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Has anyone else ever had this happen before?

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so im eating lunch at the food court in the mall, and decide to make a quick stop at the restroom before i leave. I walk up the the urinal, unzip and start to urizinate. While im waiting, i start to sing...
"He's just a small town boy
growing up in SOUTH detroit
he took hte midnight train goin

and then someone walks out of the stalls, which i thought were empty. Second most embarssing lunch time moment ever.

way more

Once, on some long road trip I pulled over to take a piss at gas station. I walk in the bathroom behing some guy but then I notice its not like most bathrooms. The urinal and shitter are right next to each other, with no divider. The guy start to make himself comfortable on the crapper and I'm like, well theres no backing out now, so I went ahead and used the urinal. It was long and awkward.


mac said:
Once, on some long road trip I pulled over to take a piss at gas station. I walk in the bathroom behing some guy but then I notice its not like most bathrooms. The urinal and shitter are right next to each other, with no divider. The guy start to make himself comfortable on the crapper and I'm like, well theres no backing out now, so I went ahead and used the urinal. It was long and awkward.

journey would definitely have helped that situation
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