The Henery
Someone do a FrankerZ head forge art on the big island.
And they're animated. I wish they'd let you lay down "patches" of different textures; grass, snow, etc... Like a coliseum wall, but instead of grey, it's sand on one side, or water... Wouldn't have to have an editor for that.Went to a buddies house yesterday, loaded up forge island. Put down a bunch of trees. They all cast shadows. Looked good.
Someone do a FrankerZ head forge art on the big island.
Sadly though, it is impossible for you to win. You don't have enough unique points from any of the top 5 contenders and you're too many points behind. If I did the math correct, it's only possible for vhfive, blood, myself, hydra, yuhas, and cyren to win. Maybe Duncan too, but I'm not 100% sure on that one.I don't know you
Edit: hooo boy, I'm creepin up that bracket ladder!
How many studios have we seen get bought by Microsoft and the quality drops? How many are forced to make games they didn't have any passion behind and they suck? I'll use Twisted Pixel, StalkerUKCG gave me a code for the maw which I've been playing and I had played the hell out of splosion man, and after Microsoft bought them, came a ms. Splosion man that was alright but nowhere as good as the original and then Gunslinger, an on rails kinect only shooter that was laughably short.
I was out a long time ago.. I was sitting in 3rd or 2nd to last this whole time. Just happy to finally be making some moves!Sadly though, it is impossible for you to win. You don't have enough unique points from any of the top 5 contenders and you're too many points behind. If I did the math correct, it's only possible for vhfive, blood, myself, hydra, yuhas, and cyren to win. Maybe Duncan too, but I'm not 100% sure on that one.
Got any pics?
Ms. Splosion man was awesome. You suck.
Seems he is confused about what they are complaining about.
To 343i, Hi. My name is Geoff. I tell you my given name so that you realize I am a real person, to humanize myself. A person that has thoughts, feelings, goals, ambitions, desires and is also disabled. Got your full attention now, do I? Hopefully I do.
I posted some thoughts over in another thread about the GDC Conference. I will reiterate some of them here and add in others as I see fit so that you understand the image of a spartan in a wheelchair paired with Josh Holmes tweets and his comments at GDC, are exceptionally offensive.
I play games to escape my daily life. So I can think and focus on something, anything, other than the constant pain I am in and things I can no longer do. I do not need to have a company, that took over one of my favorite franchises in gaming, remind me none to subtly of the fact I am disabled. What I expect from you is a high quality product that provides me entertainment and value for my money. Not some off the cuff tweets and a graphic that is obnoxious.
That you found it "acceptable" to compare, or whatever label you want to slap on it, things being accessible for those with disabilities to accessibility in a game is appalling. What's more, one of your employees goes on to tweet "Lighten Up" in reference to that same image that I found so offensive. You have effectively belittled people with disabilities with this comparison and reduced the hardships and suffering we endure on a daily basis to a "joke". I can tell you I am NOT laughing and I am sure others like me are not as well. Honestly, I thought as a society we had moved past this level of insensitivity and disregard.
Whether or not you choose to apologize or acknowledge this incredible blunder will determine how myself, and others, view your integrity and character as individuals and as a company. For my part, I am deeply disappointed, disgusted and upset. I hope that you, and your employees, can understand why.
- To my fellow Community Members: It is my hope and wish that you help to make 343i aware of exactly how offensive this actually is, and perhaps, respond to it. Many thanks.
Never said it wasn't. I don't know, I played the hell out of the first and while gameplay was expanded, I didn't think it was as good. I think the game sold less than 1/5th what the original did.
And it's funny I mentioned it, because Microsoft is bringing ms. splosion man soon to iOS and Steam to bring more sales.
It was referenced to this thread, not sure if it was posted here:
Props for him responding so quickly though.
It doesn't seem like they will go back to the roots of Halo in the future going from what they say each time. It's going to be hard to get the next xbox because Halo was the main reason why i got one along with gears but even Gears is ruined.
It was referenced to this thread, not sure if it was posted here:
Props for him responding so quickly though.
Massive props for just solving the issue headon instead of leaving people in the dark, Josh.*Josh Holmes reply*
But it seems like he's addressing the correct insensitivity.Seems he is confused about what they are complaining about.
I knew the image would offend people who were disabled or handicapped.
A much better picture would have been a master chief in diapers to get his point across. Or Master Chief riding a bike with training wheels. Sure fans would have gone ballistic (they did anyway) but no one would have been offended.
It was referenced to this thread, not sure if it was posted here:
Props for him responding so quickly though.
It is THE solution to be honest. Both sides get their fill.This would be a good solution
Hire Karl and juices for Ranked.
Dibs on Social.
It was referenced to this thread, not sure if it was posted here:
Props for him responding so quickly though.
Also removing loadouts/perks/etc would help. It makes the game more competitive and makes it more accessible. Understanding that everyone spawns with the same weapon and base traits is a lot less confusing than having a ton of perks and starting weapons to sift through.
Yup,now we just need ranks to seperate ranked/social!It is THE solution to be honest. Both sides get their fill.
This. You mean to tell me that something Bungie did for past Halos that worked well may also work for future Halos? No way.Have both ranked and social playlists!?!??!! That's some earth shattering shit there 343. Where did you come up with the idea?
I have internally competing views on the whole thing. I can see how an image like that may be mistaken as offensive but at the same time no intent of that nature was behind it. In fact quiet the opposite if I'm reading things correctly. It begs the question how far should we go to be politically correct. I'm all for fair treatment but everything someone does will offended someone.
The symbol used was a modified variant of the accessibility symbol its intentions are no further mocking the disabled than the image already does. Halo has included a Blind Skull since Halo 2 should the Visually Impaired community be offended?
Props to Josh for apologizing but I think the main issue I have with it is that the subject was not worthy of that kind of backlash (however the "Lighten Up" comment may have been)
Maybe id feel differently if i was suffered a disability that made me wheel chair bound who knows.
Halo 3-style BTB with Equipment and some AAs like Evade/Thruster Pack and Sprint would be nice for Social.
Is there a reason why Certain Affinity does the maps and not a group from 343?
Is there a reason why Certain Affinity does the maps and not a group from 343?
What was the image?
Master Chief in a wheel chair.
Ok? I fail to see what's so offensive about that.
Now we just need ranks so that social and ranked can be separated and we will finally be getting somewhere.Josh is now placing the mulch that 343's chest hair can use to grow.