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Halo 5: Guardians |OT3| Ball Dropped


I just got the Elite controller and I'm doing absolutely terrible with it :(. Can anyone recommend a proper set up for halo? I keep pressing the paddles accidentally. What are the best sensitivity for the sticks? I play bumper jumper BTW.
I just got the Elite controller and I'm doing absolutely terrible with it :(. Can anyone recommend a proper set up for halo? I keep pressing the paddles accidentally. What are the best sensitivity for the sticks? I play bumper jumper BTW.

You will get used to just give it time in my case it took me 7 days, just play Warzone until you feel ready for Arena
I play with the default settings and this is how I use my paddles:


Good luck OP and congratulations you now have the GOAT gaming controllers ever!


That's kind of boring. I wish they had a different emblem for each division as an incentive!

It would be cool if you got extra stuff based on your rank, it would give incentive to try and play better I suppose. I'm guessing they don't want to alienate average players who would miss out on a lot of cool exclusive stuff though. It's a tricky one.

I just got the Elite controller and I'm doing absolutely terrible with it :(. Can anyone recommend a proper set up for halo? I keep pressing the paddles accidentally. What are the best sensitivity for the sticks? I play bumper jumper BTW.

It's really tricky to get comfortable with. There isn't really an easy way to git gud with it. You need to find a set up that feels okay and play with it till your muscle memory adapts. It takes time.

I personally run Default controls. I use the two small paddles (because I kept catching the large ones accidentally when clenching the controller). I have them slotted into the top slots because that suits my hands best. And I have A assigned to the right paddle to Jump, B assigned to the right paddle to Thrust.

There are lots of variations, some folk use all 4 paddles. Some use them to crouch, or switch weapons, or melee etc. Try a few things out and see what works for you :)


You will get used to just give it time in my case it took me 7 days, just play Warzone until you feel ready for Arena
I play with the default settings and this is how I use my paddles:

Good luck OP and congratulations you now have the GOAT gaming controllers ever!

Thanks! It's indeed a nice controller :).

I don't remember the default settings in halo 5 lol. I refuse to zoom in with Left trigger =p. I put jump,thrust, melee and reload on the paddles. I don't know if I should replace one of them with crouch or something else.


Unconfirmed Member
Can't get wins to save my life this week. Was hoping to finally get another win this evening then my connection dropped :(

Think I need to call my internet provider. I'll check my connection after i get dropped and I have 100% packet loss.


It would be cool if you got extra stuff based on your rank, it would give incentive to try and play better I suppose. I'm guessing they don't want to alienate average players who would miss out on a lot of cool exclusive stuff though. It's a tricky one.

Just give different amounts of RP based on the player's division per playlist. 500 for bronze, 1000 for Silver, 1500 for Gold, 2000 for Plat, 2500 for Diamond, and 3000 for Onyx/Champion. Get ranked in more playlists to get more RP. Ship it.


Just give different amounts of RP based on the player's division per playlist. 500 for bronze, 1000 for Silver, 1500 for Gold, 2000 for Plat, 2500 for Diamond, and 3000 for Onyx/Champion. Get ranked in more playlists to get more RP. Ship it.

That's a super clever, elegant solution actually. And it'd promote playing in more than just one playlist for those who might stick to just one or two. Numbers might need tweaking to be more enticing but yeah, ship it! #KarlForPresident.


It's really tricky to get comfortable with. There isn't really an easy way to git gud with it. You need to find a set up that feels okay and play with it till your muscle memory adapts. It takes time.

I personally run Default controls. I use the two small paddles (because I kept catching the large ones accidentally when clenching the controller). I have them slotted into the top slots because that suits my hands best. And I have A assigned to the right paddle to Jump, B assigned to the right paddle to Thrust.

There are lots of variations, some folk use all 4 paddles. Some use them to crouch, or switch weapons, or melee etc. Try a few things out and see what works for you :)

That's what i ended up doing. Kept hitting the large paddles till i gave up on them. I'll stick with the small ones for the time being.

Btw, i added you recently and you aren't online at all :p.
I went from 0 - 70k req this weekend. Lots of Halo.

I couldn't even imagine 10 sensitivity! How do you stay on target? I'd be doing 360's instead of tracking a target :3

I've not really seen many people with over 4/5 sens.

I do pretty fine with it. I really like the fast feel.
I actually find 10 to be a bit slow. Wish I could crack it up like COD.


Sent you an invite on Waypoint Nori.

That's 100, but there's still a few people who haven't played since December if anyone else wants in.
I just got the Elite controller and I'm doing absolutely terrible with it :(. Can anyone recommend a proper set up for halo? I keep pressing the paddles accidentally. What are the best sensitivity for the sticks? I play bumper jumper BTW.
Personally, I like to keep it simple.

I use a single paddle (upper right) for thrust, and that's it. Bumper jumper.

It works pretty well.


Aww, I was dismissed from the Spartan Company. Not active enough, I suppose.

How stupid. And I'm not talking about GAF here, I'm talking about whoever at 343i decided to place a limit of 100 players and then decided to tie exclusive armour and whatever that requires a lot of people being constantly active.
Whispered Truth is a really fun weapon. I got too greedy though and should have let my shields recharge, probably could have got at least three more kills with it.

Oh well that's enough clips for tonight, going to bed on a good note!
I just got the Elite controller and I'm doing absolutely terrible with it :(. Can anyone recommend a proper set up for halo? I keep pressing the paddles accidentally. What are the best sensitivity for the sticks? I play bumper jumper BTW.

