Looks amazing, and I love how it keeps the identity of the original.
Eh, it changes he identity of the original a bit. The paint cans for instance have a specific brand logo in the game, but then they get replaced with general library paint cans (I assume that's where they're from) and the branding is changed. It's a little thing, one of those who-cares changes (and it looks like the label might still say "Flavia" in smaller print,) but there's a number of little things like that seen to be changed just in the video. (This is being done by a fan group of modders under Valve/NVIDIA supervision, so ultimately the updates will be respectful, but details were one one way originally for a reason.)
Not a big deal, overall they're doing a nice job capturing the vibe and relighting/redressing the scenes, but thankfully it's on PC and you can choose to run the original or the mod, I don't think this RTX Remix will quite be held universally as the definitive version.