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Halo for GBA confirmed by Craig from IGN


Mini Master Chief
I hear things... Specifically, a Halo game for GBA.

No, I'm not a crackpot, or even a 10 year old kid. I'm not joking. I hear from a trusted source that this may happen. Not sure what KIND of game it may be.

What are you waiting for? Go ask someone.


Well, this was something that I've known for months about, but was literally sworn to secrecy by the people involved (just like many OTHER things I know but can't say). But since it's been mentioned in another publication, I can confirm that, yes, Halo is in the works for the GBA. That's all I can say, on risk of having my fingernails ripped off with a bottle opener.

-- Craig

Huh. It would be a better fit on the more powerful DS hardware, but I'm guessing THQ's deal with MS - assuming they're publishing it - only applies to GBA.
If they can pull it off well it can be a success, even as a 3D FPS, but I doubt it'll be that. I expect a side scroller or top down game. Who knows though, I mean a GTA for GBA is being made so.. anything's possible. :p


i wonder if it will be a fps or like how halo was supposed to be at first a rts.

though a contra style halo game would be really cool. [ sorta like the old duke nukem DOS games ]


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
damn, EGM right again
this is getting shocking


After reading J Allard's comments about expanding the Halo 'universe' with games on different platforms, I'm banking on this being a strategy game of some kind. (Though a Halo RPG or SRPG for GBA would kick serious ass...)
Anyone remember that EGM issue with Master Chief on the cover with the article on Halo 2 using 2D pixelated representations of the game? Now that would rock on the DS with online play. :cool:
any HALO on gba will rock..

but i am kinda hoping for an RTS or side scroller instead of a cheasy GBA FPS... but i bet even a halo GBA FPS would rock.


The Shadow said:
It'll probably be a FPS with a generic Doom engine like all the other generic Doom clones on the GBA.
It could be side scroller or top down view also...Dunno.

damn, EGM right again
this is getting shocking
Has EGM's credibility gotten better during its long slump???


Gotta be a side-scroller, just like Splinter Cell, XIII and Prince of Persia: Sands Of Time all became when ported to mobile devices.


Post it on TXB forums :lol

Seriously though, I hope they reconsider and make a NDS version instead (or why not both?) It's not like it'll be an expensive project. Might as well cover all the bases (except for the PSP, of course :))


Fusebox said:
Gotta be a side-scroller, just like Splinter Cell, XIII and Prince of Persia: Sands Of Time all became when ported to mobile devices.

Stop it. You're making sense. That isn't really allowed here.
I just hope it's not something stupid, like "Master Chief in Outerspace." I can already see "T H Q" popping up all crappily when the game boots up, in the most shitastic way possible. Then, of course, the eXtreme logo for one of the five thousand tiny studios out there that do nothing but make GBA 3D engines will pop up. "DIGITAL EXTREME STUDIOS PRESENTS...MASTER CHIEF, IN OUTERSPACE."


Should be interesting to see what kind of game it will be. And if it's Bungie who's developing it then it could be turn out good. And I agree that they should have done the game on the Nintendo DS instead, but as long as they don't use a "3d" engine for the game then it should be okay.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
remember those bad ass halo sprites for the first halo 2 cover story in egm waaaay back?

a game like that would fucking own hardcore!!!111



Joe said:
is that the egm images you guys are talking about?

that looks pretty sick.

The pics I was referring to, more specifically, were the ones that showed off a fairly large-scale battle in a ruined city block. It looked closer to Syndicate.


heh, hopefully they chose a good dev to make the game. a generic 2d side scroller or a crappy 3d fps would ruin the Halo name. a japanese dev like treasure would be great for a 2d halo. and hopefully they wouldnt go the 3d route...thats what the consoles are for...
If the game played with a Syndicate-style view, the essence of what makes Halo great -- the battles and AI -- would be best achieved on the GBA.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I think it will be an RTS actually, 2D with an overhead view. Just like the old EGM 2d pics where bungie was explaining technologies found in halo 2, maybe we were looking at the GBA engine?
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