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Haditha massacre - Marine Sergant sentenced for..

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Updated: He faced three months but now wont be receiving a jail term.

Three months, the only prison sentence given in the entire case.


The final US Marine to face charges over the killing of unarmed Iraqi civilians in Haditha in 2005 has pleaded guilty to dereliction of duty. Sgt Frank Wuterich was one of eight Marines charged with murder or failure to investigate the killings but now faces just three months in jail. The charges against six were dropped or dismissed, and one was acquitted. Sgt Wuterich reached a plea deal to bring an end to the most notorious case against US troops from the Iraq war.

He faces a maximum of three months confinement, two-thirds forfeiture of pay and a demotion to the rank of private. Before the plea, he faced several counts of manslaughter. He is expected to be sentenced on Tuesday. Sgt Wuterich's guilty plea ended an ongoing trial at Camp Pendleton, California, almost seven years after the events in question. Prosecutors argued that on the day of the killings Sgt Wuterich lost control after seeing a friend blown apart by a bomb, before leading the soldiers under his command on a rampage. Among the dead were women, children and elderly people, including a man in a wheelchair. His former squad members testified during the hearings that they did not receive any incoming gunfire during nor find any weapons at the scene of the killings. His defence said he did the best he could in the "fog of war" and that his squad truly believed they were on a search for insurgents.


Original charges

On December 21, 2006, the U.S. military charged eight Marines in connection with the Haditha incident. Four of the eight, Frank Wuterich, Sanick de la Cruz, Justin Sharratt and Stephen Tatum, were accused of unpremeditated murder. Tatum was further charged with negligent homicide and assault, while de la Cruz was also charged with making a false statement. Squad leader Frank Wuterich was charged with 12 counts of unpremeditated murder against individuals and one count of the murder of six people "while engaged in an act inherently dangerous to others." The battalion commander, Jeffrey Chessani, was charged with one count of violating a lawful order and two counts of dereliction of duty. First Lieutenant Andrew Grayson was charged with obstruction of justice, dereliction of duty, and making a false statement, while Captain Randy Stone and Captain Lucas McConnell were charged with dereliction of duty. Stone also faced an additional count of violating a lawful order.​

Charges dropped

  • On April 17, 2007, the Marine Corps dropped all charges against Sgt. Sanick P. De la Cruz in exchange for his testimony. Seven other Marines involved in the incident have also been granted immunity.
  • On August 9, 2007, all charges against Lance Cpl. Justin Sharratt and Capt. Randy Stone were dropped. On October 19, Lance Cpl. Justin Sharratt's commanding officer decided the charges should be lowered to involuntary manslaughter, reckless endangerment and aggravated assault.
  • On September 18, 2007, all charges against Captain Lucas McConnell were dropped in exchange for immunity and his cooperation with the investigation.
  • On March 28, 2008, all charges against LCpl. Stephen Tatum were dropped.
  • On June 17, 2008, all charges against Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani were dismissed by the military judge citing unlawful command influence. The Marine Corps appealed that ruling in 2008
  • On March 17, 2009, a military appeals court upheld the dismissal of the war crimes charges against Chessani. Facing an administrative Board of Inquiry, it also found no misconduct and recommended that Chessani be allowed to retire without loss of rank.
  • On June 5, 2008, 1stLt Andrew Grayson was acquitted of all charges stemming from the Haditha incident. He had been charged with deleting photos of the deceased Iraqis in order to obstruct the investigation. He had also been charged with failing to notify the Marine Corps administrative chain of command of his legal status when his term of service was expired and he was discharged from the Marine Corps.


Here's what all participants agree on: at around 7:15 a.m. on Nov. 19, a U.S. humvee was struck by a powerful improvised explosive device (ied) attached to a large propane canister, triggered by remote control. The bomb killed Terrazas, who was driving, and injured two other Marines. For U.S. troops, Haditha, set among date-palm groves along the Euphrates River, was inhospitable territory; every day the Marines found scores of bombs buried in the dirt roads near their base. Eman Waleed, 9, lived in a house 150 yards from the site of the blast, which was strong enough to shatter all the windows in her home. "We heard a big noise that woke us all up," she recalls two months later. "Then we did what we always do when there's an explosion: my father goes into his room with the Koran and prays that the family will be spared any harm." Eman says the rest of the family—her mother, grandfather, grandmother, two brothers, two aunts and two uncles—gathered in the living room.

