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H1Z1 Early Access |OT| You've got red on you.


Glad you find it funny.



Are they going to rape this amazing game for profit? Cause I'm really enjoying the game and I don't want to lose it.
I'm so sorry you hardcore cunt :)

Play some Battle Royale man. This game can feel soul crushing sometimes so i feel your frustrations. most of the time I'm okay with loss because that's just part of the games but sometimes when I do lose that sweet hunting rifle and ammo I just found before firing a shot it just drives me mad.

Are they going to rape this amazing game for profit? Cause I'm really enjoying the game and I don't want to lose it.

We hope not. Wouldn't make much sense either since this game can be profitable for a very long time if they handle it right. People have played Day Z for a long time and have complained about it non stop. Imagine if H1Z1 actually delivers on the promise it has?
Glad you find it funny.

I found it hilarious. I just hope they work on bases, having all my loot raided by a guy with an axe in 1 minute isn't cool at all. At least make them upgradable so that you can reinforce them and make it so that it takes real commitment to break into one.

Not Spaceghost

Me and my friends went to a remote location behind spawn lines close to the edge of the map in a small clearing in the forest and have been able to build a base without interruption for nearly 3 days.

Zeds who wander by seem to all be carrying a ton of metal scraps and ammo as well as other materials despite us not being particularly close to anything.

It's been so fun, our base is a total death trap for anyone who doesn't know how to navigate it and we have tons of false chests and hidden chests all over as well as few ways to get in without knowing the codes.

This is a very far away image of a small portion of our camp, it's the only screenshot I took because I was trying to see just how visible it was from an extreme angle / without knowing that something was there.

We're totally self sufficient which is awesome, with our 40 water bottles, 6 drew collectors, endless supply of wild life and berries we always have at least 50 meat and 30 berry juice on hand. Plus cloth to make bandages, and rabbit traps.

It's a nice life but it has totally changed the game for the 5 of us, we just log in maintain the base, perform repairs, build traps, and expand our territory, so far we haven't had a single soul discover us, but we have found a near by base so we are preparing for a possible raid / defense.
I found it hilarious. I just hope they work on bases, having all my loot raided by a guy with an axe in 1 minute isn't cool at all. At least make them upgradable so that you can reinforce them and make it so that it takes real commitment to break into one.

Bases should be like this. Hard enough to break into that it takes some risk and resources for the the crooks. This makes it so those lil shacks can be broken into easier but most people won't bother and the giant fortresses built by clans would be harder to break into but much more worth this risk.


I found it hilarious. I just hope they work on bases, having all my loot raided by a guy with an axe in 1 minute isn't cool at all. At least make them upgradable so that you can reinforce them and make it so that it takes real commitment to break into one.

Have fun sat in your base logged in 24hrs so nobody breaks in.
Have fun sat in your base logged in 24hrs so nobody breaks in.

I think what he's saying is that he hopes the devs will add in new crafting/building methods so you won't HAVE to stay in your base to ensure it's not looted.

Aside from that...losing all your hard-earned shit is a reality in these types of games. Until the map gets larger, your base WILL be found and, considering the exploits, you'll probably lose your stuff every so often.


Why do people play games like this if it makes them mad? Its part of the game. Play pve if you're a wuss.

The amount of crap I've lost so far, who cares. I don't anyways, I'll have fun getting it back while harassing other people.
Why do people play games like this if it makes them mad? Its part of the game. Play pve if you're a wuss.

The amount of crap I've lost so far, who cares. I don't anyways, I'll have fun getting it back while harassing other people.
Part of the fun is debating whether or not you can trust somebody. That is completely removed if everyone is a KoS jerk. Not saying no one should be KoS, but if everyone is then a lot of the cool interactions are gone. That's why I'm at least am attempting to be the nice guy who helps others out and only attacks when threatened. Of course that just makes me extremely vulnerable, but I'm hoping I'll eventually find a few other regular nice guys as well to adventure with in a world full of mean guys.


I actually find a mix of nice people and KoS.

I've played the game for 16 hours so far and I have not found one gun. I've found lots of ammo, but no guns. It's so frustrating. Is there a certain hotspot where they spawn?
I actually find a mix of nice people and KoS.

