Funny phone call, but what's up with Opa Ages? I'm sure there's a long story behind it, but can someone sum it up for me in a sentence or two? For people who don't think GAF is worth their time, they somehow manage to get their image consultants to squeeze in a few extra hundred hours per month talking about it.
I'm talking about this thread:, of course.
"Who's hating?
I think it's funny that some of them aren't used to posting on a forum that doesn't require six months of waiting, before you can post. One that has members that aren't required to fear the mods. That aren't afraid to talk about 'other' boards or offer feedback on how shitty this one is.
That's all."
If people like this could channel their irrational hatred into something useful like, say...a cure for cancer/pop music (whatever comes first), the world would be a much better place. But no. Let's keep dredging up the past to fling insults at people who couldn't care less.