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Hardest game this year?

Yeah, yeah, year's not over, blow me.

I'd like to give a nod to Commandos 3: Destination Berlin. HArdest thing I've played in several years (since Commandos 2?)


Has problems recognising girls
Pro Evolution Soccer 4, with difficulty on 5 stars.

Not only has the defence vastly improved just on the normal setting, but even a veteran of 5 star matches on PES3 like me is having a hard time. I'm coming 7th in the Master League with only a handful of matches to go. Constantly saying to myself that this isn't happening.

And holy shit, they have an unlockable 6 star difficulty. It's all a Konami conspiracy with Sony for frustrated football fanatics to break their controllers in disgust and buy a completely new one the next day due to withdrawals that night.
Soldiers Heros of WWII is a real bitch to play on some missions. I felt like it was the evolution of commandos in allot of ways, great game.
I'd say SCE's Pride of the Dragon Peace and Arc the Lad Generation are the hardest games of the year because they both cast "sleep" on me whenever I play them, making it difficult to get very far. Wait... is this thread only for American games?
For me, Ninja Gaiden. It felt like an incredible accomplisment to get to the next save point with more than a sliver of health later in the game.


Popolocois IV was hard. I think that was the first time ever I'm stuck in a RPG with no way to advance.


johnjohnson said:
Ninja Gaiden. But mainly for the sh***y camera.

No. Ninja Gaiden. But mainly for the hurricane packs . The regular game is not as hard as people make it out to be. But those hurricane packs are so hard I haven't been able to beat them yet. >.<


Gradius V.

speedpop said:
Pro Evolution Soccer 4, with difficulty on 5 stars.

Not only has the defence vastly improved just on the normal setting, but even a veteran of 5 star matches on PES3 like me is having a hard time. I'm coming 7th in the Master League with only a handful of matches to go. Constantly saying to myself that this isn't happening.

And holy shit, they have an unlockable 6 star difficulty. It's all a Konami conspiracy with Sony for frustrated football fanatics to break their controllers in disgust and buy a completely new one the next day due to withdrawals that night.
I think you just need to work on your game. ;P


Has problems recognising girls
Socreges said:
I think you just need to work on your game. ;P
This was an overnight rental so I can say that my opinion isn't properly based, since each PES has a different balance on skill levels and their own "easy" ways to attack through a brickwalled defence. I'm sure if I had bought it weeks ago I'd be fine.


Yeah, Commandos 3: Destination Berlin gets my vote, too. Awesome game, and hard as nails just like the rest of the series.


I bought Ninja Gaiden two days ago... still haven't open it. I guess it will remain sealed forever after reading about the difficults. I hate hard games.

The only reason I got it was b/c I found it for 10 euros.


Deepthroat said:
I bought Ninja Gaiden two days ago... still haven't open it. I guess it will remain sealed forever after reading about the difficults. I hate hard games.

The only reason I got it was b/c I found it for 10 euros.

What? Where??


Open it dude. Play it. It's a great game, one of the best for Xbox. If you can learn to overcome the difficulties and stress you get from it, it should be an even greater game.


Hardest game I've personally played this year--Gradius V. Any day I break my high score on that game is a good day.


RiZ III said:
Ninja Gaiden kicked my ass.

And for the record I beat Viewtiful Joe on Adult, but couldn't be bothered doing V-Rated (I think I had had my fill by that point). IMO VJ is well balanced, it makes you think it's hard, but if you learn to use all of your abilities properly, you can get through the game ok.

Gaiden on the other hand.. that's true to an extent, it realyl pushes you to use abilities to the max, but I honestly gave up at the helicopter bit. I just declared "Oh fuck this." and never picked it up again.


Halo 2 on Legendary is insane. IMO, its much harder then Ninja Gaiden or Commandos 3, which are both hard games.

Fight NIght 2004 was also really hard, for me at least because I simply couldnt get the control stick punching down enough to be any good at it. I got my ass kicked up and down both online and offline.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
AeroGod said:
Halo 2 on Legendary is insane. IMO, its much harder then Ninja Gaiden or Commandos 3, which are both hard games.

Fight NIght 2004 was also really hard, for me at least because I simply couldnt get the control stick punching down enough to be any good at it. I got my ass kicked up and down both online and offline.

I'm gonna have to give another nod to Halo 2 on Legendary. I breezed through the Normal campaign, was feeling pretty good about my mad Master Chief skills, bumped it up to Legendary, and promptly had my ass handed to me about five minutes into the first level. And then had my ass handed to me again at the same spot, and again, and again...


+1 for Ninja Gaiden... although I have not tried Halo 2 on Legendary yet.

Honorable mention: Links 2004 with in Advanced mode on Ocean Mills: Directors Cut. I'd love to see anyone hit par.


TeTr1C said:
Ninja Gaiden killed me. I still haven't beat it, I just kinda quit at Alma after trying to fight her once.

Haha, that's where I quit too. I'm an idiot and saved at that point, without realizing that there are no shops that you can access at that point. Now I'm stuck having to fight her with no devil elixers, and one small potion..... Not going to happen.


Ninja Gaiden.

For those who are stuck at Alma, you just need to get used to her patterns. After you see them you can defeat her. But she is tough to beat. The toughest boss in the entire game. I remember reading a statement from Itagaki stating the team put three times more energy into creating her as a tough boss than any other boss fight in the game. And I would have to agree. She was by far the toughest boss fight. Once you beat her you should be able to finish the game.


I had very little difficulty w/ Alma. It's all about blocking and using that all-purpose Jump+Y move.

Frankly, I had a harder time w/ the 1st level boss, probably because I didn't understand the mechanics yet.


I don't think I've ever game overed as many times in an RPG as I have in Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne.
Halo 2 on Lenendary will always be the hardest shit imo. nothing will make me think otherwise.

Not even the commandos games (and those shits are fuckin hard)

But Halo 2 has selectable difficulty...on normal its not hard.

My Vote goes to ninja Gaiden. Its hard as fuck on Normal, harder than commandos imo.

If it was just PC, then yea id have to say probably Commandos 3......


DJ Demon J said:
:lol Bullshit.
Agreed... certain levels in Halo 2 Legendary isn't even remotely fair even on co-op. Sure you can get through 'em, but it takes so long it's not even fun anymore. I'm currently half way through it alone and am debating even finishing it.

For the record I played through both NG (All levels save for last hurricane pack, got mid way moved on) and VJ (Ultra V-Rated etc) Non of them have such an uneven playing field as H2 Legendary.
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