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Halo |OT12| Last One Out, Get the Lights


So Goofy is at some LAN in TX and they're having a glitch where he got some ordnance and all three choices were empty and he couldn't call down any of them to restart it...

Now main stage finals, ordnance goofs and cost you a win. Woahhh

lol, that game was fun in a silly, can't take it serious kind of way.

I really don't take any online game serious. It's meant to be fun and enjoyable, Bioshock 2 accomplished that.
lol, that game was fun in a silly, can't take it serious kind of way.

^ I mean that scenario sounds perfectly fine to me, if you have 3-4 guys shooting you, having a stable zoomed in shot shouldn't be possible. You more than likely wouldn't have killed him with a de-scope mechanic either. I'm different though, I loved the suppress fire feature in BF3 where it blurred your screen if someone was shooting in your direction.

Me too, changes the game for military shooters. The ability to literally lay down cover fire for a variety of situations/reasons adds considerable depth to the game.


Zelda: Wind Waker >


....Had something else to post, but I forgot. RIP Tawpgun's first beer I guess.


Flinch is so much worse than de-scoping. It is frustrating in the middle of fights, it's also really hard to stop a decent sniper from getting you.


Flinch is so much worse than de-scoping. It is frustrating in the middle of fights, it's also really hard to stop a decent sniper from getting you.

Flinch works in CoD because you only get like 1-2 "flinches" before you or the other guy dies.

Flinch is annoying in Halo because you can take like 10 flinches making it very noticeable and annoying in long range DMR duels.


Hipster Princess
Bro, I flinched IRL every time I got knocked out of scope in the previous games, it was that jarring. This makes for a much more consistent experience, I just had to adapt a little.

So because you couldn't adapt to descoping like good players we all have to play with the most retarded excuse for a mechanic in any FPS game? Yea, thanks...

And I have a spec code that I won't be using (got LE) so lmk if anyone needs it.
Since people where talking about it last page I just want to chime in and say how hilarious I find it that people who paid full price for the standard edition in the UK have now been shafted. Pretty great that LE owners and now people in America can carry on ranking up, but paying customers are now rank locked and cant get perks like stability.

GG 343, great way to give players an advantage because they pay more/ live in the right location. I know people who have now moved on to Black Ops simply because they can no longer rank up anymore.

Don't forget double XP! A few days after launch I saw people with eyebrow raising-ly high ranks

"Wow, that guy must have played 20 hours a day"
"Nah dude, folks in America can earn double the XP that you earn just for eating and drinking junk food"

So people that payed more or live in certain countries have access to no-flinch and some of these select players from select countries have a means to access no-flinch in half the time it takes other, less favoured countries players.

"We do it all for the community. Remember, we're just getting started <3 "

The person who decided it would be a good idea to lock away game-changing content as LE content. Had that not occurred we wouldn't have this shitstorm now.

Pro tip: They. Don't. Give. A. Fuck.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present Regicide

20 kills, 1 death

5th place.

Only 1 other player went positive.

"Sign in to your microsoft account"... Ok, fucking forget it. Why in earth would I sign into my account just to see a match result? This has to be a bug from 343 right, this can't actually be intentional?

It's intentional*. You also have to have agreed to the TOS on an Xbox from that account to view the stats - it's not enough to just have a Microsoft Account.

* You didn't even need to log in to view Bungie.net stats or view stats on pre-Halo 4 Waypoint.

Then whoever made that decision is a pure breed moron.


"Sign in to your microsoft account"... Ok, fucking forget it. Why in earth would I sign into my account just to see a match result? This has to be a bug from 343 right, this can't actually be intentional?

It's intentional*. You also have to have agreed to the TOS on an Xbox from that account to view the stats - it's not enough to just have a Microsoft Account.

* You didn't even need to log in to view Bungie.net stats or view stats on pre-Halo 4 Waypoint.


Can someone tell me a game they actually enjoyed and didn't rage at ever that has come out in the last 5 years?

Do you (or your friends) have a modded gametype without sprint? I'm intererrested how Halo 4 plays without it. You can also PM me on here or on XBL, if you don't want to talk about it here.



Just something I wanted to check for fun. Couldnt really find anything else in the time I spent looking for symbols.





And Just an FYI, all this does is change the game variant symbol. It doesn't effect the actual gametype other then for a few small changes (as in, if i changed the Griffball icon to the race, the bomb would have a race logo over it instead)


How are Halo 4's maps? Maps make or break a halo game IMO. It's why I love halo 2 so much. Thinking about getting the game. Thanks.
As per launch maps, I say they're about on par with Halo 3 and Reach. Some decent ones, but also you'll see bad ones. There are some that make you ask yourself, "Why?" with the amount of power weapons and vehicles in the fray, but whatever. That's gonna happen whether we like it or not. Putting 2-flag on asymmetric happens twice, and Oddball and KotH are everywhere despite the fit. If you enjoy Slayer I'm sure you'll enjoy it.


Hipster Princess
Watching Gamesager banshee the shit out of everything is almost entertaining, just because of the way he flies and contorts it. Then I remember how depressing it is that this emo bk is the exact player 343 designed this game for :(
You're joking, right?

The banshee was "nerfed" because of gamesager and krustypigeon and both of them were 1% onyx in Reach...

Come on guys. Rogue->Stability and then you don't have to worry about that mechanic ever again.