According to military officials familiar with the investigation, the Marines say they came under fire from the direction of the Waleed house immediately after being hit by the ied. A group of Marines headed toward the house.Eman says she "heard a lot of shooting, so none of us went outside. Besides, it was very early, and we were all wearing our nightclothes." When the Marines entered the house, they were shouting in English. "First, they went into my father's room, where he was reading the Koran," she claims, "and we heard shots." According to Eman, the Marines then entered the living room. "I couldn't see their faces very well—only their guns sticking into the doorway. I watched them shoot my grandfather, first in the chest and then in the head. Then they killed my granny." She claims the troops started firing toward the corner of the room where she and her younger brother Abdul Rahman, 8, were hiding; the other adults shielded the children from the bullets but died in the process. Eman says her leg was hit by a piece of metal and Abdul Rahman was shot near his shoulder. "We were lying there, bleeding, and it hurt so much. Afterward, some Iraqi soldiers came. They carried us in their arms. I was crying, shouting 'Why did you do this to our family?' And one Iraqi soldier tells me, 'We didn't do it. The Americans did.'" Time was unable to speak with the only other survivor of the raid, Eman's younger brother, who relatives say is traumatized by the experience. U.S. military officials familiar with the investigation say that after entering the house, the Marines walked into a corridor with closed doors on either side. They thought they heard the clack-clack sound of an AK-47 being racked and readied for fire. (Eman and relatives who were not in the house insist that no guns were there.) Believing they were about to be ambushed, the Marines broke down the two doors simultaneously and fired their weapons. The officials say the military has confirmed that seven people were killed inside the house--including two women and a child. The Marines also reported seeing a man and a woman run out of the house; they gave chase and shot and killed the man. Relatives say the woman, Hiba Abdullah, escaped with her baby.

According to military officials, the Marines say they then started taking fire from the direction of a second house, prompting them to break down the door of that house and throw in a grenade, blowing up a propane tank in the kitchen. The Marines then began firing, killing eight residents—including the owner, his wife, the owner's sister, a 2-year-old son and three young daughters.

The Marines raided a third house, which belongs to a man named Ahmed Ayed. One of Ahmed's five sons, Yousif, who lived in a house next door, told Time that after hearing a prolonged burst of gunfire from his father's house, he rushed over. Iraqi soldiers keeping watch in the garden prevented him from going in. "They told me, 'There's nothing you can do. Don't come closer, or the Americans will kill you too.' The Americans didn't let anybody into the house until 6:30 the next morning." Ayed says that by then the bodies were gone; all the dead had been zipped into U.S. body bags and taken by Marines to a local hospital morgue. "But we could tell from the blood tracks across the floor what happened," Ayed claims. "The Americans gathered my four brothers and took them inside my father's bedroom, to a closet. They killed them inside the closet."

The military has a different account of what transpired. According to officials familiar with the investigation, the Marines broke into the third house and found a group of 10 to 15 women and children. The troops say they left one Marine to guard that house and pushed on to the house next door, where they found four men, one of whom was wielding an AK-47. A second seemed to be reaching into a wardrobe for another weapon, the officials say. The Marines shot both men dead; the military's initial report does not specify how the other two men died. The Marines deny that any of the men were killed in the closet, which they say is too small to fit one adult male, much less four. According to the military officials, the series of raids took five hours and left at least 23 people dead. In all, two AK-47s were discovered. The military has classified the 15 victims in the first two houses as noncombatants. It considers the four men killed in the fourth house, as well as four youths killed by the Marines near the site of the roadside bombing, as enemy fighters. The question facing naval detectives is whether the Marines' killing of 15 noncombatants was an act of legitimate self-defense or negligent homicide. Military sources say that if the ncis finds evidence of wrongdoing, U.S. commanders in Iraq will decide whether to pursue legal action against the Marines.

