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Guy who sent dick pic to transgender woman shocked when she sends one back

Bullet Club

Weirdo who sent d*** pic to Scots transgender woman gets shock of his life when she sends one back

Faye Kinley wasted no time in getting her own back on the pervert who sent the unsolicited image.


A creep who sent a woman a picture of his manhood got the shock of his life when she sent back a snap of her own, bigger penis.

Faye Kinley was born biologically male and is now a transgender woman , while proudly stating on her social media: "Yes, I have a d***".

All of this information was somehow missed by the unknown man who texted her an unsolicited picture of his own genitals.

The pervert added: "Hey girl you are so sexy."

Faye, a student from Glasgow , wasted no time giving the sex pest a taste of his own medicine.

Faye, 20, then took to social media to share the exchange, tastefully censoring the pictures with a croissant and aubergine respectively.

The first photo shows the man's message which reads: "Hey girl you are so sexy" along with a photo of his genitals.

The next photo shows Faye's quick-thinking reply along with the man's furious response.

His messages read: "What the hell? Why would you send me that? I'm blocking your number now. Delete this coversation. Bye."

Faye posted: "This random guy somehow got my number off here and sent me a d*** pic and I guess he didn't appreciate it when I sent a picture of mine back. Worked like a charm."


@GeekyPug87 replied: "I love how HE is the one who got freaked out and texted YOU to block his number."

@KateismyFate added: "I don't know you but I love that you did this."

And Amy Rose said: "Men really flip out when you treat them the way they treat you."

In a final humiliating blow for the anonymous man, one twitter user @JAZ12345 asked Faye: "Okay but real s*** was yours bigger?"

To which she replied: "Yeah... A lot hahahah."

Speaking today, Faye said: "I think he found my number from my Facebook which has since been made private. And he just texted me out of the blue.

"I've received a fair few unsolicited pictures in the past, but for some reason it just occurred to me how funny it to be if I did exactly the same thing. His response was exactly as I expected it would be.

"My number got blocked immediately and I still have no clue who this guy is!

"I have somewhat of a platform on Instagram and such and if I went and reported every unsolicited d*** picture I received I would be at it 24/7.

"I think if someone was upset by receiving something like this they definitely should have the right to report it.

"Personally it doesn't bother me that deeply and on a personal level I've found the police to be negligent when actual sexual assault is reported never mind something like this."

Source: Daily Record

It sure seems that way. It was pretty alarming during my short season of trying out OK Cupid how many proposed straight guys messaged me with heavy interest in wanting to date me out of curiosity, only to back off once they learned I was post-op.
A friend of mine is trans but pre op, and she told me stories how lots of married family fathers secretly had sex with her.
Seems there are a lot of men into this..


A friend of mine is trans but pre op, and she told me stories how lots of married family fathers secretly had sex with her.
Seems there are a lot of men into this..

My only guess is that if they’re gay or bi-curious, having a dick presented to them with a feminine wrapper, is more palatable, lol.

It’s interesting that the second post-op information is related, they drop interest. I can only presume they want the D.


As someone who never understood guys sending unsolicited dick pics, this is hilarious to me. Well done.


What a world. Go public with a how to get rid of creeps story, and get your inbox flooded with new creeps who got excited by the first slap.
All part of the plan to go viral to promote whatever she's planning to promote. She'll be on This Morning chatting to a mildly bemused Philip Schofield by the end of next week.


Alex I’ll take things that never happened for 200.

My Instagram is dragging, I gotta drum up some followers... what can I do that requires no skill or ability 🤔
GAF, just remember that sending unsolicited dick picks is actually very illegal in most states nowadays and you can get into pretty big trouble for it.


GAF, just remember that sending unsolicited dick picks is actually very illegal in most states nowadays and you can get into pretty big trouble for it.
You couldn't have told us sooner????????????????????????

Anyone know a good defense lawyer? Asking for a couple of friends.


I have no idea what you mean. But if you don't think there is practically a cottage industry of weirdo's sending unsolicited dick pics to women, well, I don't know what to tell you.

Clout is status, or attention. She is chasing status and attention. They are both English words. Whether the picture was sent or not isn’t really relevant. She is using a salacious story to generate interest and income through social media.

Dic pics are being sent all the time? I can’t say that’s not true, but if it’s commonplace why would a trans female be bothered? Already seems like the attention is being monetized, which is a totally unanticipated benefit I’m sure.
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Faith - Hope - Love
A friend of mine is trans but pre op, and she told me stories how lots of married family fathers secretly had sex with her.
Seems there are a lot of men into this..

Exactly! There were at least four still-married men, two of which were fathers of multiple children...who tried to ask me out. It really creeped me out. "lollipop_disappointed:

Now remember guys it's not a chick with a dick
It's a guy with tits.

I think it's safe to say that both examples exist.
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