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Gungranve Overdose - IGN review


works for Gamestop (lol)

9.0 Presentation
A solid set of heavy metal-style menus set up the action to come.
7.0 Graphics
Fast and frenetic, but with some low-quality textures and camera issues that get in the way.
7.0 Sound
Not a very extensive set of audio clips or music, but with everything combined it creates a chaotic soundscape that matches the action onscreen.
8.0 Gameplay
A fast, fun freakout of a game that delivers some chaotic old-school kicks even if it really is a button masher at heart.
7.0 Lasting Appeal
The variety of characters gives some reason to go back through more than once.
(out of 10 / not an average)

Taken as a whole, Gungrave Overdose is a big, messy guilty pleasure with its own share of flaws, but in the quest for a sheer blitzkrieg of a game, the developers have truly pulled it off. If you don't mind the rapid-fire graphics and action and can deal with a thumb that will be sore from mashing on the square button a few trillion times, then this is an old-school rager that's worth checking out. Throw in a crazy deal where the game is retailing for $15 from day one and this is a title that you need to throw in with that other big-budget title you've been eyeing. It won't hurt you wallet and it provides a good amount of ridiculous fun.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I didn't see what people saw in the original game as well. It was a pretty shallow action game

Kumiko Nikaido

Wario64 said:
I didn't see what people saw in the original game as well. It was a pretty shallow action game

Perhaps you missed the stylized and gritty looks, the awesome CG anime cutscenes, and the blatant destructions of justice Gungrave dishes out to his enemies? :D


Its just not the same without Bobu Poundmax.

edit: but atleast the coolest character is back:
Kugashira Bunji
I love Gungrave...........Is Gungrave Overdose out yet? What is the release date?
another great Sega game to add to my collection.
Got the original after falling for the anime (well, the first half anyways). I'll definately pick OD up when it comes out. SF Anniversary, GG:OD, and Katamari... budget priced game heaven bitches!

(p.s. It first really is a 7/10 game at the very best.)
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