The available evidence does not provide conclusive proof that the Marines deliberately killed innocents in Haditha. But the accounts of human-rights groups that investigated the incident and survivors and local officials who spoke to Time do raise questions about whether the extent of force used by the Marines was justified—and whether the Marines were initially candid about what took place. Dr. Wahid, director of the local hospital in Haditha, who asked that his family name be withheld because, he says, he fears reprisals by U.S. troops, says the Marines brought 24 bodies to his hospital around midnight on Nov. 19. Wahid says the Marines claimed the victims had been killed by shrapnel from the roadside bomb. "But it was obvious to us that there were no organs slashed by shrapnel," Wahid says. "The bullet wounds were very apparent. Most of the victims were shot in the chest and the head--from close range."

A day after the incident, a Haditha journalism student videotaped the scene at the local morgue and at the homes where the killings had occurred. The video was obtained by the Hammurabi Human Rights Group, and has been shared with TIME. The tape makes for grisly viewing. It shows that many of the victims, especially the women and children, were still in their nightclothes when they died. The scenes from inside the houses show that the walls and ceilings are pockmarked with shrapnel and bullet holes as well as the telltale spray of blood. But the video does not reveal the presence of any bullet holes on the outside of the houses, which may cast doubt on the Marines' contention that after the ied exploded, the Marines and the insurgents engaged in a fierce gunfight.

There are also questions about why the military took so long to investigate the details of the Haditha incident. Soon after the killings, the mayor of Haditha, Emad Jawad Hamza, led an angry delegation of elders up to the Marine camp beside a dam on the Euphrates River. Hamza says, "The captain admitted that his men had made a mistake. He said that his men thought there were terrorists near the houses, and he didn't give any other reason."

But the military stood by its initial contention—that the Iraqis had been killed by an insurgent bomb—until January when Time gave a copy of the video and witnesses' testimony to Colonel Barry Johnson, a U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad. After reviewing the evidence, Johnson passed it on to the military command, suggesting that the events of Haditha be given "a full and formal investigation." In February an infantry colonel went to Haditha for a weeklong probe in which he interviewed Marines, survivors and doctors at the morgue, according to military officials close to the investigation. The probe concluded that the civilians were in fact killed by Marines and not by an insurgent's bomb and that no insurgents appeared to be in the first two houses raided by the Marines. The probe found, however, that the deaths were the result of "collateral damage" rather than malicious intent by the Marines, investigators say.

This was a small number of Marines who fired directly on civilians and killed them," said Representative John Kline, a Minnesota Republican and former Marine who was briefed two weeks ago by Marine Corps officials. "This is going to be an ugly story." Almost as damaging as the alleged massacre may be evidence that the unit's members and their superiors conspired to cover it up. "There's no doubt that the Marines allegedly involved in doing this--they lied about it," says Kline. "They certainly tried to cover it up." Three Marine officers, including the company commander and battalion commander, have been relieved of duty in part for actions related to the deaths in Haditha. A lawmaker who has been briefed on the matter says the investigations may implicate other senior officers.



will learn eventually
wow I never heard about this incident, but the sentence is disgusting. 24 killed and only 2 AKs found? Fuck this.
6 October 2011

US defence secretary Leon Panetta has insisted that any US troops remaining in Iraq beyond the scheduled pull-out at the end of this year must remain immune from local prosecution.
The Iraqis rejected it

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Disgusting result, the theory is that the prosecution fucked up.

I don't get how you can justify shooting blindly into several houses when none of your squad was even shot at. The only casualties were from the IED. Everybody they actually shot at was innocent.


Wow that's a slap in the face to the families. This is prime propaganda materil for terrorist recruiting... actually is it even propaganda if its objectively true? I can partially understand the reason for dropping so many charges; you don't want soldiers to actually listen to their conscience more than their CO, but still the bigger picture here is just reinforcing us army presence as bullies who do what they want with impunity. Dude should have had the book thrown at him as a show of good faith. At least that way apologists would have some sort of way to defend the position of the navy being somewhat apologetic.


Poet Centuriate
And then people think you're un-American for wanting them put in jail. The un-HUMAN thing to do is let him go free and unpunished.

If you want to be the good guys, you have to actually be the good guys.