I've played the game for 16 hours so far and I have not found one gun. I've found lots of ammo, but no guns. It's so frustrating. Is there a certain hotspot where they spawn?

No idea. I found a hunting rifle and ammo in a house bathroom, haha.


guns are rare right now, i think with them breaking so easy something had to have gotten messed up. I used to hear gunshots going off all over the place, now i dont hear much of anything.
guns are rare right now, i think with them breaking so easy something had to have gotten messed up. I used to hear gunshots going off all over the place, now i dont hear much of anything.

Smed said this earlier today.

we're toning down guns and ammo you find btw. way too much out there.

we want it to be a survival game not a gun show.

Patch is coming tomorrow but they may have tweaked this without patching already?


I'm wondering if the wipe means there will be a huge ban wave coming...

I hope so. Every day seems like there's more and more cheaters/hackers.

edit: yeah, I think I'm just going to be playing BR until the wipe. It's just annoying running into fully geared groups with shotty's who most likely acquired everything during the loot explosion.
Was playing on Solace last night with my brother and a couple friends. We were exploring Lone Pines when guys in two trucks tore through the town and we holed up in a couple houses. Waiting for them to leave or come into the houses to fight us was the most fun I've had in a survival game in a long time. Then after a couple of guys logging out and meeting up with the rest, we heard a group of three dudes on the in-game mic. High-tailed it out of town, but definitely enjoyed those small moments of stress.

After that we found one friendly on our travels, but he was headed in the opposite direction. Very cool to have a wolf pack. I think the stress would kill me playing solo.
H1Z1 servers will be coming down at 1:00PM Pacific and will remain down for approximately 2 hours.
Patch Notes:
*Bandages and First Aid Kits no longer heal vehicles when used from the trunk
*Reduced the amount of stacked ammo that can be found in the world. Finding a full magazine worth of ammo will be very rare.
*Adjusted the amount of durability lost on worn equipment when killed.
*Adjusted the amount of durability lost when firing weapons. Changed some input mapping data which may reset some edits done to InputProfile_user.xml if they player has edited them.
*Speculative fix for large latencies when players dismount vehicles.
*Fixed additional cases of poison gas persisting after leaving a Battle Royale match.
*Adjusted toxic gas damage. adjusted some server configurations to improve overall server performance.


I'm really impressed by their rate of updates.

It's refreshing to see a game being supported so well in early access.

Is there a date for when it's going F2P?
I'm really impressed by their rate of updates.

It's refreshing to see a game being supported so well in early access.

Is there a date for when it's going F2P?

No. They are still in the stabilization phase. Figuring out the servers have them working fine then they are going to start adding content. They have said pretty much everything is placeholder at the moment. texture, character models, art etc. They want more vehicles, weapons, items a much larger world and better base building. I think it's a long way off from f2p. This is an actual alpha phase.


The game just gets too damn dark at the end of a BR. It doesn't help that people show up as black shadows in the distance. I hope they add in the option to have daytime only BR's as well as first person only.


Been just playing Battle Royal lately when i've played this waiting for the coming server wipe. Looks like it's time to make it rain though for people who bought the premium version. They are going to put you back to 3 airdrops after the reset, unless you have more. I'm going to go into PV announce to everyone and then hide and watch the action.

From Official Reddit update:
Tomorrow as part of our normal game update, we will be doing a complete server wipe. What does that mean for you? Think of it as a factory reset. We are going to be wiping the world clean of any player built structures, vehicle placement, everything. We are also going to be doing a full character wipe as well. Your characters will not exist on any servers, so you will have to create new ones.

What won’t be going away are any account locked items. These items are things like crates and crate keys. All the cosmetic skins you found inside the crate or won from Battle Royale will be safe and be locked to your account. The things that will not be safe are anything you have on your character or hidden in the world at the time of the wipe.

For people who purchased the Premium or upgraded to the Premium Edition will be topped off up to 3 Airdrop Tickets. If you already have 3 or more Airdrop Tickets you won’t be receiving any additional ones. This won’t happen at the exact time of the wipe but will be granted to your account within a few business days afterward.

