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Guild Wars preview weekend is live

Awesome, checking it out now.

Made a Necro/Elementalist. W00t!

Char name is Mordios Van Wrinkle.

D/L'ing client now. Woah, that was quick.
Not a bad game. I certainly wouldn't pay a montly fee for it, which I suppose is good considering the game won't have one.

Almost hit Level 16 with my N/E (necro/elemental).

I'm still confused on how the game is structured. When you're in an area that says "District 22", is that like a lobby, and going thru the portal sticks you in some sort of instance? I think that's how it works.
The districts are servers I think.

Anyways each passage is an instance type thing, with all the gathering goin on in town/pre-areas. I don't really like it :/ Just seems so banal. The dueling arena is pretty fun though.

Grey Fox

Damnit,just started up the game on a whim and noticed it started.Funny thing is,my e3 chars are still on my account.Although they are both bald warriors with messed up armor.And now I have to download this bastard of a patch.

Grey Fox

Made it past the noob area only to have to download another 1,300 files.: /Also,the only thing I kept from E3 is my name apparently.Hell even her looks have changed(went from pale to dark tan)Although the new models are pretty nice.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Wicked game, lots of diabloish fun with some super nice graphics.



Indeed.. I've been playing for about 5 hours now and it's great. I'm about 4 co-op levels in and it's just a gorgeous game... absolutely gorgeous scenery. You're jaw will drop when you see the 3rd level... awesome level design.
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