Kuroyume said:It's annoying. I have my controller sensitivity set on low so it makes it difficult to aim when I you have people lunging all over the place. At least with jetpack people are somewhat slow moving around and with sprint they can only run in one direction. With evade you have people crouching and then moving really quickly all over the place.
<3 the Jetpack too, but the <3 is out of necessity. Some of the maps, mainly the floating catwalk ones (hate those to death) that litter community maps flow so bad that the Jet Pack fixes that. If maps were made with good map movement than the jetpack wouldn't be so prevalent. Jet Packs do break map flow but that's because map flow was never good to begin with.NullPointer said:Jet Pack defense force reporting for duty. Don't talk ill about my baby.
Gui_PT said:
sprint>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>every other AAMrBig said:Evade and hologram are the only worthwhile AAs hth.
Hmm... I might be able to get "Gannon" when this happens... What's better, Gannon, or GANNONSMASH?wwm0nkey said:There is another thread about this but if any of you guys are interested Microsoft is starting to delete old Xbox 1 gamer tags, so if you want one of the old tags most of them should be deleted soon![]()
neoism said:sprint>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>every other AA
Ganon, maybe?blamite said:Hmm... I might be able to get "Gannon" when this happens... What's better, Gannon, or GANNONSMASH?
Devin Olsen said:Agreed.
Jet Packing is honestly the worst ability IMO.... I personally don't see all the fuss with AL (I use it myself quite often). But Jetpacks are so so bad.
They also ruin (imo) how the map is supposed to flow. I understand the maps were made with jet packing in mind, but it just doesn't feel right.
Gui_PT said:
PsychoRaven said:To be honest Bungie has never been a hugely popular developer until Microsoft bought them and pushed Halo and them like they did. Now that they are free again i don't see their next franchise being as popular as Halo. Halo really was something special. I do however think that popularity doesn't define the quality of a game. So I think the next Bungie game franchise will have some amazing games regardless of how popular they are.
Either way I've been a Bungie fan for a long time and I sure as hell will be till I die or god forbid Bungie ceases to exist.
OuterWorldVoice said:Every time Bungie makes a new game, all the way back to Pathways Into Darkness, they innovate, improve and invent. Even before Halo, Bungie was doing amazing shit, just on a different scale. Marathon and Myth were both stunning franchises that really did something different and cool. I can't imagine their next game being anything less than epic.
"Off the Rock, Through the Bush, Nothing but Jackal‎"Zee-V70 said:-Using Hologram to fool Jackal Snipers on Legendary
I want a new Marathon D:OuterWorldVoice said:Every time Bungie makes a new game, all the way back to Pathways Into Darkness, they innovate, improve and invent. Even before Halo, Bungie was doing amazing shit, just on a different scale. Marathon and Myth were both stunning franchises that really did something different and cool. I can't imagine their next game being anything less than epic.
- Only to get hit by a soft-kill barrierZee-V70 said:I just thought of something. Imagine Halo 2 with armor abilities. But, like, in a good way. For example:
-Using Jetpack to slow your fall instead of corner-riding when escaping maps
-Using Hologram during the 'Refumee fight in order to beat him at his own game
-Using Jetpack to get out of maps without the need for as much launching
-Using Evade as the Arbiter to help you out in stealth sequences and evading Tartarus's swings
-Using a combination of Scarab leg launching (think Halo 3) and Jetpacking to get to the Scarab Gun in a single bound
-Sprinting through any swarm of enemies as Chief, really
-Using Hologram to fool Jackal Snipers on Legendary
YepStriker said:Halo 2 was great because it didn't have any pieces of equipment or AA's diminishing any maps or gameplay elements.
Hologram is the shit. Using it again in GAF customs was the best part.A27_StarWolf said:I don't see why?
Anyone ever notice kids with hologram are either really REALLY bad, or really good?
wwm0nkey said:
Nah I respect peoples opinions, I just personally didnt like the AA's or Equipment. Over Shield and Camo on the map was all I ever needed.A27_StarWolf said:I can't resist my true nature any longer.
AA were a much needed change to what was becoming stale and unchanged gameplay.
Crap. I bet I just made some enemies now.
However before you start throwing rocks at me, what would you have done to make Reach a new game and not Halo 3.5?
A27_StarWolf said:I can't resist my true nature any longer.
AA were a much needed change to what was becoming stale and unchanged gameplay.
Crap. I bet I just made some enemies now.
However before you start throwing rocks at me, what would you have done to make Reach a new game and not Halo 3.5?
Hitmonchan107 said:Dude, I love Uncaged and jetpacks
I'd take Halo 3 and add Sprint and Terrian Editing in Forge.A27_StarWolf said:what would you have done to make Reach a new game and not Halo 3.5?
