Confused Colorado drafts 11th-grader
June 11, 2005
CBS wire reports
CHARLOTTE AMALIE, U.S. Virgin Islands -- It's every high school pitcher's dream, but when the Colorado Rockies drafted 11th-grader Timothy Brewer he was more bewildered than thrilled.
In an apparent mix-up, the Rockies selected Brewer, a 17-year-old junior at Ivanna Eudora Kean High School in St. Thomas island, in the late rounds of Wednesday's Major League Baseball draft.
Brewer thought it sounded too good to be true. He's probably right -- at least for now. League rules say players who haven't finished high school are ineligible.
"I never thought I'd get to the major leagues," Brewer said. "But they drafted me after the 11th grade? I was like, man, that can't be so."
Rockies officials are unsure how the mistake happened and are trying to decide what to do next, said team spokesman Brendan McNicholas. But the mix-up will likely result in the Rockies losing their draft pick, he said.
Brewer, Colorado's 35th round pick, said he hasn't heard from the Rockies since they called to congratulate him Wednesday.
The 6-foot, 2-inch St. Thomas native has never been to Colorado or even seen snow. But as far as his mother is concerned, he'll have settle for pitching for his high school team next year.
"After school he can do what he wants but not this year," said Eurita Smith. "He's only in 11th grade."