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Haha, someone forgot their condom in their Zelda: Collector's Edition case

Kumiko Nikaido

I was browsing at EB this afternoon, and I noticed this guy trading in his Zelda: Collector's Edition disc for store credit. He handed the game to the employee working the counter and proceeded to ring up his credit after opening the case and inspecting the disc for scratches and whatnot. He put the credit on the guy's EB Edge card, and gave it to him. The employee opened up the case again, inspected the manual and discovered in the middle of the booklet........a condom. Not a used condom, but a new one still in its wrapper. The employee said, "Hey, uh.......you forgot your...(shows him the condom)". The guy then said, "Oh yeah, sorry man......(takes the condom)" and chuckles a bit.

The employee then turned around and had a disgusted look on his face. I could tell he didn't want to touch that Zelda game again. :p

Just a weird and funny story.
Who of us here wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone so enamored with the very idea of classic Zelda that that's the best place to store a condom?


Yeah, looks that way to me too. Would have been pretty funny if some parent bought that for their kid, and didn't check the case :p.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game

You mean this?

Ranger X


The fuck, they usually play some Zelda together or maybe he likes to do it while playing?

I had a blow once when i was playing FF9... damn the game was feeling so nice but the difficulty went up dramaticly, i think i even died in some random battle lolol


Maybe the guy was just trying to fuck the disc hole without getting AIDS. Sorry man, this hole is only meant for child pornography.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Hellraizah said:
Maybe the guy was just trying to fuck the disc hole without getting AIDS. Sorry man, this hole is only meant for child pornography.
you've gone straight to my ignore list....
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