I, for the most part, don't mind AA's for Reach. I know they won't remove any of them or nerf them to near obsolete. That's fine. My hope is just for the next game, perhaps if its Halo 4, to go back to the roots that made Halo 2 the premier XBL game and what made Halo 1 MP unbelievable. No bubble shieds or regens to give a player a second chance at life, no camo to camp with in corners of the maps, no evade ability for a Spartan that, not only looks hideous, makes the gameplay suffer and turn into a CQB fest.A27_StarWolf said:However before you start throwing rocks at me, what would you have done to make Reach a new game and not Halo 3.5?
Hitmonchan107 said:You have a long way to go before you become The Most Hated New HaloGAF Junior.
Dani said:Eww. You should feel bad or something.
Striker said:I, for the most part, don't mind AA's for Reach. I know they won't remove any of them or nerf them to near obsolete. That's fine. My hope is just for the next game, perhaps if its Halo 4, to go back to the roots that made Halo 2 the premier XBL game and what made Halo 1 MP unbelievable. No bubble shieds or regens to give a player a second chance at life, no camo to camp with in corners of the maps, no evade ability for a Spartan that, not only looks hideous, makes the gameplay suffer and turn into a CQB fest.
Actually after playing Vista for awhile... it really wasnt so bad, just get 4 shots off with a BR before he gets to you. The only map its terrible in is Midship.Zee-V70 said:Yeah, but the only problem is that a lot of people seem to forget that Halo 2 wasn't the premier XBL game because its gameplay was perfect in every way: it had so much popularity because it was basically the first Xbox 360 game before the 360 even came out due to its friends list user interface, incredible online capabilities and whatnot. I'm not saying it's not a good game in its own right; it is one, and I got plenty of fun out of it. But when people give complaints like "Reach is nothing but slow CQB gameplay" (I'm not saying you are, and I'm not trying to hyperbolize what you're getting at--I'm just saying, I've heard the complaint plenty of times), Halo 2 had similar flaws. Anyone remember Halo 2's Energy Sword? It was the most overpowered goddamn weapon in the series against infantry, and god help you if its user could Sword Fly with it. It's like comparing the first and second generations of Pokemon to Black and White. The originals were improved upon vastly, but nostalgia-fueled opinions will generally make you think otherwise. I'm not trying to argue with you, here, just sharing my opinion.
Well yeah, I can understand that, but there's no denying that it was pretty overpowered. Don't get me wrong, I loved the weapon (and still do, despite being overshadowed by the Shotgun and Gravity Hammer), but in an equal-footing, one-on-one scenario, it was pretty hard to deal with a Sword user without dying yourself. At the peak of Halo 2's life, the sword could be countered by people that had learned to adapt to it, but it still was one of the more powerful power weapons.wwm0nkey said:Actually after playing Vista for awhile... it really wasnt so bad, just get 4 shots off with a BR before he gets to you. The only map its terrible in is Midship.
Data pads, and the still as of yet fully explored button eggs, which are a much larger set of egg objectives than done in any previous halo.Karl2177 said:I think the one thing that disappointed me most about Reach was the lack of skulls, and other things littered around the Campaign levels. Almost everyone I knew made a mad dash for the sword on Outskirts. I have fond memories of the one time I managed to collect 5 or 6 skulls in H2. Gah, I'm putting that in right now. I just wish there was Live support still...
A27_StarWolf said:AA were a much needed change to what was becoming stale and unchanged gameplay.
Domino Theory said:Nothing but good things coming Reach's way with 343i at the helm of support.
MrBig said:Data pads, and the still as of yet fully explored button eggs, which are a much larger set of egg objectives than done in any previous halo.
A27_StarWolf said:I can't resist my true nature any longer.
AA were a much needed change to what was becoming stale and unchanged gameplay.
Crap. I bet I just made some enemies now.
However before you start throwing rocks at me, what would you have done to make Reach a new game and not Halo 3.5?
Zee-V70 said:I personally think Equipment was a welcome addition, and Armor Abilities were simply a logical second step. I know there are people that disagree with me, but if Equipment/AAs were in Combat Evolved, I can't help but feel we'd be complaining about them less.
Not sure about the graphics, 60 FPS and 1080p support are a must though. Pistol is a maybe, dont want too much to change.Kuroyume said:Just give us Halo 2 with new graphics, maps, and a pistol worth using.
Scrounging for datapads with cryptic messages actually sounds like some fun to me, but the game doesn't support the activity at all. At minimum these datapads should be available to view in the game menus after you find them, along with some kind of marker letting you know if you've found all of them for a given level.MrBig said:Data pads, and the still as of yet fully explored button eggs, which are a much larger set of egg objectives than done in any previous halo.
I would laugh my ass off if Tombstone came back and that room with the Halo CE pistol hidden in it was actually a playable part of the map, and the pistol actually spawned in there.Kuroyume said:Just give us Halo 2 with new graphics, maps, and a pistol worth using.