Dani said:
Sounds like a great way to kill a game-type and annoy a few hundred thousand people instantly.
You should just accept that vehicle kills are considered equal to non-vehicle kills. No amount of talk is going to ever change that. None. Ever.
There are playlists, level variants and game-types with down-played vehicle usage with either less vehicles or no vehicles at all. Look at standard Team Slayer on Valhalla versus Slayer BR on Valhalla for an example.
And the game does count specific vehicle kills. You can check out these kills at the end of every match and Bnet record every one. You find out how much of a person's kills were due to vehicles and how many were not. Have a gander at the medals and stats and you'll find it all there.
But you just mentioned that the game already keeps track of what people are using to get their kills. It seems like it would be possible to lump vehicle kills as one stat, and non-vehicle kills as another. I know you can check at the end of the game or look up on bungie.net to see all of this. But in the total K/D ratio, they are lumped together, and this is what I would like to see separated.
It's possible that people wouldn't be annoyed by what I suggested if what I said was introduced just as a game variant within a playlist. And then if people didn't like it, they would still have the option to veto. You have people like me who get annoyed with vehicles, and then you have people that complain about how vehicles are too easy to take out. I would think a game variant that encouraged vehicle-use or no vehicle-use would be a welcome change, where depending on which game variant you're in, kills wouldn't count. I thought it made sense, but it may not have been the greatest idea.
It's so hard for me to accept that kills are equal no matter what. Vehicles never run out of ammo, take more effort to kill, and can rack up kills so much quicker than being on foot. They aren't the same. I just don't know how vehicles can be considered balanced right now.
GhaleonEB said:
So don't play in BTB play lists, or get better at taking them out on foot. It's not hard to do, as we've discussed. The vehicle play in Halo 3 was refined to near perfection. I can't wait to blow up the new ones.
You're asking me not to play in a playlist that is, or at least used to be, my favorite. And I can take out vehicles about about as good as anyone in my opinion. That's not the issue. I like taking BTB seriously and in its current state, it's simply a circus with people riding around in vehicles that may not be overpowered, but are harder than they should be to take out (my opinion of course).
And what we discussed before was that you didn't mind getting killed a few times to take out a single vehicle if that is what it took. What I read from that is that the vehicle you finally kill after dying a few times has just gone on a killing spree or greater by the time you take it out. That suggests to me that the balance between vehicles and people on foot is not near perfection or anywhere close. Not to mention that the same vehicle will have already respawned by that time too.
And while the laser is about the only sure way to take out a vehicle, I also view it as just another cheap way to get a kill. I don't rush the laser. The missle pod is highly unreliable. Not only is it slow, but any vehicle that uses terrain to their advantage in a game renders the missle pod useless. Rockets are just as unreliable unless a vehicle is trying to splatter you.
BTB was still widely popular in Halo1. Mind you that was with only 2 vehicle maps, where the warthog had no gun, the ghost was very sluggish at turning, and a tank that, while powerful, was also easily avoidable on foot. Halo2 introduced more vehicles, but also kept them from being the focus of the game. This is how it should be with a focus more on the person on foot. I really feel alone in the vehicle opinions department. I don't think the focus should be on vehicles, even in BTB, but I feel as if that is their current state and I don't like it at all.
I will say this though, I applaud Bungie for bringing back the rocket launcher with lock-on capability, I hope the laser dies in a fire, and that 1 sticky grenade will seriously affect the ability of the warthog.
EDIT: i removed the lame made up conversation with myself