He is being punished, btw. Just not to the degree that others would like to see. It depends on the portrayal. Some say this was a fog of war situation, turned up to 11. Others say this was a retaliation by a squad that had just had too much and couldn't take any more. I still think that more punishment would be warranted, but not in an anti-Military, 'they're all animals', sort of way. Just to be as responsible for their actions as possible, which in my view, our armed forces have not been.

way more

There are even Marines who find the sentence too lenient.

But jeez, the insurgency provokes the military at every turn just praying for this sort of reaction. Their playbook was to stage surprise bombings, cause confusion, and watch US soldiers fire wildly in all directions.

It took too long for our military to adapt and basically rewrite engagement rules saying, "dont' fight back."


For those saying it's the prosecution that messed up, have you ever considered that the prosecution intentionally messes up to sabotage their case to get the soldiers off? Seems likely to me.



This shit is a fucking disgrace.

That motherfucker should be under a jail along with many others.

There are many Marines who feel they same way.


Man, should at the very fucking least kick him out of the goddamn military. Guys like that just give others a bad rep.


soo, they weren't being fired upon at all, no weapons were found, and they killed children!?

I can't help but feel that somebody who tells me that these soldiers were living up to any military or human standard is either sickeningly dishonest or not mentally able.

Straight up, out of control revenge shit.


Fucking disgusting, and just one more reason why the US needs to stay the hell out of other people's business and stop trying to police nations when the example they set themselves is atrocious.

but Bradley Manning deserves to be executed right?

Yea, real justice. Urgh...


Wow that's a slap in the face to the families. This is prime propaganda materil for terrorist recruiting... actually is it even propaganda if its objectively true? I can partially understand the reason for dropping so many charges; you don't want soldiers to actually listen to their conscience more than their CO, but still the bigger picture here is just reinforcing us army presence as bullies who do what they want with impunity. Dude should have had the book thrown at him as a show of good faith. At least that way apologists would have some sort of way to defend the position of the navy being somewhat apologetic.
This is the kind of story that makes a lot of fucking people just go out and rage on these stupid fuckers.

I wanna kill this guy after reading this and I know thats really fucking dumb to think.

It's just so sad.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
What happened to those Blackwater guys who did essentially the same? I remember them being charged but not sentenced.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Definitely. Demotion? Should have been dishonorable discharge at the least.
Seriously, the BEST case scenario for him should be getting a dishonorable discharge. That's if you believe he was just really scared and lost in the moment and didn't know how to handle himself, that would mean that this is a soldier who simply isn't fit for combat. The fact that he's going to be back to his job in just a few months is ridiculous.

In the rest of his career, is he really expected to undo the undo the suffering he brought on these victims? Is keeping him as a soldier in any way going to help fix the damage he did to the military's reputation? I don't understand what anybody other than the soldiers involved in this gain from not pushing for stronger punishments.
What happened to those Blackwater guys who did essentially the same? I remember them being charged but not sentenced.

The charges against all them were dismissed

The disputed evidence concerned statements the guards were compelled to give to state department investigators: As these statements would have been self-incriminating, they were therefore protected under the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. "Prosecutors should therefore have built their case against the men without them", the BBC report explained. On 22 April 2011 a federal appeals-court panel revived the Justice Department's prosecution of the former Blackwater Worldwide guards accused. A three-judge panel of the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit found "systemic" errors in a district court's 2009 decision to dismiss charges against the five former Blackwater guards.

The district court found that the government mishandled the case by using tainted statements the guards provided in the initial investigation. The official court document explained that “the government failed to establish that the Iraqi witnesses it presented to the second grand jury were not in any way influenced by their previous exposure to the defendants’ compelled statements. This evidentiary use of tainted information constitutes yet another Kastigar violation.”​

next stop iran, unless they get the bomb first.

i'm starting to hope that they do. for the sake of the average Iranian. at least they'll be safe from any invading army that would occupy their country for a decade or more and kill and maim and rape their populace.


Man, should at the very fucking least kick him out of the goddamn military. Guys like that just give others a bad rep.

IF he got demoted from SSgt to Private- he prob got a Bad Conduct Discharge to go wiith it.
Maybe a dishonorable, but for three months that's unlikely (not much difference between the two)
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