Why should I be forced to use a single perk because of an absolutely awful mechanic?
Watching Gamesager banshee the shit out of everything is almost entertaining, just because of the way he flies and contorts it. Then I remember how depressing it is that this emo bk is the exact player 343 designed this game for :(

*Jumps to two random spots in one of his videos*
*1st, Banshee on Ragnarok*
*2nd, BiRi + Camo on Exile*
*Closes tab*

There's a bunch of unused gametype symbols in Reach as well. They essentially made a bunch just in case they wanted to use them later, due to how gametypes are built now.

I thought it was the other way around; game-types that got cut.

Edit: come to think of it there were way too many for them to be cut...



Yeah. I'm trying to find the Achronos post about it now on the old Bungie.net API group, but the way to think of it is that they made themselves a bucket of symbols they could use for later gametypes, as the symbols couldn't be added later. Megalo allows them to assign a gametype it's own symbol and even it's own category. Same with some of the announcer tidbits, like the VIP voiceovers in Reach that the Partnernet gametype use, and the "ACTION SACK!" announcement for HaloBall.

I think it came about because someone asked if we could ID a gametype by it's symbol, and we were told that wouldn't be reliable since the symbol could be anything.


Come on guys. Rogue->Stability and then you don't have to worry about that mechanic ever again.

So if I want no flinching, there's a perk for that. If I want people to not be able to see me through walls, there's a perk for that. I have to grind my way through 60+ levels to have access to two perks that restore this game to some partial semblance of it's former unbroken self.

Sweet, will keep playing.
So if I want no flinching, there's a perk for that. If I want people to not be able to see me through walls, there's a perk for that. I have to grind my way through 60+ levels to have access to two perks that restore this game to some partial semblance of it's former unbroken self.

Sweet, will keep playing.

70, actually.

Yeah. I'm trying to find the Achronos post about it now on the old Bungie.net API group, but the way to think of it is that they made themselves a bucket of symbols they could use for later gametypes, as the symbols couldn't be added later. Megalo allows them to assign a gametype it's own symbol and even it's own category. Same with some of the announcer tidbits, like the VIP voiceovers in Reach that the Partnernet gametype use, and the "ACTION SACK!" announcement for HaloBall.

I think it came about because someone asked if we could ID a gametype by it's symbol, and we were told that wouldn't be reliable since the symbol could be anything.
Yeah, so here's to a Mantis Wars game-type in the future!

Just ran
for i in {1..38}; do wget "http://www.bungie.net/images/reachstats/fileshareIcons/gametype/$i.png"; done
and watched the folder get populated with all those images. I remember doing the same thing when I first discovered they were just digit file names. I wish waypoint did the same, they use hashes on pretty much every file they upload :/
So if I want no flinching, there's a perk for that. If I want people to not be able to see me through walls, there's a perk for that. I have to grind my way through 60+ levels to have access to two perks that restore this game to some partial semblance of it's former unbroken self.

Sweet, will keep playing.
Only I don't think you can use both in the same load-out, unfortunately.
Unprecedented meltdowns at Waypoint over the the specialization codes the likes of which I've never seen. Some over the top as expected but most are justified.

Still don't have my codes due to various stipulations and conditions that myself and many others were apparently never made aware of. Things like unchecked boxes within the contact preferences section along with alternate email accounts still linked to gamertag/profile and billing information that may no longer be active have probably resulted in that long awaited "Gift from Microsoft" descending into the virtual abyss. Been stuck at 70 for about a week and will more than likely be for a good while longer all because I decided not to invest in the LE. *sigh* Needless to say this really blows.

I kind of feel bad for Jessica. She's dealing with a shit storm over there and is doing her due diligence to handle it in the best way that she can. This whole thing has been an absolute disaster and what frustrates me the most is not being able to pinpoint specifically who should bare the brunt of the criticism. /vent

I really hope they get a lot of flak for how they treat paying oversea's customers.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Those of you who registered for the league and haven't played your match yet, you are running out of time.

See, my problem with flinch is the fact that the reticule is moved. The fact that stability stops it moving so much is a moot point, because in a firefight I will still miss my shot if I get tagged while I take it. All it does is make it easier to adjust your aim back down, but when you get used to flinch you can do that with full flinch easily enough anyway.

Stability actually makes flinch a lot more subtle and potentially you may not realise when flinch kicks in when in a heated battle. That could make you miss the shot and also get killed. Stability seems like it wont be good for players like Ghaleon at all as the frustrations with flinch are still going to be there.

I kind of wish that there was a perk which put you out of scope when shot. I would take that over flinch any day. At least im in a prime position to go for a no-scope then. I have tried to manually descope after being hit by a bullet and flinched, but it takes too long to do.

EDIT: Woah just watched the wetworks video, I might make that my next perk - you literally show up as blue on promethean vision - that would confuse people into thinking you are just a team mate.

willow ve

Are Halo 4 commercials done? I've been watching ESPN for 5 minutes today and saw a Black Ops 2 ad already.

Halo 4 commercials have migrated to Hulu. They're on literally every single commercial break. Must be cheaper ad time than on broadcast/cable.
Engineer would be really good if it had a timer to show when the ordnance was expected - or at least if the icon changed colour to show if it was there or not. I imagine that specialization would be a hindrance rather than a help because you would keep running to drop locations but nothing would actually be there.

I imagine it will be a popular perk for campers when they want a Snipe and know that one will appear in a certain spot after a random set of time though.
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