Keep it simple, first go with no paddles, get used to the overall feel, then add one or two paddles, only put what is necessary on them.


Personally, I like to keep it simple.

I use a single paddle (upper right) for thrust, and that's it. Bumper jumper.

It works pretty well.

Hmmm I might try this. i need to access jump/thrust buttons without moving my thumbs. I'll try it tonight.

Keep it simple, first go with no paddles, get used to the overall feel, then add one or two paddles, only put what is necessary on them.

Yeah, that's what most people recommend. I wanted to do all four from the start. BAD IDEA.


It sucks looking at my clips and thinking that nothing's worth being put in the next montage.

Just give different amounts of RP based on the player's division per playlist. 500 for bronze, 1000 for Silver, 1500 for Gold, 2000 for Plat, 2500 for Diamond, and 3000 for Onyx/Champion. Get ranked in more playlists to get more RP. Ship it.

Good idea. Probably easy to implant, too.


Whispered Truth is a really fun weapon. I got too greedy though and should have let my shields recharge, probably could have got at least three more kills with it.

Oh well that's enough clips for tonight, going to bed on a good note!

Yeah it's alot of fun, only called one in and luckily got a bunch of kills with it. Headed straight to theatre afterwards to take some screenshots to mark the occasion

Add 'inspect weapon' to the D pad ty pls


Allright here is the link to the list of minigames. You can add the creators you want or add me and find everything in my bookmarks. ( GT: maximrace)


I tried to add as many different things as possible. So this means there won't be 4 variants of one minigame. If you found a better variant of something or a minigame I forgot, send me a message and I'll add it.

Have fun guys!
Allright here is the link to the list of minigames. You can add the creators you want or add me and find everything in my bookmarks. ( GT: maximrace)


I tried to add as many different things as possible. So this means there won't be 4 variants of one minigame. If you found a better variant of something or a minigame I forgot, send me a message and I'll add it.

Have fun guys!

Thanks man. I got a lot of these already, but some I did not!


After finally watching yesterday's finals I've come to some conclusions...

1) Strongholds is an amazing entry into the list of Halo gametype. Anyone who disagrees is wrong. CLGs comeback was a thing of beauty.

2) I was wrong about really breakout being good to watch competitively. For every exhillerating match, there are one or two stinkers. It also doesn't highlight skill gap like other modes. It needs to be out of season 2.

3) pros are using ground pound in amazing ways. Some of the fake outs and cancels are unreal... Is this a fighting game now?
Some pros use ground pound, most don't from what I've seen.

You'd think its all communication and good aim, but the pros have amazing movement and map knowledge... They can easily thrust onto ledges without looking, that's what blows me away.


Invites sent.

Poster#1 it doesn't really matter where you play, as long as you play and contribute to the cause! lol
Anymore places? There are 77 out of 95 members inactive in the neogaf euro company, and I will never see that armor.

I'm on most nights and have 10k+ kills just in the arena.


Invites sent.

Poster#1 it doesn't really matter where you play, as long as you play and contribute to the cause! lol

Sorry I didn't see your post earlier. I just wanted to make sure if its region specific. Apparently the official EU group is mostly inactive according to the post above me. Just trying to avoid any lag that might happen from playing in a different region. It's not fun for anyone.

And if SC is just for commendations and filling bars then I don't mind joining any SC as long as they are active.
Lost four Warzone games in a row. Silly randoms, you're supposed to capture bases and kill bosses.

EDIT: Lol, I join a BTB game and hear the randies talking.

"What the fuck are you, twelve?"
"Could you please watch your language?"
"Shut the fuck up, fat man. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck."

EDIT: Nope, I'm done. Lost five games in a row and then got dumped in a Warzone game where the enemy team holds two of the three bases and is continously charging on the third, with a 200 point lead.


Some pros use ground pound, most don't from what I've seen.

You'd think its all communication and good aim, but the pros have amazing movement and map knowledge... They can easily thrust onto ledges without looking, that's what blows me away.

Most of them don't use it to deal damage. But I've see quite a few of the use it to reach certain locations, To limit how long the are in an opponents LoS (especially useful in CTF), or to dash cancel in order to fake out an opponent. like this It's good stuff.


Hopefully the X-Games is streamed without a million stupid "commercial breaks." Really hyped otherwise.

Yeah, being at an in-person event, should allievate all the setup bullshit that goes on in between online matches.

Still 343i needs to find something better to do with down time... After several weeks of this they still haven't realized how boring the intermissions are. They could be filled with updates on pro drama, analysis of plays from previous games, replays of games that weren't aired... The possibilities are endless... But they keep showing these same vids. It's no wonder so many people are just choosing to watch a player stream.


Yeah, being at an in-person event, should allievate all the setup bullshit that goes on in between online matches.

Still 343i needs to find something better to do with down time... After several weeks of this they still haven't realized how boring the intermissions are. They could be filled with updates on pro drama, analysis of plays from previous games, replays of games that weren't aired... The possibilities are endless... But they keep showing these same vids. It's no wonder so many people are just choosing to watch a player stream.

Yeah the numerous intermissions, the amount of time they'd last, and the lack of content to show during them was bad. The fact that for a month the same videos got played and repeated multiple times each stream kind of says to me the online qualifiers was a bare bones operation. What other takeaway is there when it's January 24th and there's still Christmas stuff playing. Hope X Games and LAN events are a big step up in all aspects of the production.
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