I've been thinking about the effect of ADS on the AR. It seems like in close quarters where you'd normally use the AR in classic Halo, it feels very similar. Scoping is essentially pointless as you'd be knocked out straight away and you wouldn't be able to aim fast enough to track your target. As such it doesn't really feel any different when considering it from a purely aiming standpoint.
Where scoping does come in to play is at mid range. And it makes the AR far more effective than its classic counterparts. The tighter spread means the upper limit on the effective range is greatly increased. Where the AR would have been completely useless before, it now can actually defend the player.
So from what I have seen, the inclusion of this semi ADS doesn't really have any effect on the classic usage of the AR.
What it actually appears to do is increase the effective range of the AR without making it OP in close quarters. Which I kinda like. Maybe, need to play some more first.
However I'm not that worried about smart scope's effect with the AR.
Feels like it slows down the game and disturbs your field of vision without any reason. Both gameplay wise and lore wise it doesn't make sense.
Don't like the addition at all.
So far I'm having very mixed feelings about the beta. 1 second it feels like Halo and the next I feel like I'm playing CoD.
How did you feel that it slowed the game down?
I do agree that it makes 0 sense from a lore perspective. Why does raising the weapon up a bit suddenly massively decrease spread. You're still running around at the same speed and jumping etc.