Speaking of Halo 3 and equipment I was chatting with a mate in game last night about how much I loved objective equipment cheapness. Last Resort 1 bomb was one of the greatest cheap arms ever.
Take the bomb on a stealth run like this:
1. Run wall stairs to bubble shield.
2. Stealth to camp froman.
3. Pick the right time to juggle bubble shield and grav lift towards gate side turret.
4. Deploy grav lift mid juggle and ride it up near turret second story entrance.
5. Back pocket bubble shield and use if caught out heading to arm.
6. If made it arm spot deploy bubble shied and win the round easily with beat downs or contained grenades on the arm spot.
I did this so often it's just muscle memory and timing these days.
EDIT: here's a bonus round on High Ground 1 bomb
1. You and an ally take the bomb on the goose.
2. Forget everything and floor it right in the camo side tunnel (really tight in there and all the way to the flat part next to the tunnel entrance).
3. Bomb carrier gets off the goose and clips through the tunnel wall straight into the end of tunnel room, near the brute shot.
4. Driver can clip too but not as consistently.
5. Easy arm but can be hard to defend, if driver survives it's a much easier quick arm.