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Happy 30th anniversary to DOOM!


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Doom was such an Incredible and fun game. Enjoyed it when I got it on 3.5 inch floppy.


Can’t Git Gud
Doom being 30 I can deal with. But the Xbox 360 being 18 fucks with my head beyond comprehension.
I used to think the same... but now when I think about 360, it seems so far away like if it was in another life.
Like... 40 years ago not 18 lol.
Probably because it was before I even knew my wife

To celebrate the 30th anniversary.... I will beat the game. I've beaten Knee-Deep in the Dead and The Shores of Hell, and i'm gonna do Inferno by tommorrow. I haven't beaten DOOM before, so I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to tie that up.

Also, Ironically, the 30th anniversary of DOOM will be on a SUNDAY of all days.

Of course, the name is in all caps to actually honor the legendary nature of this masterpiece game.

SIGIL 2 will also be releasing tommorrow to celebrate.
Inferno is the worst wad of the original three. Thy Flesh consumed was the worst however.


I don't think I ever actually finished the Doom games.

I did jump to the end of 1 and 2 and beat those levels. I just never played through the whole damn thing.


Yeah. You really needed a 486 for Doom. Preferably, a 486DX2.

The 486 was kind of the standard for a while for DOS games.

Final Doom always confuses me. It is a couple level packs made by another company after Doom II.

It always throws me off.
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I was a C64 guy. Anything running 12 fps was good enough for me.
I have been playing around with old C64 games in an emulator.

The games on that computer were pirated like crazy. The same with DOS games on the PC.

Piracy was really rampant back in the day. It was before DRM.


Yeah DOOM's 30, It's cool and all but it's boring as hell,play it now and see for yourself, before long you’lI be longing for something new in this game.

lf only you could talk to these creatures, then perhaps you could try and make friends with them, form alliances... Now, that would be interesting.


One of the very few games I can truly call a 10/10 masterpiece of gameplay perfection. The new games just don't have the same magic or groundbreaking gameplay/design.

I'm glad the boys had the foresight to make the original game and Doom 2 so easy to mod and design new levels for so it will forever be relevant (and even go viral again like with that myhouse wad that recently dropped).


Yeah. Carmack and Romero kind of been riding on a hit from 30 years ago.

Another team actually topped it with DOOM 2016 and DOOM Eternal.

Doom 3 kind of bombed.
That's true, 90 Percent of interviews with Romero contain stories from the old Doom days.
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Reverse groomer.
I'm glad the boys had the foresight to make the original game and Doom 2 so easy to mod and design new levels for so it will forever be relevant
If more creators did this with their games gaming would be in a far better place as a whole.

User made content always keeps games alive. Always. Minecraft and Doom would not have gotten as far as they did if these games weren't so easily moddable


On par with Super Mario Bros as the most influential game of all times.
And still very much playable today, without even considering the mods.

I was just playing Doom Infinite yesterday.

There are 3 games that i installed on every PC that i had
-Xcom (this one I'm finally considering surpassed by it's sequels. Im a huge fan of XCom 2 (2016)
-Heroes of might and Magic 3
-Doom/Doom 2
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On par with Super Mario Bros as the most influential game of all times.
I disagree, The modern gaming landscape is built on Doom.

Setting the standard for FPSs, modding, network/internet play, game recording/speedrunning.

No other game has so many breakthroughs at the same time.


My family didn't get a desktop until 1995. When we finally got our Packard Bell, my neighbor down the street hooked me up with a floppy (I think?) with Doom on it. Blew my fucking mind. It was balls to the wall and simultaneously scary as shit for the time. Playing that in the dark late at night is probably one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. Up there with playing Mario 64 and Shenmue for the first time.

That same neighbor also eventually hooked me up with Duke Nukem 3D. That game turned me from a boy to a fucking MAN.

I was just playing this on my switch yesterday..Love duke nukem 3d game still holds up just like doom IMO.

OT: I should replay doom 1/2..Still remember those cheat codes IDDQD IDKFA..good times,miss those days.


Reverse groomer.
Imma say it. Doom 2016 is good, but forgotten already. Doom Eternal is already faded. Those games will be forgotten in a few years. But Doom 1993? That's the thrilla in Manilla.
2 of them are closed source.

1 is open source and has a huge modding community.

That's the difference. Easy modding = insane longevity. Just ask Bethesda & Skyrim.
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Late to post, but for Doom's 30th I celebrated by:
  • Doing a very casual keyboard-only run of Doom E1: Knee Deep in the Dead (on Hurt Me Plenty difficulty, not on Ultra Violence).
  • Updating the dozen or so source ports I have on both of my PCs, in preparation for John Romero's new episode of Doom: SIGIL II. (My favorite source port is Crispy Doom, which is similar to Chocolate Doom but with options for more detailed graphics and an uncapped frame rate).
  • Eating a medium pepperoni pizza from Domino's. (John Carmack reportedly ordered one almost every day for 15 years, and the store he ordered from liked him so much, they continued to give him 1995 prices for many years.)

Scotty W

i downloaded that. I've got to say, doom maps these days are some extremely beautiful stuff even with the limited 3D engine.
The limitations of the engine demand creativity. A beautiful Doom map impresses me just as much as a new game. There is one map in Ancient Aliens that tops everything. You know It when you see it.

Here’s another:



Yes and no. The base game holds up, but a lot of the maps have outdated, frustration based gameplay. Find yourself some good wads, and you will going for years.
True some levels are annoying but I still enjoy them. I do need to try some doom mods out like the zelda one

Scotty W

which ones are your favs ill check em out
Scythe 1 and 2 by Erik Alm.
Deus Vult 2 by Huy Pham
Ancient Aliens and Vanguard by Skillsaw
Knee Deep in Zdoom
Action Doom 2 by Scuba Steve
Hell Revealed 2 by various

Alien Vendetta by various is quite old at this point but a few of the maps are some of the greatest of all time.
I'm endlessly amazed by the things people create with the DOOM Engine.
I bought Supplice over the weekend, and it's the best fps I've played in years. Level design is unbelievably good, even if the backtracking is a bit much. The music, too!

For the 30th I stuck on Brutal DOOM. It's just fun!


Scythe 1 and 2 by Erik Alm.
Deus Vult 2 by Huy Pham
Ancient Aliens and Vanguard by Skillsaw
Knee Deep in Zdoom
Action Doom 2 by Scuba Steve
Hell Revealed 2 by various

Alien Vendetta by various is quite old at this point but a few of the maps are some of the greatest of all time.
Thanks! I took a screen shot and I'm gonna check this out this week.Never played any doom mods before so hyped to see
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