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Halo Reach Reveal Thread - Matchmaking/Multiplayer Details Revealed

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Tashi0106 said:
In more real news...MLG FFA is a fucking ranked playlist now...holy fucking shit :D

Must be like discovering a new country called South Tashiland, opposite the regular MLG-themed North Tashiland.

Go get that new MLG 50, dude!


Trasher said:

Am I the only one to follow Bungie on twitter?

Yay, second game of MLG FFA and I get lagged out =(

I just spent the whole game spawing Green 1, what the fuck. Before that if was spawing Car 2 on Heretic, not much better =(
KAPURA said:
What was really intriguing about the Portal ARG is that it starts in-game. I think it'd be interesting if a possible Reach ARG was through Hablo Waypoint. Maybe just some extra strings of words hidden around the UI. That'd promote use of Waypoint, if nothing else.
Where Jorge finds all of the latest news and videos about his favorite game
Cerilli said:
You know it!

Ain't no fist-bumping in here without including me. Otherwise, you guys look like this:

InvincibleAgent said:
The AR is rad. The BR is broken as a starter weapon.
The AR is an awesome weapon, but...

*grabs popcorn*
InvincibleAgent said:
The AR is rad. The BR is broken as a starter weapon.

Not that that, uh, has anything to do with where the thread has gone since I had last refreshed...

Well, it we all had fun with this announcement of an announcement while it lasted. But now on to more serious problems...


MLG FFA is pretty awesome. Cept low level matches are terrible. Three generals in my first game. Whatever, I still ranked up :D


343i Lead Esports Producer
I got 2nd place twice in a row. Unlike 4v4, I'm not all that great at MLG FFA. I can't consistently get kills through out the whole match, I'm very streaky. It is so fun though. I'm a 4 right now.


Tashi0106 said:
I got 2nd place twice in a row. Unlike 4v4, I'm not all that great at MLG FFA. I can't consistently get kills through out the whole match, I'm very streaky. It is so fun though. I'm a 4 right now.
Only a 4? Holy shit you suck.

Where's my vid.

Come on guys, we know it is the ViDoc Due (2) MP dropping-bomb-blast-nucleartaculawesomulartastic that will reach (yeah pun intended) unprecedented level of hypeness.



DAX-EDIT: ViDoc Due (2) MP dropping-bomb-blast-nucleartaculawesomulartastic that will reach (yeah pun intended) unprecedented level of hypeness and bridges
metareferential said:
Where's my vid.

Come on guys, we know it is the ViDoc Due (2) MP dropping-bomb-blast-nucleartaculawesomulartastic that will reach (yeah pun intended) unprecedented level of hypeness.


With bridges.
Kapura said:
Yes. Blame me for them recording the podcast. My fault.
While we are blaming you for everything, I blame you for the murder of all my friends.
I got Colonnade 5 games in a row, it wasn't my fault.

But if anything is delayed I will blame you for all the good stuff in it. :)


So, I tried to register over at Nobel Actual to leave comments, but someone already snagged GhaleonEB, and it sure wasn't me. First time in my 12 years or so on the net that handle has been taken. I suppose I should be flattered. :lol


Yay for spawns. I trade kills with a guy at Blue elbow, we both spawn bottom Green, him right behind me. Spawn system better have been one of the top priorities during Reach MP's dev time.


343i Lead Esports Producer
MagniHarvald said:
Yay for spawns. I trade kills with a guy at Blue elbow, we both spawn bottom Green, him right behind me. Spawn system better have been one of the top priorities during Reach MP's dev time.

cool spawn bro

I'm a 7 now

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
You guys need to chill. At the very latest, we'll get whatever it is by tomorrow, which is amazing considering how long we've waited to know about the Multiplayer.

To keep yourself busy, play Bad Company 2. If you're not playing that then you should be watching the newest LOST episode later today.

If you aren't doing either of those then I don't know where the fuck your life is headed. :lol


GhaleonEB said:
So, I tried to register over at Nobel Actual to leave comments, but someone already snagged GhaleonEB, and it sure wasn't me. First time in my 12 years or so on the net that handle has been taken. I suppose I should be flattered. :lol
Blueblur1 was taken as well. What a coincidence.
Tashi0106 said:
I got 2nd place twice in a row. Unlike 4v4, I'm not all that great at MLG FFA. I can't consistently get kills through out the whole match, I'm very streaky. It is so fun though. I'm a 4 right now.
Really? You and Lovetub always wreck me when I play MLG FFA Heretic with you.


343i Lead Esports Producer
backflip10019 said:
Really? You and Lovetub always wreck me when I play MLG FFA Heretic with you.

That's heretic. There are 4 other maps in rotation. Citadel, Lockdown (Foundry), Reactor(Assembly) and Guardian

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Reading the thoughts of the Australian Xbox community. They want Bungie to copy other games and one of them appears to be pitching for a job replacing some of the Bungie design leads.

multiplayer in Halo 3 felt too ‘enclosed’ and while nobody wants to see it become a ‘Battlefield clone’ I think there’s a lot that Bungie can learn from DICE
“They’re beating the horse again, are they?”
Bungie definitely needs to rethink their map design.
Bungie needs to realise that not everyone is retarded
While the new Call of Duty like “Sprint” sequence intrigues me, I worry if by adding that in, will it change the game too much and take away its Halo feel?
I think Bungie did wonders with the whole Halo serious


GhaleonEB said:
So, I tried to register over at Nobel Actual to leave comments, but someone already snagged GhaleonEB, and it sure wasn't me. First time in my 12 years or so on the net that handle has been taken. I suppose I should be flattered. :lol

That's what you get for being a celebrity

Wait 'til someone gets a tattoo saying GhaleonEB
DiabolicalBagel said:
Yay! You can join me in my efforts of doing the opposite of everyone else! We'll use the trailer to help take our minds off the wait for BC2!
Join in with doing the opposite of everyone else.
I can see why you put efforts there.
Dani said:
Great Week

  • Game of Thrones TV series greenlit
  • Incoming MP Bomb
  • Portal ARG
  • New Playlist
  • Activision being evil, not great :(

Wait what happened to Activision?

Either way MLG free for all is epic, its just so fun, should be social in my opinion as 8 player FFA is just crazy :lol
Domino Theory said:
You guys need to chill. At the very latest, we'll get whatever it is by tomorrow, which is amazing considering how long we've waited to know about the Multiplayer.

To keep yourself busy, play Bad Company 2. If you're not playing that then you should be watching the newest LOST episode later today.

If you aren't doing either of those then I don't know where the fuck your life is headed. :lol

I'm not doing either of those, but I'd rather do the former.

All I have going now is Oblivion which is actually a huge time-waster for me, so I guess I'm all good in that regard.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Striker said:
So with MLG FFA added, there is close to 20 playlists. What a joke. :lol

Reach can't come soon enough.

Same playlist manager, unfortunately. :(

MLG FFA added over giving Social Skirmish BR starts or fixing up other playlists. Awesome. :lol
Prophet Steve said:
Join in with doing the opposite of everyone else.
I can see why you put efforts there.

And I suppose you have a better plan? The best way to achieve victory is to deceive your enemy.
Make them think you're doing the opposite of what they'd expect and them BAM! BC2 appears in your lap.

Either that or the wait is making me go insane.


Hey Bladed, not trying to rush you or anything, but when do you predict the montage will be finished by? Just curious as to how long you think it will take you. What's the clip total up to now anyway?

are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet ;)
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