launch Arena sure was great huh
I never touched Arena which is why i didnt use Reach.
launch Arena sure was great huh
launch Arena sure was great huh
I didn't think we ever needed 5-6 or however many it was unranked playlists. Make a 4v4 Training playlist, maybe a multi-team or a Big Team if it's not ranked (never good idea to do two of them). Guests are a problem because they devalue a game and cause one team who has one become weakened while the other team does not have that misfortune. It's baffling to see 343 didn't take that type of thing into account when addressing the CSR rank into every single playlist.Why can't both exist?? You know.. like Halo 3?
Some playlists could be ranked, some playlists could be social. Problem solved.
I honestly can't work out if you are joking with megood shit dude this is a really compelling case
Ironically, most competitive players will tell you that season one rating is the only one that matters.
I honestly can't work out if you are joking with me
please no one try to argue that there is a good way to implement Individual Rankings for team games because there are people like me who will absolutely 100% sabotage their own team if it means that my stat increases the most
36 chambers and madness, please put eachother on your ignore lists and shut up about it already.
Playing some BF3/BloPs2/Resistnace 3/LBP2 on Ps3 tonight if any of you nerds game there.
PSN is sltPoison
Oh and mass effect 3 mp
The ranks in Halo 2-3 never worked properly anyway. They relied way too much on the team winning and not enough on the individual stats of the player. If you're gonna do stats that represent the player, it shouldn't matter that much whether he wins or loses. Ive often had great games on losing teams and my rank would never go up because of that. Thats not representative of how good i am as a player and it isnt my problem if the rest of the team cant keep up.
First, let them come up with a ranking system that works properly.
No problem, chum.
1. Conor 419
2. Arnie
3. Silly.Mikey
4. Mormapope
5. Mystery Guest
6. Kamikaze Ghazi
7. StalkerUKCG
8. Monsterfracas
9. IHaveIce GT = IHaveAnIce
10. DeadNames
11. Foxtrot
12. Devolution
13. Redford
the one with ar starts by bungie? lol get outta here season 9 fo life.
Anything official on Forge Island? Or at least a compilation of available information?
1. Conor 419
2. Arnie
3. Silly.Mikey
4. Mormapope
5. Mystery Guest
6. Kamikaze Ghazi
7. StalkerUKCG
8. Monsterfracas
9. IHaveIce GT = IHaveAnIce
10. DeadNames
11. Foxtrot
12. Devolution
13. Redford
14. TCKaos
Edit - Feel free to put yourself in the list past 16 people, it's likely not everybody will make the decided timeframe.
When is this?
1. Conor 419
2. Arnie
3. Silly.Mikey
4. Mormapope
5. Mystery Guest
6. Kamikaze Ghazi
7. StalkerUKCG
8. Monsterfracas
9. IHaveIce GT = IHaveAnIce
10. DeadNames
11. Foxtrot
12. Devolution
13. Redford
14. TCKaos
15. Madness
it's like looking at my ignore list.
it's like looking at my ignore list.
Kinda disappointed multi-team might be held behind a paywall.
THC said:The panel had a video displaying what the Title Update can do, for example, an Incineration cannon that does no damage while the
rest of the weapon sandbox goes untouched – these changes can be applied universally or singularly
Other changes that the new TU will allow is damage changes, rate of fire changes
Legendary Slayer with tuned weapons coming in Summer (more info below)
Weapon descoping will not be happening
Hold X to pick up the Flag isn’t being discussed, but it possible
A DMR rebalance is being looked at
Vehicle tweaks are possible with the newest Title Update
it's like looking at my ignore list.
I agree that descoping is something that would definitely make the gameplay better, but flag-dropping is by no means a game saver. Its nice if they add an option to turn that on/off sure, but it wont bring everyone back by any means. I wont say no to more options, but dont kid yourself, it wont have kids who play COD just quit that game overnight and come back to Halo just cause descoping and flag drops are in.