Full server wipes are a part of Early Access and this won’t be the last one. They help make the game better in substantial ways. We appreciate your support in H1Z1 and the game has already grown a huge amount because of the collaboration between us.

You will receive the full list of other patch notes as we get closer to announcing when this downtime will exactly be tomorrow.

Also 1 character per server looking to be pushed into this update as well... Bye bye alt mules :(
Update! The one character per server will hopefully be a part of the patch tomorrow. We are testing it now.



Looks like this might be a fairly big patch if they are going to wipe everything. Hopefully, they can get some of these teleport scripts out of the game.
Servers will come down at 7AM for approximately 4 hours.
This will include a full server wipe and only allow for one character per server after the patch.

Release Notes
Sitting will cancel auto-run.
Fixed a bug where players can interrupt equip actions too quickly.
Fixed an issue where ammo count could become incorrect if you interrupt a reload action.
Objects making noise above or below you in a multi-story building will now be properly attenuated.
Added slight zoom to all guns and bows in Iron Sight mode.
Lowered sway on .308 rifle while in scoped mode.
Fixed an issue with hydration burning too fast when stamina was full.
Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause oddities on SLI setups
Dropping an item from a world container places it at the players feet instead of the world container origin. The latter would hide it in the world container model.
Vehicle stability adjustments – angular damping, moment of inertia, center of mass, tire friction and steering range tuning on the OffRoader, PickupTruck and PoliceCar.
Working on getting the vehicles to be more stable and less likely to abruptly roll or flip (this will still be possible on rocks, rough terrain, and player placed objects) but trying to make them more fun and survivable.
Fixed /respawn on PvE servers.
Fixed self-damage on PvE servers; the players may be the source of damage to themselves without mitigation.
Made players names reusable across servers. Names on each server must still be unique.
Battle Royale: Cleaned up gas after matches.
Battle Royale: gas damage reduced.
Fixed certain points of interest not getting reported when players entered.
Limited players to one character per server.
Recipe Changes
The makeshift shovel recipe now requires a metal sheet instead of a metal shard.
The storage container recipe now requires more materials.
The barbed wire recipe now requires wood planks and more metal shards.
The snare recipes now requires more metal shards.
The dew collector recipe now requires more wood planks and wood sticks.
The ground tiller recipe now requires more metal shards.
Bulk Changes - Many bulk changes have been made in an effort to meet somewhere in the middle of realistic and not annoying.
Canned food is 25 instead of 100.
All instances of water bottles are 25 instead of 50.
Backpacks are 150 instead of 600.
Military backpacks are 500 instead of 1400.
Car batteries 300 instead of 100.
Car fuel is 100 instead of 10.
Wood logs are 50 instead of 100.
Wood planks are 25 instead of 50.
Campfires are 50 instead of 100.
Scrap Metal is to 25 instead of 5.
Metal Sheets are 100 instead of 50.
Metal Pipes are 150 instead of 50.
Shirts are 50 instead of 100.
Jeans are 50 instead of 100.
Many melee weapons have had their bulk reduced.
First aid kits are 25 instead of 10.
All meat is 15 instead of 5.
Rifle ammo is 2 instead of 1.
Shotgun shells are 5 instead of 1.
Arrows are 5 instead of 1.
Shirts can now only hold 50 bulk instead of 90.
Pants can now only hold 50 bulk instead of 100.


Interesting bulk changes, that will definitely change how I play now. This is gonna be a far more realistic tweak and will make people weigh their decision on taking food over ammo or vice versa.


Changes look excellent. The arrow change will be offset by food and water taking up less space. Looking foward to playing tonight.
Has there been any big changes in the past 1-2 weeks?

I haven't been able to play it for a while unfortunately.

Check a few posts above for a big patch that came out today.

Other than that, Battle Royale has seen some improvements and loot spawning is "fixed", in that loot is very abundant. They'll probably slowly cut back on that as they balance it, though.
Just to show how early this game still is.

textures are placeholders, there are transitional animations in the works, you will be able to see equipped weapons on your player.

This game is gonna look great when all is said and done.
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