, but I definitely usually.