Because it creates an absurd secondary black market that only serves to harm the game. I won't repeat myself on things I've already typed, so here's a writeup I did a long time ago on my opinion of visible global ranks.
I agree that descoping is something that would definitely make the gameplay better, but flag-dropping is by no means a game saver. Its nice if they add an option to turn that on/off sure, but it wont bring everyone back by any means. I wont say no to more options, but dont kid yourself, it wont have kids who play COD just quit that game overnight and come back to Halo just cause descoping and flag drops are in.
so hey haloGAF...
Friday PAX East was pretty good. I got there late, and didn't get too much in but that's ok. Got to meet tawpgun and duncan, pretty cool dudes.
Panel was ok. I know you guys were reading the live tweets so I'll keep it short. The first 30 minutes were a combination of stats (total kills, players, headshots, etc) and talking about the map pack. Honestly wasn't really necessary. Kinda disappointed multi-team might be held behind a paywall.
I don't see CSR really picking up or gaining steam since it's just on waypoint and in every playlist. It's a cool feature nonetheless, but I'm pretty sure other websites already had something similar in Reach.
I'm surprised people were underwhelmed with TU info. Kinda figured this was what were going to get. Maybe we'll be able to see a true classic mode with a 4-shot BR that doesn't impact the rest of the sandbox. I'm sure some cool action sack games will come out as well. Haven't seen the X yet.
Forge island is neat. I'm not really a forger, nor do I like playing on forge maps, but it's definitely cool that people are getting a large flat surface to forge on.
And the first question was pretty good! Guy asked if de-scoping and dropping the flag would come back. Then someone asked why blood gulch wasn't in Halo yea that's that.
Cool, thanks!
Anyone make a gaming side thread?
And what did they answer to those questions?
I was supposed to go to bed but in your shitty analogy do you just go to school just to get the maximum grade or do you go to get to get laid, get stoned with your mates, make new friends for life and compare old metal bands.
Unknown, FyreWulff, settle this via Halo 4 custom game 2k13: everyone's gonna be there?
It will also appear front and center on your phone and we have been very clear about the how and why of this. If we put it in the game we massively incentivize cheating and abuse. You guys all know this. If you want to know your relative skill you can now see it at a glance. If you want e-peen comparison it is far from perfect.
Will the community have any access to Bungie's GDC 2013 panel?
For the less-informed, this shock trooper is talking about the Game Developers Conference. We’ve already announced Joe and Barry’s lecture, “Building a Brave New World.” You can grab the full session synopsis on the GDC website.
If you want to be a fly on that wall, you’re in luck. Gamespot will be streaming GDC events on their website. You may want to pay special attention to the “Intended Audience,” however. The talk is not being built as a marketing asset, but rather an examination of world building pillars and challenges we’ve faced building a new universe from scratch. If you’re expecting a trailer, do yourself a favor and don’t tune in.
If you love the sound of Joe Staten’s seductive voice, and can’t help but get lost in Barry’s chestnut eyes as he unfurls his beloved art pillars, stay tuned to and our social channels for more specific tune-in details next week.
How big was this "black market" for accounts/ranks though? I mean I don't think I ever saw anyone flat out selling accounts that were level 50 general. I do remember reading about guys wondering if "better" people could play on their accounts or what not, but I remember the same thing with Reach with people asking whether or not people could get them to Inheritor.
What's the deal with the list1. Conor 419
2. Arnie
3. Silly.Mikey
4. Mormapope
5. Mystery Guest
6. Kamikaze Ghazi
7. StalkerUKCG
8. Monsterfracas
9. IHaveIce GT = IHaveAnIce
10. DeadNames
11. Foxtrot
12. Devolution
13. Redford
14. TCKaos
15. Madness
16. Kittens
+ Available if Space
Undecided atm, I'll try and find out when everyone's free.
Because it creates an absurd secondary black market that only serves to harm the game. I won't repeat myself on things I've already typed, so here's a writeup I did a long time ago on my opinion of visible global ranks.