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Had to clothesline the shit out of some pedestrian today

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calder said:
I'm starting to think the thread title may have been a mistake... ;)

A thread title is a promise. You promised violence and there was none. This is just as bad as starting a thread like "So and so actress has an amazing body!" and the body of the text reading, "It's true! It's true!".

Cock tease dude. Cock tease. You broke your promise and our hearts. :(


Dear Gaming-Age Forum Member,

Thank you for taking the time to give us at calder inc. this invaluable feedback. We do appreciate hearing from our customers, as your comments are vital for us to continue improving our post generation.

The problems that you mentioned have been brought to the attention of our Thread Titling Department. While the lack of service you experienced is unusual and not the standard of calder inc., there is no excuse for a lackadaisical or deceptive attitude on the part of any of our employees. We are sorry for the inconvenience and annoyance this incident caused.

Let us take this time to remind you, our valued customer, that when the oceans of burning blood rise up and drowns the tortured shrieks of the unbelievers as the army of the Righteous flay the skin from their unclean bones that it's the reaction to threads like this that seperate the friends of calder inc. from those that will needs be cleansed.

Thank you again for your comments. We hope that you will give us another chance to serve you.

Yours Sincerely,


Had to clothesline the shit out of some pedestrian today



MrAngryFace said:
Cause Wesley is a badass mutha!
Exactly. Some bookworms, you just don't mess with. I think bookworms would be given more respect if they were more like Wesley. ;) :)


i enjoyed that story until a few seconds after i read it when i realized that you didn't actually do anything. now i want my time back.
Yeah really, maybe tomorrow I should post about something I really shouldn't care so much about but do for some silly reason.

Anyways, I would have given the guy props for actually diong something to try and get a girl, regardless of how idiotic it is. I can't even mumble a hello to someone I like which is rather sad.
thank god there were some posts that saved this thread... because the first post sucked...

i wish i could clothesline this thread and get a CRITICAL!


I give this thread 6.8. On my scale, 6.8 is the lowest score possible. The fact that it's 2 pages makes me angry. The fact I'm adding to it means I'm going to self harm tonight!

And who can mention Wesley without some mention of Whisky hmm?


thats just probably one of the lamest things ive ever heard in my life. How the hell is that suppose to impress the opposite sex? You should have clotheslined that guy instead of making this thread about clotheslining him.
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