A27_StarWolf said:
So what then? No bloom and then we get a gun with a set maximum fire rate, and the gameplay is equally as slow.
So actually, with bloom you can fire faster, it just also has an increased chance of missing the opponent.
So even if it is more random, you can't say it slows down gameplay.
The DMR already fires slower than the Magnum but you make it sound like there are only 2 options:
1. Current bloom system.
2. No bloom but sloooow ass DMR/Magnum fire rate.
What we want is a third option.
3. No bloom, quick fire rate like the BR.
I'm not crying because they took away my BR or anything like that, but it wasn't broken (I'm talking Halo 2 BR here). They developed a system that worked perfectly and it wouldn't have been hard to design the DMR around similar parameters.
Your increased chance of missing should be from having shitty aim, not because you fired your gun too fast.
And as Plywood pointed out, fast fire rate does not equal fast paced gameplay. Each match is like a battle but the pace of the game, at least in my point of view, is dictated by each individual skirmish. Because you have to shoot slower, your enemy dies slower. Because you run slower the time between you and your next encounter is slower. This is alleviated with sprint a bit, which personally I'm okay with but I wouldn't complain if player movement speed was increased and sprint was kept.
I didn't even bring up that the DMR is 5 shot with bloom. Having it be 5 shots wouldn't be a problem to me at all if we could always fire at the max fire rate. But now it takes more shots and I have to shoot slower to kill? :I
A27_StarWolf said:
I understand what you mean, but chances are if you time your shots you are still going to win no?
I suppose to me the bloom is so subtle that I have not really found myself blaming it for the lack of a kill.
I can't say you are wrong, however I bet statistics say a spammer won't be as good as Tashi.
I don't have any problem with people wanting bloom gone by the way, I'm more curious as to peoples reasoning, and defending my own.
If 2 players are properly timing their shots then the better player will win because bloom wouldn't have been a factor since they adhered to it's mechanics.
A spammer will probably 9/10 (pulling made-up statistics out of my ass lol) lose to the better player as well because he probably has worse aim and is spamming his shots. However, 1/10 he'll beat the pro through no fault of the pro, but because the spammer got lucky. If he is the worse player then it should be 0/10. Random elements simply have no place in competitive games.
The entire bloom argument is subjective, so, yeah. Personally I still have fun with Reach and bloom doesn't ruin my experience though it could be so much better if they changed/removed it. I've adapted to bloom so that's not really the issue, it just simply isn't as fun as the BR was or bloomless DMR/Magnum could be. Right now Reach is like an 8/10, if they just tweaked a few simple things it would be like 11/10. I'm talkin gameplay there, Reach's feature suite still shits on most console shooters and for that it gets major props.
:lol I just remembered how ridiculous the bloom is on the Plasma Repeater. Oooooh what a piece of shit weapon.