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Halo |OT19| 793 Posts, And None Worth Reading

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Yeah, you really have to hope for Team Slayer (I think that's what the Pro-esque variant is called). I still find BTB generally fun for non-serious play, but I always play with a party. Last night Exwife and I were in a game on Longbow which was stupid but took a fun turn after our terrible teammates quit and I got the tank. People are not used to a competent tank user, which is amazingly still a thing even thought it's not exactly hard to use...

I play solo and usually do quite well, team slayer is the better game type but it always is on settler for me. Teammate ability seems to vary quite dramatically though, I often end up out numbered and die because of poor backup.


It isn't as black and white as people perceive it or want to per perceive it. There are multiple factors that contributed to the overall decline, like rise in quality new games, there are more blockbuster franchises than ever before, more platforms to get games from (Steam, consoles), games-as-services are getting hugely popular (Dota, LoL, F2P in general) and franchise fatigue. Gaming as a whole is much, much, much more bigger after Halo came out.

Halo also use to be a trendsetter, it use to do new and exciting things – and people stopped and noticed it. Halo 4 did none of that, it was just another run-of-the-mill Halo.

Actually, it is pretty black and white. People can come up with all the excuses in the world, but the fact is poor decisions and poor designs have led to the decline of Halo. You can try to shift the blame to whatever you want, but the truth is there are other series out there that have withstood the test of time and grown their fan base.

I'm sure people can come up with all sorts of reasons for Halo's decline, but welcome to reality; every industry faces challenges and the truly visionary or fundamentally sound companies persevere and grow. Most industries would be clamoring for the explosion in popularity that gaming has seen, but apparently that's now an excuse for Halo to decline when everything else is growing?

Halo 4 was NOT another run-of-the-mill Halo, it was a further digression from the formula that made the series popular in the first place.


Actually, it is pretty black and white. People can come up with all the excuses in the world, but the fact is poor decisions and poor designs have led to the decline of Halo. You can try to shift the blame to whatever you want, but the truth is there are other series out there that have withstood the test of time and grown their fan base.

I'm sure people can come up with all sorts of reasons for Halo's decline, but welcome to reality; every industry faces challenges and the truly visionary or fundamentally sound companies persevere and grow. Most industries would be clamoring for the explosion in popularity that gaming has seen, but apparently that's now an excuse for Halo to decline when everything else is growing?

Halo 4 was NOT another run-of-the-mill Halo, it was a further digression from the formula that made the series popular in the first place.
I agree with you 100%, but I’m just saying it that aspect isn’t the only factor.

As for the run-of-the-mill comment, I should have been more specific. Casual gamers see it as a another Halo game and nothing really amazing about (The graphics were talk for like a second), but long standing fans see it as a overall digression in features and overall worth.



Three more achievements to go.


I agree with you 100%, but I’m just saying it that aspect isn’t the only factor.

As for the run-of-the-mill comment, I should have been more specific. Casual gamers see it as a another Halo game and nothing really amazing about (The graphics were talk for like a second), but long standing fans see it as a overall digression in features and overall worth.

I'm actually surprised to see it get mentioned as best graphics of the generation in a lot of forums. It clearly hit that goal pretty handily.
I'm actually surprised to see it get mentioned as best graphics of the generation in a lot of forums. It clearly hit that goal pretty handily.

I dunno, the graphics are pretty great for a 360, especially if you are looking at screenshots or clips. If you think about FPS, especially in multiplayer, it's hard to praise it that much.
I dunno, the graphics are pretty great for a 360, especially if you are looking at screenshots or clips. If you think about FPS, especially in multiplayer, it's hard to praise it that much.

Also, a great deal of it were tricks of the eyes and so forth. If you look closer at some of the stuff, it's just a matter of perspective. I'm excited to see the next game though, since it will have at least 5x the amount of memory on disk. PLUS THE CLOUD™


I know this may not be the thread for Destiny stuff, but a sad little story of mine.

I pre ordered Destiny at Gamestop like all good Gaffers do, didn't realize my beta code was on my receipt, went back to get a different one and they told me too bad.

I plan to just go back again tonight, cancel the pre order, and then go pre order at a different one to get the code.

Sort of a stupid scenario. :p

As for good ol Halo, I plan to buy a XB1 once the new one hits. Any hints yet for a release date?


Almost a guarantee it will launch November 2014.

My body is ready.

I hope the art style is more rustic approach ala reach, but I hope the MP is more akin to Halo 2 meets some of Reach/4's design.

I think really I just don't want to see armor lock funky stuff, and I'd still like sprint to exist.

Otherwise, map and MP standards can be H2 design.

Art style/customization more of Reach. Same for the SP---something more melodic.


What is it?

Halo 2's Scarab Gun; the achievement comment refers to how many H2V achievements I have left. Now it's at two remaining(Hero & Legend), because I just got the Silent but Deadly achievement.

