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Had to clothesline the shit out of some pedestrian today

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I'm walking home from work down the street near where I live downtown; it's mainly a business district type place with lots of offices but there's also a bunch of coffee shops and crap like that.

So it's sort of raining today, and in the drizzle I'm standing at a corner with a few other hapless pedestrians waiting for the light to change so I can cross the street when I look to my left. There, crossing the intersecting street towards us is this guy reading a book. Walking. In the rain.

So I look at him some more, and every detail about him just makes so much more sense I can't believe. Black sweater (in the muggy rain). Thick rim glasses. Day old stubble. Holding a Starbucks cup. Artfully messy "student" hair despite the fact he's clearly well in his 30s. I notice theres a moderately attractive woman standing beside me, and I instantly *know* what he's going to do. Sure enough, he continues holding the tattered old book in front him while crossing a busy street trying to look like he's reading something and he's got this deeply engrossed look on his face. And of course he steps in front of us despite the fact that walking behind us would have made much more sense and while in front holds the book up to his chest with this wistful look as if he's now has to get his bearings and he's holding the book in such a way that we could see the cover. Some anthology of something, all I saw was "collected works..". I'm willing to bet it was a book of poetry, just playing a hunch.

I almost burst out laughing, and some old guy behind us did sort of snicker but he was on a phone to cover it. So I ran up behind him and knocked him to the ground and kicked his book into the rain filled gutter. Ok, I didn't, but I'm certain no court in the land would have convicted me. The woman didn't react at all, which is too bad. I was hoping she'd cough *pretentiousmuch* or something.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I was expecting a story where you heroically ran after someone and kicked his ass...this sucked.


I could edit in a mugger or something I guess. Or else *I* could have been mugging someone. That would certainly be a twist, no?


Damn those artsy bastards! Always trying to...read poetry...and uh, chat up girls! Damn them!


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
dem said:
I read that post 3 times trying to figure out if anything actually happened...

Basically: Calder saw an incredibly pretentious guy walking towards him and this attractive lady in front of Calder (who Calder has no association with). The closer the guy the higher he raised the book he was reading to impress the attractive lass. It was a pretentious book about some sappy shit and the guy was trying too hard; he was trying to get noticed. Calder, mistakingly thought, it would be funny to share...

Correct, Calder?


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Also, I thought Calder was going elsewhere with the story. I thought the guy was going to spill the coffee on the girl and that's why Calder clocked the fucker.


Banstick Emeritus
That story rocked, Calder. :D I run into those jackasses all the time when visiting my buddy at Emily Carr.


Alpha: more or less, but instead of 'mistakenly thought to be funny' I prefer to believe that this thread just hasn't found it's demographic yet. Perhaps the West Coast will give it the numbers and buzz it deserves. It's a great thread, it just hasn't found it's audience. Maybe Region2 sales will pick up? Those Euros love poetry and shit.

caps make my post important.


MAF, if you read books while walking across the street in the rain and deliberately held the book up to passing ladies to show them how incredibly cultured you are you would have stabbed yourself in the heart by now. Or had it done to you.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
calder said:
Alpha: more or less, but instead of 'mistakenly thought to be funny' I prefer to believe that this thread just hasn't found it's demographic yet. Perhaps the West Coast will give it the numbers and buzz it deserves. It's a great thread, it just hasn't found it's audience. Maybe Region2 sales will pick up? Those Euros love poetry and shit.

Hahaha. This is a great thread, actually. I love hearing stories about these fake cocks who try so hard and end up falling harder.
Does that trick ever work?

Also, I think people are disappointed in that there was a disturbing lack of any actual clotheslining in the thread.


I got busted reading A Brief History of Time waiting for a set on a beach in Fiji. Not exactly the same but I still kinda felt like I was breaking the time and place rule.

This story bascialy adds up to I was walking down a street saw a pretty girl and a guy walked by reading a book. For some reason I got insecure. The End


Banstick Emeritus
The Shadow said:
Also, I think people are disappointed in that there was a disturbing lack of any actual clotheslining in the thread.
Yeah, I was going to bring that up but then I was distracted by this lemonade can.
oh, he was 'reading' on the street? I cant fucking do that, im too busy trying not to run into people. I shoulda read your post instead of skim it.
Hate to say it, but the only loser in that situation is you Mr. Calder. Kick his ass, take his name, and sing to that girl -your new love- how you've won the day.

*clears throat and walks away while reading Kafka having it held up to his chin*


MrAngryFace said:
oh, he was 'reading' on the street? I cant fucking do that, im too busy trying not to run into people. I shoulda read your post instead of skim it.

See? This is why I've lost the coveted 18-25 market. My material "skims" as old fashioned and newer, fresher posters have the modern quick-cut internet style. :\ I may punch up the calder brand with some titties in the avatar, but that smacks of desperation. Oh well, Farewell Thread Tours and endless convention appearances to pay the bills await I guess.

And Wesley would have pined for the woman for a year, only to have her die horribly in his arms when he finally wins her heart. Or else he would have her locked in a cage in his closet. Either way, it would have rocked.


lol give it up Calder, I don't even understand why you posted this thread. Makes you pretty sad compared to that guy you totally pwned.

Oh wait, that was in your head.


miyuru said:
lol give it up Calder, I don't even understand why you posted this thread. Makes you pretty sad compared to that guy you totally pwned.

Oh wait, that was in your head.



miyuru said:
lol give it up Calder, I don't even understand why you posted this thread. Makes you pretty sad compared to that guy you totally pwned.

Oh wait, that was in your head.

I'll admit, I'm pretty baffled. I'm sad compared to the guy what? Nobody owned anyone, except maybe book-reading man's self-ownage. Of course, he may yet sign on and post how he was in fact using the book to shield a map of the city he was using to find the orphanage he volunteers at, but I'm willing to take the chance.


A "look at me! I'm an attention whore" thread and a "lol people different from me are stupid" thread combined! It's two, two, two threads in one!


That is just about the stupidest thing you could have said. Attention whore? Laughing at people for being different? Did you actually read anything in the thread or did you just sort of imagine what it might be about?

I never thought this thread would bring out the "pretentious poser" defense league. Yikes!


Give calder a break, guys. This story probably knocks them dead in Winnipeg. ;)

Oh, and belgurdo is a douche. Don't mind him.


Fusebox said:
Reads post.

So you fantasised about beating on some geek for being a geek?

Not really, more I almost laughed at a guy for walking around pretending to read a fancy book in such a way as to be obviously trying to impress total strangers walking by.

I'm starting to think the thread title may have been a mistake... ;)

This story probably knocks them dead in Winnipeg
This could well be a leading story in the Free Press' local section tomorrow. Things have been rather slow lately.
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