Say what you want about his playlist decisions, but I've always found the guy to be pretty friendly. Maybe I just wasn't provoking his rage.
I read your review of Smashed.
You've convinced me that you're exactly the last kind of person I'd ever want to put on a pedestal. You're so busy making sure you meet ForgeHub's checklist of exploits that you can't even take the time to make sure your own spawns overlap. Then, when someone makes a map that doesn't correspond with what ForgeHub tells themselves is the "correct" way to do things, you write a petty missive about how your own map is so much more deserving of spotlight because of a combination of your own personal stereotypes about gameplay and Forge techniques.
You're no longer welcome here. You're no longer welcome to submit map variants, and in the future I'll be very careful to make sure any ForgeHub submissions are closely looked at to make sure we don't accidentally give someone as full of themselves as you are vindication for their ego.
Atlas was born specifically because groups like yours cannot be trusted to provide Matchmaking-worthy maps. This group is clique-agnostic to avoid scenarios where one group and its personal expectations of its members does not poison the possibilities.
It is great to have your own standard. Acting like your standard is more important than other people's, however, will cause drama, and I will not put up with drama. If you cannot be constructive to anyone that doesn't follow your clique's ideals, you don't belong here. If you're more invested in making sure boxes are lined up than you are in making sure your spawns are placed correctly, you don't belong here. If you're going to cry like a child if/when your map isn't accepted, you don't belong here. If you think you or your group is more deserving than other people because of how "hardcore" you imagine yourselves to be, you definitely don't belong here.
tl;dr Shishka got mad cause a map maker critiqued Smashed. You know, one of the worst maps ever created in the history of video games (I guess Shishka was very proud of it). Proceeded to complain about ForgeHub - the largest Halo forge community - having high standards.
I'm amazed he even had time to address the map making community considering all the scary good maps constantly being pumped out of the legendary ATLAS program. I'm sure he was busy as hell working over those submissions. Must've squeezed that response in between removing fusion coils once a month.