Scarab gun and killing 7 enemies from behind undetected I like your style of thinking. Shame backwards compatibility doesn't work on my 360.
My body is ready.

I hope the art style is more rustic approach ala reach, but I hope the MP is more akin to Halo 2 meets some of Reach/4's design.

I think really I just don't want to see armor lock funky stuff, and I'd still like sprint to exist.

Otherwise, map and MP standards can be H2 design.

Art style/customization more of Reach. Same for the SP---something more melodic.

raise base speed so there arent shitty maps designed around sprint. just because every other game has sprint doesnt mean that Halo needs it.


Screen needs more "+100", medals splashed everywhere and waypoints showing you where everything is.

I really love the weapon waypoints, the issue for me becomes the fact that unless someone grabs them, they never disappear. So Adrift games I go for the Needlers under the stairs because that's one less thing on my screen. I think dropping a waypoint for initial ordnance is all you need; helps newbies get oriented and then once they're gone you've got a cleaner screen.

I wonder how Halo 4 would play if you just up and lifted the interface from Reach and overlaid it on the gameplay. Might be interesting to see how it changes the perceived feedback from the game.


Huh. Like for every Xbox game? You have a official hard drive and it is connected to the Internet right?

Yep i'm not to fussed as halo CE and 2 are the only OG Xbox games I've got still I sold the rest to buy a slim 360.

I've also got halo pc but not a computer for it :( only a crappy laptop, the one it was installed on died.
Probably not, they haven't even announced official title, just working title Halo for Xbox One and a cinematic. Most of those games have shown off in-engine work, titles, game play etc.

My thoughts on the "No Information" thing is that they are apprehensive of the changes they've made to Halo 5 and they dont want to piss off fans prematurely if it isn't accepted. this whole "lets not show anything" dealie they have going is stupid considering their Competitors are showing far more in the same windows of time.


Trolling? Do you even know what that is?


Someone sounds grumpy :p

My thoughts on the "No Information" thing is that they are apprehensive of the changes they've made to Halo 5 and they dont want to piss off fans prematurely if it isn't accepted. this whole "lets not show anything" dealie they have going is stupid considering their Competitors are showing far more in the same windows of time.

The lack of even a short demostration or a vidoc it could go either way with regards to quality. Remember about the halo 4 changes for classic halo style in one build to the final product, maybe a similar thing will happen again.



Someone sounds grumpy :p

The lack of even a short demostration or a vidoc it could go either way with regards to quality. Remember about the halo 4 changes for classic halo style in one build to the final product, maybe a similar thing will happen again.

It's a production issue, period. I dunno why you have to ascribe it some sort of cosmic conspiracy.

Forking content to demo requires taking away resources from the main game. Showing a screenshot of a feature that later has to get cut is a bad PR move. 343 is not trying to overpromise. They'll start the hype train when they feel ready to.


My thoughts on the "No Information" thing is that they are apprehensive of the changes they've made to Halo 5 and they dont want to piss off fans prematurely if it isn't accepted. this whole "lets not show anything" dealie they have going is stupid considering their Competitors are showing far more in the same windows of time.

Is it really the same window of time though? Halo 4 launched November 2012 and was somewhat rushed by a new studio. It's only been a little over a year since launch, can't really expect them to show off in-engine game play can you?

I mean theoretically let's say that Halo 4 only started development after Reach in 2010, we had the teaser at E3 2011 and then had that Haven BR gameplay and announcement in March 2012, and then the E3 2012 requiem gameplay and Fallon hands on in June of 2012 and game launched in November 2012.

I fully expect we'll get details, images, some forms of footage in the coming months. Expecting Halo 5 news now is a bit premature. We at least know they're having interoffice matches of the current build.


It's a production issue, period. I dunno why you have to ascribe it some sort of cosmic conspiracy.

Forking content to demo requires taking away resources from the main game. Showing a screenshot of a feature that later has to get cut is a bad PR move. 343 is not trying to overpromise. They'll start the hype train when they feel ready to.

My bad I could have phrased it better I was referring from the haven BR gameplay to halo 4.

As for the demo I understand that it spreads resources away from the main product, but I think it would be necessary to promote the product. By show casing halo 5 multiplayer aspects that are more akin to classic halo to hype the fan base and hopefully get fans to return post halo 4.
My thoughts on the "No Information" thing is that they are apprehensive of the changes they've made to Halo 5 and they dont want to piss off fans prematurely if it isn't accepted. this whole "lets not show anything" dealie they have going is stupid considering their Competitors are showing far more in the same windows of time.

they should say nothing, and release a trailer out of nowhere.

yes, i'm serious.


yeah quantum break is missing too

im kinda pissed off right now reading that

Ooh, good catch. Interesting. Good Halo and Quantum Break are the main things I'm wanting on the platform - hopefully they aren't delayed.

edit: wait yeah, is Quantum Break scheduled for 2014?
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