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Halo 2 customizable armor


Just curious what you guys want your armor insignias to look like, and if anyone wants to, could they photoshop one for me? The clan I am in is called Team Jesus, anyone wanna give it a try? :)



Put a hog instead of a car maybe?


This one could be cool too, somehow give it a Halo theme in there somewhere
From what I've heard Bungie might limit the armor to the designs they include only. Tycho mentioned once that they said the abality is in there, but they might not make it fully customizable. My guess is to make sure people don't draw cocks on their armor.


EH.. probably something simple like the Robotech logo.

OR... the bat sign from Batman Beyond. I had that on the side of my bike in MotoGP2. :D


hyperbolically metafictive
i've never had the talent or patience to do anything worthwhile with the logo editors that occasionally show up in games. but i was looking at the packaging of the aqua teen dvd's the other day, and i realized that it'd be really easy to do a perfect mooninite. it shall be so.
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