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Halo 2 Dancing Baby


I derived absolutely no pleasure from this. Who do I send the bill for the 2 minutes of my life that was taken?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Can we PLEASE stop posting fucking gay shockwaves here. Please???

Shockwave Flash, the worst thing to ever happen to the internet.


After watching that, potential threads about Japanese mahjong games for various consoles suddenly became an exciting thought.


I just can't help but think of those new TBS Comedy Hotline commercials.

Operator: Hello?
Caller: I have a shockwave called dancing Halo baby and I want to know if its funny?
Operator: Doesn't sound promising. Give me some details. Is Master Chief the baby?
Caller: No
Operator: NO?
Caller: But they have the song!
Operator: .... I assume they at least have the animation right.
Caller: Not really. It's just a cardboard looking cutout moving back and forth
Operator: <click>
Caller: Hello? Hello?
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